Land Profit Generator Review Can You Make Money Flipping Land

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. Buying your own property is most likely the biggest investment you will ever make. 

You can flip land for a living did you know that? Until I came to write this review I had no idea!

Land Profit Generator is brought to us by Jack and Michelle Bosh.

Most people landing here have heard about a concept and wish to know more about how it works? That is what is going to be explained.

How it works, How to do it, and the all-important question How much does it cost?

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated in any way with Land Profit Generator or any other offers from Jack and Michelle Bosh.

This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Let’s dive in and find out if this is the right business for you or is it a scam?

Land Profit Generator Overview

Program Name: Land Profit Generator

Program Type: Land Flipping Course

Founders: Jack and Michelle Bosh


Cost of Purchase: From $2497 up to $8,000

Is It Recommended? Possibly….

There are a few different courses that are run by Jack and Michelle and all with a big price tag. The cheapest course is $2497.

Then you have to take into consideration the amount of ready cash you will need to actually purchase a parcel of land to then flip.

Another consideration is where you live. In the UK there is not a lot of available space and the cost of land is very expensive for that reason.

I live in Tenerife and the land here is a bit more plentiful and therefore cheaper. One of the best places to flip land is in the US as there is a ton of it available and that makes it a lot cheaper.

Other considerations are is the area desirable, are new houses springing up where the land is and how much are they being sold for.

With the worldwide web, you can search for and find anything. You may even be able to find videos on how to do this yourself without buying this course.

In that case, I would recommend you build your own online business with a trusted 16-year-old company.

On the other hand, if you have cash just sitting there then this could be a nice little earner for you so let’s find out more:

About The Founders Jack and Michelle Bosh

Before spending money on any online offer I always look at the founders. Information on Jack and Michelle was easy to find. They have a Youtube channel:

Land profit generator review-Jack and Michelle Bosh

As you can see they have 5.2K subscribers and videos are posted every few days regarding Land Flipping.

Jack is from Germany and Michelle is from Honduras they emigrated to the US back in the 1990s they both studied hard and came out with MBA’s.

They also worked for fortune 500 companies and obtained their green cards to become official residents of the USA.

Although earning great money they wanted a way to make more and realised not many people were flipping land. I’m sure you know flipping houses are popular.

Flipping land only a few people were doing this so they decided to give it a go because it was quicker to turn around between purchase and profit!

Having successfully flipped over 5,600 parcels of land in 18 months they soon became millionaires.

They sound very successful and seem to know what they are doing.

What Do You Learn With Land Profit Generator?

The Land Profit Generator Course will teach you how to flip vacant plots of land.

Many people purchase land to build on and never get around to doing it and they have to pay tax so they are in many cases looking to get rid of it.

Finding people in that scenario will net you the biggest profits when it is sold if it is in a desirable area.

The Land Profit Generator Courses

There are 3-course options you can choose from:

1. The LPG Success Package

2. The Land Profit Maximizer

3.The Land Profit Coaching

Land Profit Generator Review Courses

The Land Profit Generator Package

This is the recommended first course to enter into as it gives you access to their software management system to track and control your deals this helps to get your feet wet.

The course costs $2497 one of or you can pay in instalments of $997 over 4 months.

For that money, you will receive access to 12 modules:

  • 12 step by step training modules that will show you everything you need to know about landing your first land deal
  • 11 modules on how to flip deals for massive profits
  • Expert training on how to set up your business virtually so you can work from anywhere in the world with an internet connection
  • Access to contracts, script templates, etc.
  • Premium support through Facebook, email support online, call support, etc.


 You also receive:

  • A Premium support service
  • Access to the Investment Dominator software
  • The Land Flipping Masterclass
  • Strategy sessions hosted by Jack and his team
  • The Deals Now Quick Start Playbook

The Land Profit Maximizer  Costs a whopping $8000

Land Profit Maximizer gives you The Land Profit Generator home study course, software, as well as virtual workshops.

This is what you receive apart from the Land Profit Generator training:

The Investment Dominator CRM

The investor Dominator CRM is there to help you to run your land-buying business and is free for a 4 month period after that time it will cost you $197 per month.

You also get:

  • Built-in document generators in order to make mailing campaigns, marketing materials, contracts etc.
  • The use of research tools to help you compare deals.
  • Integrated buying, marketing and selling sites for you to use.
  • The ability to create property listings in the fasted time possible.
  • Use of analytics and other tracking features.

The Land Profit Maximizer Virtual Workshop

The Land Profit Maximizer Virtual Workshop is a 2-day event where you’ll learn all things about land flipping.

A sample of what the workshop includes:

  • Live training held over the two days
  • Training on how to make proper use of the Investment Dominator CRM software
  • You are provided with a digital Workbook to help the learning process
  • Access to the recordings so you can go back over anything you want to see again
  • This is a small group environment so learning is much easier.

Bonus 1: Live Onboarding Session

This initial session is to get you ready to start buying and flipping land. 

You will learn how to use the Investment Dominator System and customize everything to suit your personal brand.

Bonus 2: 100 Brand New Land Leads

After the 2 day workshop, you will be given 10 different land deals that you can load into the Investment Dominator CRM.

Bonus 3: One On One Accountability Call

When the 2-day workshop is finished you will set accountability goals.. 30 days after that you will get a 1 on 1 call to help you reach those goals. 

Bonus 4: Group Coaching Calls

You can also attend 4 group calls with the coaches at Land Profit Generator.

To ask questions and get answers.

Bonus 5: LPG Live VIP Tickets

Lastly, you will receive VIP tickets to the 3-day live event. 

Is Land Profit Generator A Scam?

NO. This is a legitimate way to make money and much can be verified.

Jack and Michelle appear to be successful land flippers and through their courses, they do teach you in a step by step manner how to do it.

Looking around on Facebook I was able to see they have 2 dedicated groups that you can join for free, each had around 15K members and I could not find a single negative comment after hours of scrolling.

It goes without saying that you need ready cash if you are set on the land flipping idea as your next business venture.

People all over the world are having success doing just that!

If money was no object I would like to give it a go.

Is money holding you back from doing this? If so take a peep inside the link for something that requires an extremely small investment but has no risks and can earn just as much money!


The Pros Of Land Profit Generator

1. Jack and Michelle are available and that makes them quite unusual in lots of cases.

2. The support network is extremely good with many ways of getting help like the 2 Facebook groups, email, and call support.

3. If you have the capital you can make a killing and possibly become a millionaire in a couple of years.

4. There is a refund policy that you can claim within 30 days of the course being purchased.

The Cons Of Land Profit Generator

1. Number one has to be the cost which will make it totally out of reach for a lot of people at $2497 for the basic course and then you also have to pay $197 a month for the CRM.

2. Flipping land is not as easy as it sounds there is an awful lot to learn.


I found this to be a very interesting concept and as I said at the start it’s not a money-making way I had come across before.

Although you can undoubtedly make money from land flipping it holds a bit too much of a risk for me personally.

Going onto Youtube and watching videos on this subject showed me there is a lot more to it than most would think about.

Trying to find land to buy can be a big challenge and can take up a huge amount of time.

Not all land is designated to be built on straight away so that means you could be holding onto it for some time.

A Cheaper And Easier Alternative

Let me introduce you to one of the best and easiest business models around that you can use to build your online business from scratch. 

It’s perfect for people who are new to online business because it is simple but profitable.

This is called affiliate marketing. In affiliate marketing, you can run a business with a small cost and achieve a steady passive income without using paid ads. 

It’s a legit business that you make money with by helping people.

I’d recommend you to get started with the most reputable platform for affiliate marketing: Called Wealthy Affiliate which teaches you the secrets of free traffic.

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Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

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Lisa. Founder and CEO of

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