Is Pinterest Right For Your Blog? It’s Not One Size Fits All

Hello and welcome back to today’s topic which is, Is Pinterest Right For Your Business? It’s Not One Size Fits All Pinterest is not right for every business.

Just because you are a blogger that doesn’t guarantee that Pinterest is right for you. There are some niches where there will be No audience searching for your niche topic.

Before setting up a profile and getting into the SEO and keywords for your profile do a search of your niche and see if there is any interest?

The search can be conducted by using the magnifying glass top right of your Pinterest page.

Think about where your ideal audience is going to be found is it on Pinterest or another Social Media Platform!

The majority of people who have heard of Pinterest understand that it’s first and foremost a search engine, Yes it’s different because it uses images but in other respects, it’s the same as Google when you use the search function.

Searches are performed and the best Keyworded options are shown to you in pin form then you can choose to learn more by clicking on the pin and reading the information contained behind it.

You can find a ton of stats on Pinterest and the biggest stat for me is that the majority of users are women and that the highest percentage of those users are in the US.

The next most interesting fact is that people go onto Pinterest to make purchases, so they are potentially your ideal audience.

Blogging Niches That Work Well On Pinterest

There are absolutely millions of bloggers on Pinterest who claim that over 50 % of their traffic comes from Pinterest and there are also certain niches that do extremely well.

Let’s dive in and see which Niches are performing well on the platform:

  • DIY and Crafts
  • Finance
  • Art
  • Women’s Fashion
  • Home Decor
  • Entertainment
  • Beauty
  • Health
  • Design
  • Food and Drink
  • Men’s Fashion
  • Parenting
  • Baby Clothes
  • Photography
  • Education
  • Electronics
  • Sport
  • Vehicles
  • Event Planning
  •  Gardening

That list of topics/niches is the people who are my personal audience. They are the visitors that click on my pins and go on to read more, save pins and make purchases.

What else do the stats say?

Visitor Ages

18-24 – 35.3 %

25-34 – 28.4 %

35-44 – 17.5 %

45-54 – 8.1 %

55-64 – 7.5 %

65+ – less than 5 %

Visitor Genders

Female – 73.6 %

Male – 21.4 % The male users are growing very fast every year.

Visitor Demographics

United States – 32.9 %

India – 11.5 %

Canada – 7.3 %

United Kingdom – 6 %

Germany – 2.6 %

Australia – 2.4 %

Pakistan – 2.2 %

Indonesia – 2.0 %

Philippines – 1.8 %

Mexico – 1.6 %

South Africa – 1.4 %

France – 1.4 5

By having all of this information at my fingertips, lots of ideas come to mind about how to harness the data.

If you decided to run Pinterest ads this data is like Gold! it could help you when setting up the criteria for the ads so they give you a return on your investment (ROI).


Is Your Niche Listed?

Is your niche listed In the list that makes up the people that engage with my pins? 

If you have answered yes then Pinterest is definitely for you. Sign up and join the traffic party!

Nearly every blogger who uses Pinterest gets a ton of traffic from the platform and why should you be any different?

If your topic has not been listed don’t panic!

They are just some of the Niches available to whet your appetite!

This post may contain affiliate links that you can learn more about. It also means if you make a purchase using a link then I may receive a small commission. The price you pay will not be affected. This helps to keep me in coffee when I’m writing these posts for you.

What Other Niches Work On Pinterest?

  1. Blogging/help/advice/Ideas/startups
  2. Make money online/ Side hustles
  3. SEO help
  4. Health and Wellness
  5. Marketing/ Business
  6. Millenials
  7. Weddings
  8. Personal Branding
  9. Working mums
  11. Book Making
  12. Affiliate Marketing
  13. Pinterest Courses

Will Pinterest Work Out For You?

As a blogger who uses Pinterest every day to drive traffic to my website, I say YES it will if you learn how to use it properly!

Pinterest doesn’t work in the same way as other Social Media Platforms, Your work is not here today and gone tomorrow It can be around for months or even years if you plan it right.

I gave you a list of ages, countries, and genders that can be used effectively to your advantage.

People have told me that they tried Pinterest and said that it didn’t work for them.

I ask them questions about the way they set it up and used it. They did not in most cases do it the right way.

After teaching them what they needed to know they went on to have success with Pinterest just as you will if you stick with it and have patience.

Pinterest Strategy’s Matter

Success depends largely on the strategy that you use.

When I first got started I read hundreds of posts and watched hour after hour of Youtube videos to try and master the platform.

Having also spent quite a few Dollars on courses as well I finally found what I was searching for. Amy LeBlanc’s Pinterest Course has an awesome hack that is tripling my traffic

You too can do the same if you take massive action!

Your niche doesn’t have to be any of those listed. There are lots more that will work.

With over 4 million visitors a month you only need a small slice of the pie and there is enough room for everyone.

Consistency is one of the keys to Pinterest. Show up and pin every day. Results don’t show up immediately so be patient.

You will be looking around the 20 weeks mark for true figures.

My Final Thoughts

Who is your ideal client, visitor, or reader of your blogs?

Did they fit into the same categories of people who click on my pins about blogging and Pinterest?

Are you aware Pinterest visitors have high-end incomes?

What do you have to offer that Pinterest users are searching for?

Pinterest traffic is free so what have you got to lose?

Do your own research on Pinterest to see if there is a demand for what you are writing about. If there are lots of pins on the subject then yes you have competition, But that also means thousands of people are asking the questions in the search so go for Gold on Pinterest.

I have friends in what I term as some bazaar niches and they are making money from Pinterest.

Who knew writing about frugal living would become popular? 

This post is part of a series that I have compiled to help you to use Pinterest effectively to send traffic to your blog, offer, or affiliate program.

You can find more information about Pinterest and how to make it work by reading some of the blog posts below that are designed to give you much-needed help and to stop overwhelm: This is post 1 of 5.

Part 1: Is Pinterest Right For Your Business? It’s Not One Size Fits All

Part 2: 5 Top Tips To Stop Your Pinterest Account From Being Suspended

Part 3: Which Pin Creator Should We Choose From 5 Examples?
Part 4: Which Pinterest pinning strategy is the best Manual or Scheduled?
Part 5: How To Create A Pin People Want To Click Like Crazy?

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