FBA Masterclass Review Tom Wangs Training Class Is It A Scam

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. Amazon has a part of their site where orders are fulfilled by Amazon this is where you can have things sent in and then posted to a customer.

The FBA Masterclass business is what this course is all about, you source inventory, Amazon stores it, packages it, then posts the item off to the buyer.

It all sounds so simple but in reality, there is much more to it than that which is why there are so many courses spring up to teach us this one is from Tom Wangs.

Will this online business be a winner or a scam to avoid like the plague?

That is what I’m going to walk you through in this high ticket offer that costs $6997 Canadian Dollars. Not a small amount is it?

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated with FBA Masterclass or any other offering from Tom Wang. If you buy it I will not be compensated financially or otherwise.

This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Let’s dive right in and get started:

FBA Masterclass Overview

Program Type: Fulfilled By Amazon Masterclass

Founder: Tom Wang

Program Name: FBA Masterclass

Cost of Purchase: $6997 Canadian dollars 

Is It Recommended? Yes, but not for beginners who have never worked online.

The training in the FBA Masterclass gives you all of the needed tools and instructions to become an Amazon seller.

It covers finding saleable products, having all of your paperwork filled out for your respective country, how to get reviews that propel you higher in the search, and how to make money.

The business can be lucrative and is a very real way of making money but, it takes a lot of capital to get started.

This is not for you if you don’t have the course cost and a minimum of another 5-6K.

Even if you have the capital needed do you have the work ethic to make it a success?

This can require you footing all of the bills for months on end before you make a breakthrough even Tom failed initially.

Hence, the recommendation of not for beginners. This takes hard work, persistence and dedication as well as money!

You do it or it does not get done, there is no DFY element in this course, unlike EcomHub who will do it for you for a price!

Every business requires one element that is the same regardless of the business and that is turning up and actually working there are no shortcuts.

Even so, there are alternatives that do not require anywhere near this kind of investment to make you money and 1 of them has been around for 16 years.

FBA Masterclass Tom Wang

About Tom Wang

Before parting with cold hard cash for any program online it is always a good idea to learn more about the creator/founder that you will be involved with.

So without further ado let’s learn more about Tom.

Tom as a young adult was into selling things any way he could. Starting with selling watches at a local night market in his area.

He also did a stint of cold calling which is a tough gig and not many can do it successfully!

Suffering from shiny object syndrome as many people do he kept jumping from one thing to another and quite often failed because of a lack of persistence.

Back in 2015, there was a new craze happening “The Hover Board” Tom bought 15 using all of his savings. However, he only managed to sell 5 of them.

Through that process, he met a man who was selling through Amazon and they became friends. So, Tom decided to give it a shot.

After failing a couple of times he finally found a product that worked and his business really took off!

Now you can follow in his footsteps through the FBA Masterclass course to try to emulate the process.

Tom Wang Youtube Channel

This Youtube channel started in 2016 and as you can see Tom has 27.1k subscribers and in that time it has generated well over half a million views.

He does even now still post to the channel and his videos are mainly about the Amazon FBA process and promoting his FBA Masterclass.

After a lot of struggle and failure, Tom learned the hard way to stick to 1 venture and now he is very successful. He has had many speaking engagements in Canada where he speaks about how to make this business work for you.

What Is The FBA Masterclass?

The core training is carried out over 10 modules that concentrate on all aspects of becoming an FBA Amazon seller. Included for you is the process of getting everything set up which can be complicated.

Pay per click (PPC) is how Tom and many other FBA course owners drive traffic to their products.

A big issue is gaining trust from buyers and this is also covered.

How to select products that are going to sell, and what items you should not be choosing.

Lots of entrepreneurs are using this business model so you will need to have your own branding and logos to stand out from the crowd.

Putting your branding front and centre will help people to recognise your products and make them even more popular.

Tom’s masterclass covers the importance of this in detail because he had several failures before he hit the big pay day’s.

This is not the only course available on the FBA business model, there are a few others like BlueSkyAmazon and EcomHub  I’m a great believer in choice!

Competition in this type of business is very fierce and when new courses come out it forces course owners to stay up to date with new methods they have found.

How Much Does FBA Masterclass Cost?

Tom is Canadian so the course cost is in his local currency of Canadian dollars and it is a whopping $6997. At today’s exchange rate that is $5618  US Dollars.

I really have to point out to you now this is a one-off payment you cannot spread the cost monthly.

There is also No Money Back Guarantee. Make sure you are really serious about this business before parting with your money!

What Do You Get For Your Money Inside FBA Masterclass?

For $6997 CAD you will have access to 330 lessons as well as 7 bonus case studies of successful Amazon sellers.

The Amazon FBA Business Model coaching staff, and every coaching call that has happened since the inception of this course.

Now, let’s have an in-depth look at what the course covers:

Setup And Welcome Video

You will not find many courses around that don’t welcome you and this one is no exception. The welcome video runs for approximately 12 minutes.

There then follows another 23 videos which cover helping you to set up your Amazon sellers account and everything else that you need to do to launch your new online business.

The legal stuff is also set up at this point.

Then there are a bunch of other videos that cover some of the success stories watching these is optional but it is a good motivational tactic.

Module 1 Finding A Winning Product

In this module, there are a total of 19 videos that cover the process of finding a winning product you can use software called viral launch and the Amazon Suggested feature to name just 2 of the options.

Also covered is what products to stay well away from and why.

How to make the offer attractive and how to reduce your product list ideas.

I found it interesting that you can give feedback here at this early point on what you feel is missing as well as what you want to know more about.

You can choose whether to pay for another tool called Helium 10 which has been designed to assist you with SEO and product research.

If you go ahead and buy it there is a small course regarding using it.

In my opinion, I thought this was a bit early for this kind of decision especially for a beginner who doesn’t really know a lot yet.

Module 2 Is About Sourcing, Negotiation And Logistics

Many of your products are going to come from Alibaba which is a multinational technology company and you need to make deals with them to get the best prices in order to make a profit.

You will be provided with some templates for email outreach,  a getting quotes guide, a 5-minute video that shows you how to negotiate with the suppliers, as well as the additional things that you need to do to make sure that you get your sourcing and logistics up and running profitably.

There is a total of 39 training videos in this module, one of them is 14 minutes in length and it covers the process of getting items shipped from China to Amazon successfully.

Module 3 Covers Building The Foundation For Launch

Module 3 has a total of 16 videos that cover creating high-quality images to attract clicks.

You will learn about keyword research, how to price your products, copywriting and all you need to know about photos and sizing.

This is all done to be ready to launch.

As at the end of module 1, there is a feedback opportunity to make your FBA Masterclass experience better.

Module 4 How To Get Reviews

Reviews are useful to have to help buyers to make buying decisions and they are excellent for getting your brand seen.

Module 4 gives a 17-minute video covering how to do reviews and a 25-minute video dedicated to using Feedback Whiz which has a limited free option as well as a paid service.

The next 7 videos cover how to understand conversions, sessions, get more reviews using offers and discounts, and show you how you get people to click.

Module 5 The Rank And Bank Method

8 videos take you through the process of helping you to understand the Amazon ranking system, choosing the right keywords to be on the 1st page and how to track the keywords.

Module 6 Manychat Software

This software called Manychat is a tool that simulates real live conversations. The purpose is to work with Facebooks’ massaging app. It helps you to talk with lots of people all at once using automation.

This works like email marketing but it is used on Facebook instead. The purpose is to close interested party’s, talk to people, and generally communicate with others in an en masse way.

The tool is not free and if you are serious about this business then it will be another thing for you to pay for.

Module 7 The Seller Tools

The platform known as Seller Tools is used by the top 1% of Amazon sellers to find data and other insights on what is working for others on Amazon.

The tool itself has multiple functions to aid you to make more money with Amazon FBA. An interesting feature is the ability to see the ManyChat Flows through the Seller Tools platform.

Module 8 Running Facebook Ads

Module 8 is mainly centred on Facebook ads and how to get campaigns up and running inside this biggest social media arena.

No real explanation is needed here for the fact that this will cost you more money every day.  Lucky people who get it right can make a profit running ads but it is absolutely not guaranteed to happen.

Tom and his team do help with the setting up of the campaigns and Facebook ads in the 6 videos of this chapter.

Module 9 The Rank And Bank Strategies

The 9 training videos in this module cover an advanced Facebook ad strategy training along with using the Manychat flows to help you to achieve higher results from the ad campaigns.

Many internet marketers have no clue that this sort of thing even exists.

As you can imagine knowing these strategies will give you a huge advantage over your competition on Facebook.

Module 10 Amazon PPC Training

Module 10 has a total of 38 video lessons and is by far the longest of all.

Learning how to do PPC is a very in-depth subject and in this case, it is taught by Mian Elias who is an expert on the subject from Hydrolite where he is the CEO.

The reason Mian is the trainer in this part is simply that he is also a very accomplished and successful Amazon seller and he knows how to run ads on Amazon.

Once this module is finished you can then access 3 questions and answer recordings where Mina covers the most common questions that get asked when using pay per click campaigns.

FBA Masterclass Pros vs Cons

The Pros Of FBA Masterclass

  • The FBA Masterclass has 330 training videos which is a huge amount to go through and just shows how much you need to know to do everything for a successful Amazon business.
  • There is no disputing that Tom wang is a successful Amazon seller and he is definitely qualified to teach you everything there is to know. This is a pleasant change as many teach things they really don’t know enough about.
  • Having feedback and Q and A sessions on certain modules shows that Tom Wang is interested in improving the training as well as making experiences better for his students.

The Cons Of FBA Masterclass

  • The course has lots of training which can be very overwhelming especially for beginners.
  • It is price prohibitive for many people you need $6997 Canadian for the course alone as well as money for tools and even more to run ads.
  • No Refunds are available at all. A small part of the course is free to join but in my opinion, it is not enough information shared to make an informed decision.
  • It is not really a business model for beginners to start off with, and that is not just because of the high price tag it also has to do with the huge risk you need to take to make this into a successful business.
  • The Amazon FBA model has very few success stories in comparison to how many people get started with it.

Is FBA Masterclass A Scam?

No. The FBA Masterclass is not a scam. This training could lead you to become a successful Amazon seller through a lot of hard work.

You will be tempted to try to sell lots of items at once and that is definitely not recommended and it can be difficult to control the temptation to do more. Some cannot do it and that spells disaster.

Even though you have masses of training provided you still need to run ads to get eyeballs on your offers and there is no guarantee they will convert into profits.

How many products will it take before you find a winning one? All the time you are trying this you are pouring more and more money into it.

Making money online running your own business does not have to cost anywhere near this amount of money there are alternatives available to you!

A Better Alternative For You

Let me introduce you to one of the best and easiest business models around that you can use to build your online business from scratch. 

It’s perfect for people who are new to online business because it is a simple but profitable business model.

This is called affiliate marketing. In affiliate marketing, you can run a business with a small cost and achieve a steady passive income without using paid ads. 

It’s a legit business that you make money with by helping people.

I’d recommend you to get started with the most reputable platform for affiliate marketing: Called Wealthy Affiliate which teaches you the secrets of free traffic.

Wealthy Affiliate
 is an all-in-one platform for building your affiliate marketing business from scratch and it has been around for 16 years. 

Join over 1 million entrepreneurs all in one place!

Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

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Lisa. Founder and CEO of mistakesbloggersmake.com

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