Winners Ecom Workshop Review FBA Course Is It Legit

Hello, and a very warm welcome to my Winners Ecom Workshop FBA Course review from Tamara Tee.

After watching the webinar you will find that the course billed as being free is technically not! The winner’s course will cost a minimum of 3k.

This post is going to cover how the program works and whether the FBA business model is truly for you or not.

Tamara claims she only works for 30 minutes per day but it is not revealed when the 30 minutes started and whether she works alone or has a team.

What hidden costs will we uncover?

Disclaimer: This Winners Ecom Workshop review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. 

I am not associated or affiliated with it and all conclusions drawn by myself are my own opinions.

This post may contain Affiliate Links. If you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Let’s dive in and find out!

Winners Ecom Workshop Review-Logo

Overview Of Winners Ecom Workshop

Founder: Tamara Tee

Program Name: Winners Ecom Workshop

Business Type: FBA Training


Cost Of Purchase? The webinar says it is free but the actual outlay is in the region of 6K

Is It Recommended? Yes and no.

People can and do make money by using the fulfilled by Amazon method.

The problem is what is not explained to you is the actual cost involved and that it definitely takes more than 30 minutes a day.

If you watch any of the video reviews for this program you can see people making 20-30k a month but they do not reveal how much they spent to get to that figure.

Many of them could have spent more than they made.

If you do not have very much upfront capital to get started but you do want an online business then take a look at my #1 recommendation.

What Is Winners Ecom Workshop?

This is a workshop that teaches you how to make money selling products on Amazon.

You get to join it by going to and entering your email details and a webinar link will be sent to you.

At the end of the 20-minute webinar, you will be invited to join another of Tamara’s courses called FBA Winners and this has a high price tag.

And an even higher start-up cost of around 6K more is preferable.

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About Tamara Tee

Tamara Tee is from Vancouver Canada and is married to Palmer.

She comes from working in a corporate job for 10 years that she hated.

Started out making money in the Ecom business on Amazon and now teaches others to do the same.

Winners Ecom Workshop Review-Tamara Tee

Tamara can be found on Youtube and she has a following of 72.2k Subscribers.

What You Will Learn From Winners Ecom Workshop?

The reasons and benefits of working online compared to a traditional 9-5 job.

  • No commuting
  • Work your own hours
  • Be your own boss
  • You can make real money in months as opposed to years
  • This can be done by just 1 person.

All of this can be achieved by just copying and pasting the methods that Tamara teaches.

The draw is when she explains that you could be making an extra $10,000 a month.

It just sounds too good to be true!

How Does Winners Ecom Workshop Work?

You would buy in bulk very cheap products from sites like Alibaba and wish.

These items are sent directly to one of Amazon’s warehouses where they can have logos added and you then sell them for a far higher price.

You could buy plain t-shirts for a few dollars have a design added and sell them for $20+.

Another example is mugs bought for less than a dollar have a quote put on and sell for $19.

You never ever see the product as it is shipped directly to the customer by Amazon.

Amazon charges you a storage fee.

It all sounds pretty simple but there can be major downsides. 

The product could be of very low quality and you will not know and what if you don’t get any sales? how much are the storage fees?

Winners Ecom Workshop Review-pros and cons

What Do I like About Winners Ecom Workshop?

1. The training is legitimately free and teaches you a great deal.

2. Tamara Tee has made a success in running this business.

3. There are lots of student reviews.

What I Don’t Like About Winners Ecom Workshop?

1. This is made to sound very easy to make money with but there is a lot of competition in the FBA Amazon sphere and you could end up not selling anything.

2. You need a few thousand dollars to get started for inventory, warehouse costs, marketing to get on page 1 of Amazon and branding.

3. You have to buy the paid course in order for you to learn how Tamara and her team choose products and to get the actual blueprint.

4. A big risk if you don’t get the product choice right the first time.

Is Winners Ecom Workshop A Scam?

This is not a scam many people make a success out of running an FBA business.

It is however quite misleading because it is not as simple to make money with as Tamara Tee makes it sound.

You need to work very hard for a sustained period of time as well as hold inventory that you have paid for and are storing with Amazon.

Take into consideration the very small profit margins of just 10% and you may be left wondering if it is all worth your time.

How long is it going to take you to become a trusted seller? on average this can be between 6 and 12 months which is why you need so much money to get started.

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Who Is Winners Ecom Workshop For?

This business model is for people with deep pockets and a lot of patience and those who have experience with purchasing and marketing.

Another advantage would be to know the rules of Amazon regarding inventory management. 

This is not recommended for total beginners who have no experience.

There Is A Better Way

Most people will not have the upfront money available to them to get started with the Winners Ecom Workshop.

There are other ways to build an online business that doesn’t need that kind of cash to get started.

For me, there are too many risks involved. I prefer a simpler way of making money online.

I promote other people’s businesses and services without having to think about storage costs, purchasing decisions, customer returns etc. 

Following simple training and getting expert coaching you can make a full-time income.

My single biggest sale to date is $500.

Lisa. Founder and CEO of

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