Savings Highway Global Review Is This MLM A Scam To Avoid

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. Is Savings Highway A MLM Scam To Avoid? No. It is not a scam at all!

The online platform actually provides a way for shoppers to save money on their purchases and not only that you can also earn money by referring others to sign up.

What I’m going to be covering in this review is how Savings Highway Global works, how you can earn money with it and whether it is worth spending your own money to join it.

But, first I congratulate you on carrying out your own research so that you don’t get involved in the wrong program!

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated with Savings Highway Global in any way. If you decide to buy into it I will not be compensated in any way.

This post contains affiliate links and the law requires me to make you aware of that. If you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not change.

Let’s dive in and find out how this works!

Savings Highway Global Overview

Company Name: Savings Highway Global

Founder/s: Steve Gresham and Luz Marina Gresham

Business Type: Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) and Savings platform

Cost Of Purchase? Between $20 and $100


Is It Recommended? Not for everyone.

This is the third time this company has changed names. Originally it was called and then it was renamed and now it is called

The platform of Savings Highway Global looks very professional and it has been around since first registering on 22/09/2020.

It is an MLM company that you can join and grow a team with. As MLM’s go, it is not expensive to get started.

I don’t recommend this business model if you don’t have any experience with marketing or recruiting because you will find it next to impossible to make money.

If you have previous experience then it may work out for you.

If you are not a person that likes to communicate with prospects then this is not the business model for you as that is what is required.

Are you willing to have a budget for paid ads and learn how to make this work? If you answered yes then it may be a good fit in that respect.

If you answered No. But are looking for a simpler business model then my number 1 recommended program will be a better option to go for.

What Is Savings Highway Global?

It is a savings platform with an MLM aspect.

Once you become a member you can save money on purchases that you make.

Things that are covered:

  • Ink
  • Computers
  • Printers
  • Shopping
  • Dining Out
  • Entertainment
  • Television
  • Cell Phones
  • Internet
  • Car Insurance
  • grocery shopping
  • Domain names
  • Alarm systems
  • Taxes

and many other things.

Once you have saved money on purchases and have proof, share that with other people and ask them to join as well.

All of the vendors inside Savings Highway Global are third parties and those are where the savings come from.

Are you looking for a way to save money? then this may be a good way to do that.

However, when it comes to making money online with this system, there are a lot of things you need to take into consideration first.

How Much Does The Savings Highway Membership Cost?

There are 2 membership levels:

  • Gold Membership
    • costs $20 monthly
      • Success Newsletter
      • Savings Membership
      • Replicated Website & Back Office
  • Platinum Membership
    • Costs $100 monthly
  • Platinum is referred to as the best and most popular membership, providing access to the Monthly Financial Success Newsletter, and thousands of discounts and savings.
    • The Savings Club
    • A Replicated Website & Back Office
    • The Mentors Club
    • The Tax Savers Club
    • The Lower My Bills Club
    • The Pro-Marketers Club

For every referral you get to join the Gold membership you will receive $10 and for every member that joins at the Platinum level, you will be paid $50.

Every member that you recruit that stays a paying member each month will also earn you a recurring commission of $10 for gold and $25 for Platinum.

There is also a PLATINUM VIP Facebook Group where you can get motivational advice.

About The Founder

Savings Highway Global was created and founded by Steve Gresham and his wife Luz Marina in Athens, Georgia. The USA.

Steve has more than 30 years of experience in marketing and in particular the multi-level marketing arena both as a representative and an owner.

This is a real family business.

The Pros Of Savings Highway Global

1. We offer you a 7-day refund policy on new memberships and no refunds on recurring memberships.

2. The founder/creator Steve Gresham is a very experienced MLM marketer and he can assist you to grow your team and move your business forward.

3. They have been around for a while and are still going so it looks as if this program is legit.

RELATED Post: Team True Greatness.

The Cons Of Savings Highway Global

1. There is conflicting information on their website about their company. It is called by 2 different names!

2. You can only get a refund if you don’t pay the monthly recurring fee.

3. MLM’s are notoriously hard to recruit for so you could have a real problem earning any money.

4. Not suitable for newbies in any way at all. It will take you a very long time to learn how this works and in all of that time you will be paying out fees.

5. To make money with this effectively you would need to buy paid advertising. (no guarantee of a return)

6. Statistics indicate that 90% of people who join this business model fail.

Is Savings Highway Global A Scam?

Even though it has changed its name a few times it is not a scam.

It is in fact a legitimate business offer, as with any other business it has risks attached.

Most MLM companies don’t explain anywhere about how hard it is to get other people to join and this one is no exception.

Yes, you can pay for the platinum membership and make savings on your purchases if you go through the 3rd party vendors that are recommended.

However, the majority of the money you want to earn is going to come through recruitment and there is where you will struggle if you don’t have any experience!

For those reasons, I believe that multi-level marketing is one of the most difficult business models out there, and it’s also why I don’t recommend it as a great opportunity for beginners with no marketing or entrepreneurial experience.

I do believe it is totally possible to make a good income from this if you are prepared to learn the necessary skills and put in the required work!

Note: If you think this will be an easy money maker you will be in for a nasty shock!

A Better Alternative

 The best alternative available for newbies with no internet marketing experience is affiliate marketing.

This works when you promote other people’s products and services, without having to manage a team, get involved with customer service, or grow a downline and no paid ads. 

Does that sound more like your cup of tea?

The biggest commission so far that I have received using the affiliate marketing business model to date is $500 and I have only just started.

This was achieved without spending a single penny out on ads. The traffic came to me for free using SEO!

I get paid when I am asleep as well as when on holiday!

Now I spend my days writing reviews to stop innocent people like yourself from being scammed like I was! 

(If you want to make your new business work better upgrade to the premium membership for $49 a month or $1.63 a day that’s less than a Starbucks costs!)

Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

Did you get value from this post? If you did then please share it to help others using the social media buttons provided. Thank you.

Lisa. Founder and CEO of

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1 thought on “Savings Highway Global Review Is This MLM A Scam To Avoid”

  1. Hi Virginia,
    If you promote the same product all the time like I do with my number 1 recommendation then you still receive a residual income day after day and week after week.
    As you have said you can reach financial freedom with both business models.
    I hope you have a lot of success with Savings Highway Global.
    Have a great week.


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