Why You Need To Share Other People’s Pins On Pinterest

Hello and a warm welcome back to this blog. The topic for today is to explain Why You Need To Share Other People’s Pins On Pinterest.

I get asked this very question quite a lot and it’s an excellent question, so I thought it would be a great topic to cover with the aim of helping everyone.

When you understand the importance of pinning other people’s pins it will boost your own traffic if you put it into practice straight away.

The content you should be sharing is going to come from other Pinterest user’s blogs as opposed to just filling Pinterest up with your own pins.

There are several ways to find this content You can click onto your home feed and save pins from there that are related to your niche or you can do a search for a specific topic and share from there.

When you pin a new pin of your own under that pin Pinterest will show you related content to share so that’s just 3 of the ways this can be achieved.

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Why You Should Share The Content

When you first get started on Pinterest nobody knows who you are or what your niche subject is so people start to follow you to see what helpful information you are going to share with them.

Follower Engagement

Once you start to get followers they are going to want to see high-quality engaging pins that are going to answer their search query.

In the beginning, the best way to get to this result is to share other’s content that will show your followers what your intentions are and this will help you to establish your own brand as well as authority.

You write blog posts with the aim of helping your ideal audience and it’s the same on Pinterest.

People who follow you are more likely to see what is shared by you in their own home feed. Keeping this in mind will show the audience the type of content you are going to be sharing.

People Who Don’t Follow You

People who Don’t actively follow you can still click on your pins to read the blog posts or save the pin to a relevant board of their own to read later.

The way the Pinterest algorithm works is all based on the user’s engagement the more clicks and saves that are given on each pin the more Pinterest will show the pin to others.

When you share other popular content to your own boards that get natural engagement because it’s from a well-established account this will have a knock-on effect and that may encourage Pinterest to show your own content along with it.

 Once that occurs you will receive more success with your own pins. (more saves, more shares, and more click through’s) Also a higher probability of being shown in the home feed.


Followers Are Important

The more your own followers share your content the sooner your account will gain traction and become well established for your field of expertise.

Go to your follower’s accounts and share some of their content every day.

If you do this on a regular basis along with sharing your own pins then Pinterest will see you as a brilliant source of awesome content that is highly engaging and in the long term that will be of great benefit for your account.

Before Starting A Blog

I opened up a business account on Pinterest when I first started my blog so I only had a couple of posts written that meant I didn’t have a lot to share.

Even so, I set up my Pinterest boards with my ideal client in mind.

 The boards all have very searchable titles like affiliate marketing for beginners and how to get started with a new blog they are highly keyworded and in the beginning, they were filled with other user’s pins because I didn’t have any of my own.

In doing this my boards started to receive engagement and that meant when I also shared a pin that was mine it also received engagement. It’s like a snowball effect.

Another thing to take into consideration when setting up boards is to make sure to set up a best of board mine is named the same as my blog domain name with this board make sure to only share your own pins to it.

On my account, this is the most visited board that gets the most user engagement.

 Having spoken to other Pinterest users they said it was the same for their accounts.

The first new pin from every blog post goes straight to the Best of board because it has the most authority.

Board Pinning

By using the analytics on Pinterest you can see which boards are receiving the most engagement you should use this data to pin your pins in a sequence.

The way I do this is to pin a couple of other people’s pins to the board and then one of my own doing this shows Pinterest what the content is about and helps with authority.

 You can learn a lot more about this technique by checking out Carly Campbell’s manual pinning Strategy.

Make sure to always be pinning other’s content if you want to be successful on Pinterest!

When your blog is new pin 90% of other people’s pins and 10% of yours as you write more posts you can adjust the ratio and then you can do a 50-50 split.

My Final Thoughts

My Pinterest account started off with a bang by following these tips and having my Tailwind scheduler full of nice shiny pins belonging to well-established accounts.

 There was traffic visiting my boards before ever pinning any of my own work!

You will notice when you set up a new board that Pinterest actively encourages you to fill it with suggested pins now you know the importance of doing it.

Just a quick warning: Don’t spam boards otherwise you will get your account suspended you can check out the top tips to prevent that from happening to your account.

Happy Pinning. If you found this post to be of value then please pin me!

Bonus Tip: when users share a pin of yours go to that board and if it’s a good board with lots of keywords then reshare it to one of your own boards doing this will also increase the engagement of the pins.

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