Traffic Secrets Review Russell Brunsons Book Is It Worth It

Hello, and a very warm welcome back. Traffic is something all online users need. Can we learn where to get it from using Russell Brunson’s book called Traffic Secrets?

Russell is a very successful business owner and this is not his only book either. His books are free and you just pay for shipping or you can get it from Amazon on Kindle for $12.99.

The book is not some small token about the traffic it is 289 lessons in length and covers 24 different models over 300 pages.

In my opinion, the book is worth the money.

I love to help people to find the best money-making programs available.

Over the time of this blog, I have reviewed many similar business programs or books like Traffic Secrets by Russell Brunson.

Reading this book was a real eye-opener for the better!

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated with Traffic Secrets or any other program from Russell Brunson. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a way for websites to earn advertising revenues by advertising and linking to If you make a purchase I will receive a commission.

Traffic Secrets Review

Let’s dive in and find out the secrets this book reveals:

Russell Brunson Traffic Secrets Overview

Product Name: Traffic Secrets


Creator: Russell Brunson

Is It Recommended? Yes

If you are new to working online this book will be the perfect accompaniment to a training course like Wealthy Affiliate.

Even if you have some experience there is still much you can learn from the book!

Traffic Secrets Russell Brunson

About The Author Russell Brunson.

Russell has been a household name for many years. I’m sure you have heard of Clickfunnels which is a massive company that he co-founded!

He is a self-made millionaire who is estimated to be worth over 40 Million Dollars.

He has published 2 other books previous to this one that are best sellers in their own right and they are called:

  1. DotCom Secrets
  2. Expert Secrets

Big names in the online world recommend all 3 of these books as being essential to making your business succeed!

Did you know that Russell can get paid as much as 3 million dollars for a 90 minute speaking engagement? Well, that is what he was paid at a Grant Cardonne conference!

Now it is time to reveal more about the Traffic Secrets Content:

What is Traffic Secrets The Book About?

This book is not to be confused with The Traffic Secrets Online program.

When Russell Brunson does anything he is renowned for making things right and writing this book is no exception it was 2 years in the making.

In his Traffic Secrets book, he explains 20 of his best secrets for receiving more traffic into your funnels.

Considering he is only 41 years old he has achieved things most people can only dream of.

His Youtube channel is choc-full of videos sharing free and valuable info.

And he still keeps adding to it!

The Traffic Secrets Book Revealed

The book is 3 very in-depth sections that explain all about traffic:

Section #1: Is Called Your Dream Customer

  • Secret #1: How to fully identify and speak to your “Dream Customer” is something you need to already have in mind, so you know how best to serve them!
  • Secret #2: Finding exactly where your dream customers are hanging out online, so you can get them to your funnel.
  • Secret #3: How to get your Dream Customers to stop in their tracks (even if they’re looking through a sea of your competitors) to hear your story, so they will take you up on your offer.
  • Secret #4: How to get your messages in front of your Dream Customers… in order to turn them into a free stream of traffic that you can message forever without ever running out of things to say!
  • Secret #5: The best kind of traffic on earth! (this is the number 1 way to ensure your business is safe from Google slaps, Facebook slaps, and algorithm changes!)
  • Secret #6: There’s an invisible second funnel that most don’t know about. Your funnel will only convert 19% of potential sales on the first visit! ( however, 81% of the remaining possible sales are determined by this 2nd funnel.)
  • Secret #7: Regardless of what your products are, getting partners to market your products is only half of the battle. I’m talking about getting the partners to return your calls, respond to your emails, and get excited about sending you their traffic for free.

Section #2: Filling Your Funnel

  • Secret #8:  Covers how to get a flood of free traffic from other platforms that have your dream customers – and usher them straight into your funnel!
  • Secret #9: Get off of the crazy roller coaster of traffic and get more consistent in your marketing strategies… while sending visitors to fill your funnel! 
  • Secret #10: Doing this 3-5 minute daily routine, you can entice large amounts of potential customers that aren’t following you yet (and discover the patterns that encourage them to follow and engage with you!)
  • Secret #11: Use the biggest social event of our world to bring in your dream clients.
  • Secret #12: How to use Google to get your customers to find you, as opposed to you looking for them.
  • Secret #13: Follow Russell Brunson’s 6-step method for creating valuable content that will serve his audience for the rest of their lives.
  • Secret #14: The way to ‘weather the storm’ and be ahead of traffic trends… is exactly the same blueprint we use to look for traffic opportunities in every new market!
  • Secret #15: Create your own “Tonight Show,” which powers all your social media assets every week, so you can easily repurpose it into unique content for each social platform!

Section #3: The Growth Hacking Method

  • Secret #16: PR agencies like these landing pages because it lets your audience learn more about you, your products, and your company.
  • Secret #17: 3 practical strategies for getting into other people’s distribution channels to reach your targets.
  • Secret #18: This 5-step strategy covers using marketers who will promote all of your products. ( only getting paid when you make a sale.)
  • Secret #19: the 7 phases of your funnel that convert your ice-cold traffic (who are not aware of your product) into hot qualified buyers who already want the product (before you have told them about it).
  • Secret #20: 3 tiny growth hacking adjustments that they applied to famous rapid-growth companies (such adjustments may seem small, but they have massive effects when it comes to scaling your business.)

How Much Does Traffic Secrets Cost?

The Traffic Secrets book can be bought from the website which can be found above, you will be required to pay a $9.95 shipping and handling fee

International readers will need to pay $19.95 for shipping and handling. There is also the option of purchasing the book via Amazon Kindle.

The audiobook version is $37.

If you haven’t read DotCom Secrets or Expert Secrets, you can get taking the Secrets Trilogy Box Set of all three books for $97.

The audio version of all 3 books is better valued at $74.

Available From Amazon

The audiobook Is Available On Amazon

The hardcover copy Is Available On Amazon

The Paperback version is Available On Amazon

The Pros Of Traffic Secrets.

The secrets in this book can be used for any niche. Marketing is run using social media and ads and they are the same principles regardless of the business.

Russel Brunson is a very well known entrepreneur who is renowned for providing value and over-delivering in everything.

The books are free and you just pay for the shipping, this is a great business tactic to employ and Russel does it with flair. 

You are given lots of freebies when buying the book in the form of videos and guides.

The Cons Of Traffic Secrets

If you live internationally then you may think $19.95 is overpriced. In that case, choose the Kindle option.

The book will be of no use to you if you don’t have a pre-existing online business.

The strategies will not work for a physical business.

It is very surprising that on Amazon the book contains no reviews. Some may look on that suspiciously!

Is Traffic Secrets A Scam?

This book by Russell Brunson is not a scam.

It is very well written by a guy who really knows what he is talking about, it explains the systems in massive detail and is very much worth your time and money if you need the traffic to your business.

One thing I really liked about it is you learn lots of different ways to get traffic. It is not all about paying for ads and using social media.

Do I Recommend This To My Readers?

Yes, 100%. If you are running an online business it is very much worth reading. You will learn a ton of new information that your future self will thank you for!

The Best Accompliment To This Book

Russell Brunson’s Traffic Secrets book is all about teaching you how to drive traffic and sell products or services online. But if you don’t have a product or service to sell, what you can do is?

Let me introduce you to one of the best and easiest business models around that you can use to build your online business from scratch. It’s perfect for people who are new to online business because it is simple but profitable.

This is called affiliate marketing. In affiliate marketing, you can run a business with a small cost and achieve a steady passive income without using paid ads. It’s a legit business that you make money with by helping people.

I’d recommend you to get started with the most reputable platform for affiliate marketing: Called Wealthy Affiliate which teaches you the secrets of free traffic.

Wealthy Affiliate
 is an all-in-one platform for building your affiliate marketing business from scratch and it has been around for 16 years. 

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