Savage University Review Amazon FBA Is It A Con

Hello, and a very warm welcome back. This is going to be a review about a fulfilled by Amazon course. It is a training course called Savage University and the creator Is Paul Savage.

The course is going to teach you how to make money on Amazon by using the fulfilled by Amazon Business model that came about in 2006.

What we shall find out is this, is it a legit business, can you earn money with it, who Paul Savage is, and whether we should spend $997 to join it?

Right from the beginning, I am going to declare that it is a legit business model!

Disclaimer: I am not associated with Savage University in any way shape or form. If you buy it I will not be compensated financially or otherwise.

Therefore, you will be given the facts as they stand and nothing more nor less. The rest is up to you to decide.

This post may contain affiliate links. This means If you make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Let’s dive in and see if this is worth our time and money:

Savage University Overview

Program Name. Savage University

Program Type: Amazon FBA Training course

Founder: Paul Savage


Cost Of Purchase? One time payment of $997

Is It Recommended? Yes and No.

The training course itself teaches you many things about running a business with Amazon.

Although the business is totally legit My main issue with it is the cost. $997 is a hell of a lot of money!

To be a success with this particular business model to have to be equipped to put in the hard miles.

If you think this will make you money in a hurry you will be very disappointed!

Looking to work online full-time? My recommendation is the model I followed that has been around for 16 years.

About Paul Savage

Paul J Savage is the creator and founder Of Savage University.

He has a youtube channel with 26.1k subscribers and over 400 videos posted.

Paul is just a young ordinary guy who is not showing you fast cars, big houses and a model girlfriend. In fact, what you see is what you get!

He posts regularly on Youtube and the majority of his videos are all about Amazon.

It is a good source of information if you are unsure about joining Savage University.

Savage University Paul Savage YouTube

His videos are easy-going and good to learn from and he sticks to teaching in them.

I couldn’t find any other social media for him.

The Teaching Inside Savage University

Savage University teaches about the process of fulfilment by Amazon. This is where you source products from other sources and Amazon stores and ship them for you for a fee.

The course has video and text content and is 25 hours long it covers:

  • There are over 160 videos and new ones do get added
  • 5 product resource downloads are available
  • Also included are 3 expert interviews
  • 2 live monthly question and answer sessions
  • A Private community group to interact with
  • Some Freight forwarder discounts
  • And, Professional list agency discounts

Many people have commented that $997 for so little training time is a lot. However, I believe it is valuable training.

How Does Savage University Work?

This may sound like a simple business model but I can assure you that there is much more to it than you think!

For starters, you need to think about how much of a budget you need on top of the course cost?

Which countries make the products you choose to sell and is there a discount for buying in bulk?

If the product is going to be made for you how much will that cost?

How are you going to advertise your products and how much will that cost?

How much does Amazon charge for fulfilling your orders?

After looking at various courses on FBA, the majority of people choose somewhere like India or China to get their products from and that all adds to the cost.

Now To how It Works

Amazon in effect is the middle man.

You provide the products, the supplier sends them to Amazon and they store them, pack them, and send them to the customer. They also deal with any returns.

You also need to think about how long an item takes to arrive to keep well-stocked and that can be extremely difficult.

Amazon charges 15% of the sale price for the service which is quite expensive!

A huge issue can arise if you don’t get a good product that has a high demand. This can cost a ton of money for you.

An expected amount of money to get started with this business model would be in excess of 15k.

On the upside, if you get it right you can make hundreds of thousands of dollars. Lots of people have done just that like Sophie Howard.

This is not my preferred business model it is far too risky for me!

The Pros Of Savage University

1. 10% of Pauls profits are given to charity which is a nice gesture

2. Pauls seems like a trustworthy guy who knows what he is talking about and has a lot of experience

3. This is a legitimate business model that many have gotten involved with and it has changed the lives of the successful ones

4. $997 for this training in my opinion is a pretty fair price for the value that is provided. Paul even shares some of his products with you. Not many will do that!

The Cons Of Savage University

1. The biggest problem I found is there is no money-back guarantee. $997 is a lot of money and you would have to be very serious about this before buying it.

2. There is no instalment plan offered.

3. You have to purchase pretty good products in order to be able to sell them and make a profit and you need to be aware that Amazon probably already sells what you have chosen.

4. You will need at least $15,000 to get started and that can make this a hard business to get into

5. It takes a long time before you will see any profits.

6. How much is advertising going to cost you every month? If you used Facebook for example you can easily spend $1,000 a month.

7. There are so many things that can go wrong with this business that put many off from joining it.

8. The profits can be very small per item so you need to sell thousands 0f them to make any money.

Is Savage University A Scam?

No. savage University is not a scam. Lots of legit businesses don’t have a refund policy and it is often to weed out the non-serious Buyers.

Carrying out due diligence before parting with these sums of money is an absolute must.

I would start with YouTube as well as places like Udemy where courses can be found at a much lesser cost of purchase, you would still need the capital either way if choosing this business model.

This post should have covered everything in enough detail for you to make an informed decision.

Do I Recommend This To My Readers?

As I said above yes and no.

It is legit, Paul seems like a trustworthy guy, the training is comprehensive and you can make serious money with this kind of business.

However, there is a massive amount of risk involved as well. So many ways it can all go wrong!

Yes if you can afford to fail a few times before getting it right. No, if you cannot do that. You could possibly get away with 10,000 as capital but definitely no less.

A Better Alternative

As a person who has been sucked in by hyped-up sales pages and has spent a lot of money running Facebook ads for less return than was spent. I know there is a better way!

It took me 6 years of searching for the right program and it was found back in February of 2020.

Affiliate marketing gives you the opportunity to promote other people’s products and services around topics that you choose and are passionate about.

It can be anything you like, such as health and wellness, DIY, making money online.

With this business, you don’t have to spend any money on any ads or recruiting, you don’t have to worry about stock, customer service, creating or updating products and you can get started with a small budget.

Does that sound more like your cup of tea?

The biggest commission so far that I have received using the affiliate marketing business model to date is $500 and I have only just started.

This was achieved without spending a single penny out on ads. The traffic came to me for free using SEO!

I get paid when I am asleep as well as when on holiday!

Any business regardless of what it is takes work and making money online does not happen in just 24 hours.

My main problem with the FBA business is the huge cost it takes to get started.

The Program I chose has a trial period to get you started and has no up-sells either. 

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