Caffeinated Niche Products Review Can It Earn 20k A Month

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. This review is going to be about a program from Greg Kononenko called Caffeinated Niche Products.

The sales page shouts out in big bold letters that it is possible to make 20K a month using the methods taught in this course.

So I just had to dive into this further.

Can a course that only costs $297 a year do that?

That is a big claim to make, will it turn out to be true? Read on to find out!

What will be covered:

About The Creator.

How This Course Works.

What It Teaches.

How Much It Costs.

Is It Worth The money?

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated with Caffeinated Niche Products In any way. If you do buy it I will not get paid!

This post may contain affiliate links this means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Lets’ dive right in and find out more about this affiliate marketing training:

Caffeinated Niche Products Overview

Product Name: Caffeinated Niche Profits

Product Owner: Greg Kononenko

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Course

Cost Of Purchase: $297, or 3 Monthly Payments of $117

Is It Recommended? Yes.


If you are looking for training on building a website for the affiliate marketing niche this could be what you are looking for!

The training inside Greg’s course covers a lot of ground that is necessary to get things done right!

One thing he does is explain very well about different niches, some of them have massive competition and those you should stay away from.

Instead, go for niches with lower competition to rank quicker and make money faster.

I learned all of the techniques when training to write posts like the one you are reading and it is a must-do if you want to rank at the top of the search in Google.

From experience I can tell you it is possible to get to the top without needing to pay for costly ads, doing it the free method.

Placing banner ads and affiliate links on your website will help you to make more money online and that is also covered in this training.

My training was similar to this course only it was a bit more detailed I used a similar platform, the main difference was it has more features, training and no need to go elsewhere for certain necessary tools. 

With Greg’s course, you will need tools from other sources.

About The Creator Greg Kononenko

Always do a search on the founder/creator of anything you are thinking about purchasing.

Greg Kononenko has been teaching people how to make money online for about 9 years. He was born In Australia.

Doing a Google search for him I found a Youtube channel that has been available since 2012.

It seems to be very popular as he has over 250k subscribers.


There is also his blog called Greg has been full-time online since 2015.

He mainly teaches about Free traffic methods, affiliate marketing, and website building and since he has made over 300 websites I think it is safe to say he knows how to build one!

What Is Caffeinated Niche Products About?

Greg has been a full-time marketer for 6 years and this trainings main focus is to explain how he makes money online with Affiliate Marketing.

There are 3 pieces of training inside that explain all that you need to know to grow your business from start to making an income.

The first part is the most important and that is the selection of a niche. Believe me when I say many business owners get this very wrong!

Staying away from high competition niches is of paramount importance if you are to stay the course. 

With Greg’s help, you will be shown step by step which path to follow and that will assist you further when carrying out your own research.

The Second Part Consists Of Setting Up A Website

Setting up a website is pretty easy to do. Most people think it is really hard but I can assure you it is not!

Going back in time when you had to use code that was very complicated and difficult, now there are website builders that can do it for you in seconds.

The important factor of any website is how fast it loads. Slow websites don’t tend to rank very well.

This is why you need to choose a lightweight theme.

Step 3 Is all about monetization and traffic methods.

Monetization comes in the form of using affiliate links on your web pages and there is in-depth training regarding this.

More training follows with paid ads.

For the traffic, you will be shown free methods to use that can attract the right type of audience to click the affiliate links getting this combination right will help you to earn from your site.

How Much Does Caffeinated Niche Products Cost?

You have a choice of 2 different ways you can pay:

1. One payment of $297

2. Or 3 payments of $117 per month.

What Do You Get For Your Money With Caffeinated Niche Products

The training is pretty comprehensive and covers over 40 modules.

The main concentration is on monetization methods as well as how to get different streams of traffic.

Let’s have a more in-depth look:

Module 1 Is an introduction to the course where Greg explains what is going to be covered in the next modules and he also shows you how to navigate the site.

Selecting A Niche:

Once you are familiar with the setup you can move on to the next section which covers the selection of a niche market through various processes.

Greg explains about different market niches and why it is important to choose one that has some competition although not too much as well as being quite popular. 

If you choose wrongly, you won’t get any traffic.

Setting Up Your Website

Now we are moving on to the setting up of your website.

First, you need to buy a suitable Domain Name.

Next, You will need to purchase some hosting, Greg will help you with both of these.

The domain name can be anywhere from $10-$25 a year.

For Hosting there are lots of different choices and many prices. This depends on your requirements.

Adding Plugins For Search Engine Optimization.

Here we will be taught how to write content that will rank on Google using SEO optimization.

There are some plugins we need to install to help us further optimize the website.


This is my favourite subject! In order to receive quality traffic we really need to write valuable content and some methods to achieve this come in this section.

You are now at the point where you have gotten some valuable skills.

Researching Keywords 

One of the only ways to guarantee rankings from the search engines is to use keywords that have been researched.

What we need to do is find words that are typed into the search as this will help to ensure that people who are interested will find the content.

A keyword research tool is not included so you will need to pay for one to use.


Now we are going to dive deep into content creation.

You really must pay attention here because you will learn valuable content creation and on-page optimization techniques.

Valuable content is a massive ranking factor.

You can find lots of information on Google that can help you with niche marketing to gain authority on the subject this will make it more valuable.

Monetization Methods

There are lots of ways to monetize the content on your website.

Greg focuses on the three most profitable monetization methods:

1. Adding Affiliate Links
. This can allow you to earn money by simply promoting other people’s stuff.

2. Adding Banners and Ads.
  Using banners, and paid ads on your website can bring you more money.

The amount of revenue that you can make with those methods depends on the number of people that see or click on your ads.

In other words, you need to generate a great deal of traffic to your website, so you can make a good amount of ad revenue.

3. Selling Websites. 
Lots of people prefer to just buy a website that is already set up to earn money, which means you can base your online business around creating and selling websites.

Setting Up Email Monetization

You can add an email capture form onto your website pages so you can build a subscriber list. This is a useful way of promoting other products.

This can be another stream of income.

Emailing people in the right way by providing value often and the occasional offer will be of great benefit to you. Don’t try to sell in every email.

Caffeinated Niche Products pros and cons

The Pros Of Caffeinated Niche Products

1. There is a money-back guarantee that is honoured.

2. Greg definitely knows what he is talking about. He has been in the marketing world for many years and he has over 300 websites built so he knows how to teach that as well!

3. This training teaches free traffic methods so there is no ad spend needed. That makes a pleasant change.

4. The quality of this training means that if you work hard and apply everything that is taught you could in time quit your job and work full-time online.

The Cons Of Caffeinated Niche Products

1. I find it such a shame that you can’t get everything in the one place that would be the icing on the cake.

2. You have to purchase a domain name, hosting, autoresponder, and keyword tool separately which bumps up the cost. Some of these are monthly fees.

Related Post: Affiliate Marketing Video Course Review Should You Get It?

Is Caffeinated Niche Products A Scam?

Caffeinated Niche Products is not a scam. Affiliate marketing is a way hundreds of thousands of people make money using every day.

This is a great way for beginners to learn how to build a website, write content, learn SEO, how to use affiliate links and affiliate marketing in general.

The methods used in this course are very modern and they still work today.

One downside is the way niches are chosen and that can limit the amount of money you can earn, sometimes it is better to be in a more competitive niche and earn higher commissions.

If you follow the training inside Caffeinated Niche Products to the letter it could mean that you have to build lots of different websites to be able to quit working.

A Better Alternative

If this training sounds like the kind of thing you wish to learn about then I can offer an alternative to you.

It uses all of the free methods of traffic generation only on a bigger scale, it also has a keyword research tool, and domain names all in the same place included in the membership fee.

There is live training available, a live chat every day and it also supplies a website builder and security measures for your website.

It is basically a one-stop-shop and that makes learning a lot easier when you are all using the same tools.

Ideal for beginners as well as experienced marketers.

It’s a legit business that you make money with by helping people.

Join over 1 million entrepreneurs all in one place.

You can start a limited trial and then upgrade to premium or premium + for massive benefits!

Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

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Lisa. CEO and founder of

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