The Fearless Momma 2.0 Review Tammy Montgomery Make Money?

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. How many people type into the search “Make Money Online” hundreds of thousands every day.

Then they are met with so much choice. Not always a good thing.

The Fearless Momma 2.0 (Review) was created by Tammy Montgomery and it will teach us to do Multi-level Marketing and build an Email list using solo ads.

The sales page says “You Can make $250 In A Few Days” that is tempting you to click and pay, But is it true?

That is what you are going to find out in this review along with how it works and the purchase price.

Disclaimer: I am not associated with The Fearless Momma 2.0 or Tammy Montgomery. If you do buy it I will not be paid in any way.

This post contains affiliate links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Let’s dive in and find out more:

The Fearless Momma 2.0 Overview

Program Name: The Fearless Momma 2.0

Website Adress:

Founder: Tammy Montgomery

Product Type: Multi-Level Marketing / Email Marketing

Cost Of Purchase: $250 + 3 upsells totalling $8,000

Is It Recommended? No.

A sales page can say a thousand times if you buy this program it will make you 3 figures in 24-72 hrs but that does not make it true.

And, in this case, it is totally not true!

You first have to get others to join it to make money. Have you ever recruited another person into your business proposition?

There is some training provided to help you along the way and if you are a complete beginner you will learn new things.

However, that training is just going to show you how to get other people to join. This can be done through email marketing or by paying out for solo ads. 

Solo ads (very expensive totally not recommended).

Joining an MLM would not be my 1st business choice it sounds easy but it is far from that!

A good business model for beginners is Affiliate Marketing a much safer bet!

About The Creator Tammy Montgomery

Doing due diligence will help to stop you from being scammed.

I carried out a Google search for Tammy Montgomery as I do for every review I write so I can share about the creator with you.

Nothing, Nada, Zip. No social media accounts. So is this a fake person? Or does it mean someone else is behind this program and if so who?

Never spend any money if you cant verify the creator.

That is a huge red flag not to be ignored

What Is The Fearless Momma 2.0?

When you go to the website or you open an email regarding The Fearless Momma 2.0 you will be met with this image.

The Fearless Momma 2.0 Review_sales page

If you decide to click the button they will now require your email address to proceed further.

Once you have provided the email address you can watch the sales video by Tammy Montgomery which lasts for 6 minutes and 14 seconds.

Step 3 inside takes you to a sales video by Timothy Berger. (who is he?)

After you have paid your $250 you will be provided with some training and tools, and your affiliate link to recruit new people into the program.

The Training Modules Inside The Fearless Momma 2.0

There are 7 modules of training inside that cover:

Module 1: Explains How To Start From $0 And Go To 100k

This module explains the downside of internet marketing and how to handle your state of mind on your journey to 100k, it’s not about how you’re going to make 100k.

In the first video, the main focus is on creating beliefs and how to convince yourself you have what it takes to make it.

Preparing you for what you may face in the future. 

There will be times when you have a problem (I know I have) this video gives you a look into the possible setbacks you’re likely to meet.

Module 2: You Cannot Be Serious? You Really Make How Much!

This is not about money-making instead we learn how to win over our sceptical spouses and “turn them into your #1 advocate.”

I am married and it is difficult to explain your business until you start to make money. So this is of value in my opinion.

At the end of the day, people just normally do what they want and prove the naysayers wrong!

Module 3: My Magic Transformation From The Setee To 5K Runs

Some of these titles get you excited about learning how to make money online.

Then they don’t deliver!

Module 3 is all about you committing to the process even if you have other things going on in your life.

“You can either make excuses or you can make money,” says the instructor! 

This is a very true statement.

Module 4: Covers The “New” Office

Now we are getting into the laptop lifestyle (still no idea how we will be making money).

Module 4 is all about making you hate your current job and hate the people you work with. (the hating the job part I already had)

This is why I work online and don’t have a boss.

It still takes you to be your own boss and get the work done when it is required.

Some people cannot handle working from home because they miss the social interaction of being in an office.

Module 5: When The proverbial Hits The Fan

More about overcoming obstacles. Boring and repetitive.

Module 5 goes over some obstacles you may face and common problems you’ll come across as an internet marketer.

No matter how good you are something crops up and needs fixing. That is a fact.

Module 6: If I Had To Start All Over Again

You can lose everything if a Google algorithm goes the wrong way for your niche.

This explains what you should do and how to minimize the damage and start over as fast as possible if this happens.

The easiest way to recover quickly from losing traffic from Google is to have an email list and a community of people to work with.

So many people describe an email list as having a personal printing press. 

Having a loyal following you can sell products to through your email list and earn commissions from can be a lifesaver.

As an example, Wealthy Affiliate has nearly 2 million affiliate marketers in their community. 

A lot of them are very, very successful and if you stay around you’ll make friends with plenty of people making over 6 figures.

I talk to high earners every single day and get tips from those that have gone through the process before me.

Check Out Wealthy Affiliate

You get access to a Facebook group at Fearless Momma where you can ask questions from the members.

Module 7: 5 Keys To Unlocking Big Ticket Sales

Finally, ways to make sales and how to minimize your time and still make high commissions.

This is achieved with a proven sales system and landing page which The Fearless Momma provides for you and how that will help you to maximize your earnings.

You do need a system when selling online to make you a lot of money. 

There are certain steps most people go through when they decide to purchase something.

Module 7 explains more about cold and warm traffic and why the sales system and landing page they give you will help you make the most money possible.

Extra Goodies (Bonuses)

This is where you actually learn how you’ll be selling The Fearless Momma 2.0 system.

In this section you get training on three specific advertising methods:

  • Solo ad training
  • All About Facebook ads
  • Craigslist ads (now pretty redundant)

Solo ads are basically where you pay someone with a large email list to market your landing page to his or her subscribers.

How Much Does Fearless Momma 2.0 Cost?

The entry price is a $250 one-off fee.

But, if you really want to learn how this works you will need to buy the upsell is to join Six Figure Empire and that costs between $1000, $3000 and $5000.

Six-Figure Empire has some awful reviews from people who paid the money and got nowhere with it!

So the total cost could be a potential $9,250. Wow, that is seriously ridiculous for this business model!

I didn’t think it was worth $250 let alone $9,250.

The Fearless Momma 2.0 Review Pros and Cons

The Pros Of Fearless Momma 2.0

There are no pros with fearless Momma 2.0

The Cons Of Fearless Momma 2.0

The training will not really teach you anything other than how to recruit to this rubbish offer.

Solo ads are the worst way to get traffic. They cost a lot of money for people that are 99% guaranteed not to join your offer.

Facebook training is useful to know, but not for newbies at all. Also very expensive.

All of the sales material provided is exactly the same so you cannot stand out and actually make any money.

You are not building your own business you are only building their business. What happens to your money and leads when it disappears?

You only get paid if you get others to join. There is no other way!

No money-back guarantee. No refunds.

Is The Fearless Momma A scam?

Technically no. Because you are provided with training on how to resale the system as well as some tools to enable you to do that.

Ethically Yes it is a scam. It is basically a pyramid scheme.

Most programs that operate in this way get shut down by the FTC eventually.

A similar program is called Easy1Up.

Do I Recommend This To My Readers? No way my strong advice is to stay far away from it.

How About Building Our Own Business?

I remember over 6 years ago getting involved in some done-for-you recruiting systems when I was trying to get started, and I soon realized that they weren’t for me.

I was no good at recruiting and the fact that they could get shut down at any time was something that made me see these systems were not a way to make an income online for the long term.

Then I found a legit business model doing affiliate marketing.

I’m happy I found a business model that has been working for years and people use it to earn a living online. 

Thanks to this business, I work from home full-time.

No need to recruit or promote the same product/system as everyone else. 

You will be able to earn money from products you like! 

No need to spend thousands of dollars to make money because the method I use enables you to drive free targeted traffic to your offers.

I do want to make one thing clear this business takes time and work so you need to be committed to putting in the effort if you want to reach your goals.

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