Team True Greatness Review Is Alonzo Brown To Be Trusted

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. Do you have a problem with growing your downline? Many members of MLMs have the same issue!

Team True Greatness has been designed to leverage a system to get your downline growing and you making money!

You may be asking how that is going to be achieved?

The simple answer is by using Savings Highway Global which is an MLM company that offers its members discounts and vouchers that can be used in everyday life.

More on this will be covered as we progress.

I am not associated or affiliated in any way with Team True Greatness. If you join it I will not be compensated financially or otherwise.

There will also not be any bonuses offered because you only get them from affiliates who will benefit if you do join!

However, what you will get is to know what this program is all about, what it can do for you, how much it’s going to set you back and if it is worth your time!

This post may contain affiliate links. This means If you make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Let’s dive in and begin.

Team True Greatness Overview

Program Name:
Team True Greatness

Program Type:
Multi-Level Marketing Downline Builder

Alonzo Brown

Cost To Join? It is promoted as
Free but the program it promotes isn’t and will cost you between $20 and $100+ a month.

Is It Recommended?
I don’t recommend this to complete novices who have never worked online.

The reason for this is that you have to add affiliate links and affiliate programs as well as choose from the free splash pages that are provided.

You also need to place banner ads on your site.

If you have never worked online you will not have a clue what they are talking about, let alone how to do it!

MLM businesses are all about recruitment and speaking to prospects as well as following up with them.

If you would not be comfortable doing that, then this is not for you!

There are much simpler business models around where you don’t need to do any of the recruiting and conversing with others.

About The Founder Of Team True Greatness

I like to find out a bit about the creator/founder of a program before joining it. I do this whether it is free or paid as it is a good practice to get into.

In the case Of Alonzo Brown, I found nothing, nada, zip! no social media profiles at all and the only place you can see and hear him is on the Team True Greatness website videos.

He has a Youtube channel with ZERO videos!

What Is Team True Greatness

Team True Greatness is a system that is free to join and it promotes an MLM program

The main aim is to help you to grow your downline by providing you with motivational videos, and traffic sources, as well as your own website that will be an exact replica of the one from Team True Greatness.

The only difference is it will have your photo and details on it instead of Alonzo Browns.

You can use this to promote your own affiliate links as well as up to 5 different programs and online businesses that are provided for you.

The main aim is to recruit people to join Savings Highway Global, If that does not appeal to you then you can just send them over to your offers.

How Does Team True Greatness Work?

Once you enter the website you will be met with an introductory message from Alonzo Brown.

There are also several other videos that cover overcoming fear and failure, self-discipline techniques, Self-development, and some videos for inspiration.

Alonzo then encourages you to complete all of the steps in the process that has been designed to help you to get started the right way and they are as follows:

How to Get Started

The getting started module shows you a short introductory video created by Alonzo Brown.

In the video, he explains the business opportunity to you and the different ways you can leverage the existing companies and businesses that you are already involved in to make money online.

The video is called “Your Downline Builder Instructions” and it lasts for approximately 12 minutes.

Next, you will be asked to sign up for 5 different programs, Savings Highway Global, Automatic Builder, WebTalk, Tapestri, and MintBuilder.

All of them can be used to make money online, but you will have to become a paying member of each one yourself.

That is how it works.

You will also get to see an introductory video for each program mentioned above to find out if it’s worth investing your time and money.

Adding Your Photo To The Website

When you add your photo and share your Team True Greatness link with other people, they will see you on the landing page, your personal details, and ways to get in touch with you.

This is a very important step because people will be more inclined to trust you if they know who you are.

Don’t forget that this is a business model where you have to communicate with your prospects and encourage them to join you in the programs and services.

If you don’t follow this process, then your chances of getting more people to sign up with you will be greatly reduced.

Adding Affiliate Links

This is the stage where you can add your own programs that you’re already affiliated with. 

They don’t need to be in the network marketing and MLM industry. so you can promote whatever you like.

As long as you think that the information can help your referrals in one way or another, then you have a good chance of earning money online through these 5 different programs.

Promoting Your Affiliate Links

This last step covers all about promoting your Team True Greatness links. You get to choose from 7 splash pages, test them out and find out which ones convert the best.

You will also have access to banner ads, email and forum signatures, text links, and promo ad texts.

Everything you need to promote this offer will be provided for you free of charge. 


The Pros Of Team True Greatness

  • I really like the fact that you can promote your own affiliate links as well as the offers available here. This enables you to have a choice of either or as well as using all of them.
  • It is free to join, this will allow you to give it a test drive and see if it is a good fit for you. If it’s not you haven’t spent any money.
  • If you sign up for the 5 programs offered you will have to pay to be a part of them.

RELATED Post: Savings Highway Global

The Cons Of Team True Greatness

  • If you do sign up for Savings Global Highway and pay to join it. There are no refunds available. So make sure it is for you before paying out.
  • The programs are billed monthly so don’t forget to cancel if you change your mind.
  • In my opinion, this is not suitable for novices/beginners. If you don’t know anything about affiliate programs and affiliate links you may have problems with implementing everything.
  • MLMs are very difficult to make money with because of having to recruit others as well as train them to do the same.
  • Not a very good business model to pursue, if you cannot communicate and follow up with prospects then it will not work for you!

Is Team True Greatness A Scam?

No, it definitely isn’t a scam. This platform is totally legit and you will be given your own replica website that you can customize with your own details.

It is 100% true that it is free for the Team true Greatness part. This is good because you can give it a try with your own affiliate links and see if you get any sales.

You can also see what offers people take an interest in!

If you have previous experience in MLM then this will be an ideal program for you to join.

I don’t recommend this to you if you don’t know what an affiliate offer is!

A Better Alternative For Beginners

As a person who has been sucked in by hyped-up sales pages for MLM companies and has spent a lot of money running Facebook ads for less return than was spent.

I know there is a better way!

It took me 6 years of searching for the right program and it was found back in February of 2020.

Affiliate marketing gives you the opportunity to promote other people’s products and services around topics that you choose and are passionate about.

It can be anything you like, such as health and wellness, DIY, or making money online.

With this business, you don’t have to spend any money on any ads or recruiting, you don’t have to worry about stock, customer service, creating or updating products and you can get started with a small budget.

Does that sound more like your cup of tea?

The biggest commission so far that I have received using the affiliate marketing business model to date is $500 and I have only just started.

This was achieved without spending a single penny out on ads. The traffic came to me for free using SEO!

I get paid when I am asleep as well as when on holiday!

Now I spend my days writing reviews to stop innocent people like yourself from being scammed like I was! 

(If you want to make your new business work better upgrade to the premium membership for $49 a month or $1.63 a day that’s less than a Starbucks costs!)

Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

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Lisa. Founder and CEO of

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