Don’t Know How To Get A Blog Started? Find Out How To Now

Hello and welcome back to our blog. Today we are going to go through everything you need to do To Get A Blog Started.

All I really want is to help you get started with a money-making blog that will have you leaving your job if that is what you wish to do.

It is totally possible to make 6 figures in a month I know lots of bloggers that are doing just that!

Yes, it takes some time but in the general scheme of things, it can totally be achieved in 3 years.

That’s the reason for writing these steps out for you so that you can get started and get to that milestone.

The steps in this guide are what I followed to see success, Not everything was always on the good side there were some fails along the way as well.

This post may contain affiliate links you can learn more about it in this affiliate disclosure.

5 Most Asked Questions About Making Money From Blogging

#1 How Much Money Do Bloggers Make?

That is quite a difficult question to answer, it really depends on a lot of different factors.

Some make none, others make a little and still more answers some make an absolute ton every month of the year!

What amount of time are you going to put into your blog?

The more posts you write the more chance you have to earn money.

Your blog niche can have a big impact on what you earn.

Being given the right advice can be another factor.

#2 What Does A Blogger Actually Do?

What stage of blogging are you at? Have you started a blog?

For me blogging mainly involves me sitting in my pajamas on a sun lounger in the garden doing research to write informative blog posts for my readers to read.

Creating content is the main job of a blogger. You can learn more about what bloggers do on a daily basis to become successful in this post.

#3 How Much Money Is It Possible To Make With A Blog?

You can make so much money it can seem totally unbelievable the actual amount! The sky is really the limit!

There are some blog buddies of mine that have been doing this a couple more years than me that make $100,000 a month. That is a staggering amount of money.

#4 How Do You Make Money With A Blog?

5 Main ways bloggers make money:

  1. Affiliate Marketing selling another persons or companies products through a unique link in your content
  2. Ads by running ads on your website I’m sure you have seen some?
  3. Services where a blogger provides a service like being on a guest post. 
  4. Sponsored Posts this is where a company pays you to write about a product that they sell.
  5. Selling A Product That You Have Created there are many things you can create either digital or physical. Planners for example.

#5 How Soon Can You Make Money With A Blog?

With this blog, I have made money from the very first month.

On the old blog, it took 4 and a half months to make the first commission.

This is really dependant on your blog niche, how many posts you write in a week consistently.

It could take 6 months with certain niches!

The Good News Is if you choose the right tools for the job at hand you can make some serious amounts of Mulla!

Let’s dive in and find out how:

The Blog Must-Haves

One of the most important factors is to choose the right tools when starting up.

  1. Making the right choice of the niche (a niche is your blog subject/topic)
  2. Choosing the right domain name, one that tells your audience what your blog is about.
  3. Selecting a name for your blog
  4. Having the right platform, I personally recommend WordPress.

Before going any further you should complete these steps first, this is your homework 🙂


Choosing A Blog Subject

This is a step that many find hard to get done! the biggest consideration for you is to choose one that will make you money.

I’m pretty sure there is a niche group of people who are interested in learning how to toss the caber but unless you are Scottish it wouldn’t make you very much money.

The main objective of your niche is to choose a subject that you have a passion for and that others are actively seeking help with.

The first blog I started was in the health and wellness niche because that was something I’m very passionate about and it’s something others like to learn more about.

Profitable Blog Niches:

  • Food blogs / Recipes
  • Health and wellness
  • Health and fitness
  • Parenting 
  • Traveling
  • Diy
  • Finance
  • Home Decor
  • Lifestyle
  • Frugal Living
  • Beauty
  • Fashion, men’s, women, children’s
  • Education
  • Tech
  • Relationships
  • Diets ( vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, keto)
  • How to make money online

It is possible to choose 2 subjects and to make a niche from them such as parenting and children’s fashion.

Choosing A Blog And Domain Name

After you have decided what your niche is going to be you next have to choose a name and domain name for your blog.

Most blogging names fall into one of two categories:

It can contain your name for branding, for example, Lisa’s keto diet recipes, Lisa flys (travel blog).

My blog’s domain name is mistakes bloggers my old blog was called healthy mind healthy people .com.

Try to make it make sense to your chosen subject is my best advice for you.

I feel I failed in my first choice of blog niche but it did make money and it taught me many valuable lessons.

Try not to stress too much over your choice as it will probably change over time.

However, it does matter!

Time To Build Your Blog

We have chosen our blog’s name and the domain name now the time has arrived for you to get to building your blog!

What do we need to complete this step?

  • A platform to host our blog on
  • A platform to build the blog with

My number 1 recommendation to get started the correct way is to choose to host your blog with Wealthy Affiliate and to Build your blog using the WordPress platform these are the best starting points for new bloggers.

Wealthy Affiliate and WordPress go together like Strawberries and Cream.

Disclosure: I am an affiliate for Wealthy Affiliate, which means that I may receive a commission if you sign up through my affiliate link. This is at no additional cost to you and helps me to continue to offer free content on this website.

 P.S. I only recommend products and services that I have personally used and continue to use!

  1. WordPress is used by millions of people the world over as well as by some of my 6,7 and 8 figure blogger friends.
  2. Wealthy Affiliate is used by over 1 million members worldwide and has 24/7 customer service, as well as its, being a training platform.
  3. The wealthy affiliate platform naturally uses WordPress because it is the best option available.
  4. You can get started with Wealthy Affiliate for free and building out your website only takes 30 seconds when you follow the steps in the OEC or Bootcamp training.

Choosing A Blog Theme

I bet you are thinking that the theme of your blog is very important for your blog to make money?

Sorry to disappoint you my friend but simple and easy to navigate themes are best. That doesn’t mean you can’t make it look good.

Having a very fancy website won’t make you any more successful.

A theme for a blog is a template you can fill out in different ways. I started with a free theme and now use the paid version of the same theme.

Don’t spend too much time on this step.

Get it right by following these simple tips:

Choosing An Easy and Fast Blog Theme

  • My favourite free theme is Generate Press very simple to use for new bloggers.
  • My favourite paid theme is also Generate Press, it is easy to customize, it is also very fast and lightweight as well as you being able to choose different sidebar options.
  • Some advanced bloggers like the Genesis Framework theme.

Web Speed Is Of Paramount Importance

Having a slow website that takes an age to load is a real ball ache!

visitors to your site will leave if it takes just 4 seconds to load. Sad but very true!

Your site can load slowly for many reasons, the images used to break up your content, the theme its self, page builders, and plugins all play a part.

There are a few tools you can use to sort out the issues of site speed. Some that I use:

WP Rocket for site speed, an excellent plugin for WordPress sites.

compression of images Tiny PMG

Check Your Theme For Mobile Devices

When writing posts for this site I normally do it on a laptop or occasionally on my Ipad, you should always check how your site looks on a mobile phone.

A study has shown that as many as 80% of users are looking at websites on a mobile device.

That’s a lot of people to disappoint if your site doesn’t look good on mobile devices!

  1. Generate Press is a mobile responsive theme and in the settings, you change the viewing from desktop to tablet to mobile devices.
  2. Don’t have pop-ups on your site because they increase your bounce rates.
  3. Use a larger font for any device so it can be read clearly

This is a screenshot of how my site looks on a mobile device:


Check how your new posts look on a mobile device every time before publishing!

Create Evergreen Content That People Are Looking For

A question most new bloggers ask is What shall I write about?

The answer is really rather simple!

The best content to write is called evergreen, it is content that is needed all year round to help people to answer their questions.

You can also right some seasonal content as well if that fits in with your niche.

One of the best ways to find out what people are searching for is to use a keyword research tool that will show you what words people are searching for on the internet.

If you are a member of Wealthy Affiliate you will get the use of Jaxxy included in your membership.

Google has an autofill method where you can type in any chosen word and google will fill in other words for you that users type in.

Using the Pinterest search bar is another useful tool that you can get popularly typed keywords from.

There are some really great paid options that will do a lot more than just give you Keywords.

Semrush you can try it for free I love using this platform because it has lots of other features, site audits, and recommendations, website analysis for your competition’s website as well as your own site and it also shows how often your brand appears on the web.

Jaxxy sign-up and get 30 free searches.


My Final Thoughts

I started blogging 12 months ago and I learned everything by joining the Wealthy Affiliate university at the 10-month mark I gave up my job and became a full-time blogger.

Starting a blog using the methods above that I have shared with you has made my dreams into a reality!

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7 thoughts on “Don’t Know How To Get A Blog Started? Find Out How To Now”

  1. A very good presentation of the first steps to start creating a website and writing articles. I would be very happy if I read this article before I started. Otherwise, I joined the Wealthy Affiliate and followed all the steps, but I was in a hurry. If I could go back to the beginning now, with all the information and knowledge I have, I would tackle it more holistically. But I am really satisfied with all the support of WA and with everything that this platform allows.
    I hope this article will be read by as many people as possible who are thinking about starting their blog and that they will follow your suggestions.
    Friendly greeting,

  2. This article says everything you need to know about blogging. It is very important to know all this information as this will either encourage you to blog for fun or for work. Thus it is important to know the do’s and don’t’s. Thank you for the useful informative article. Any tips how to make use the best blog layout.

  3. Some fantastic advice here thankyou. Blogging for me is the best of everything. I find absorbing myself in content creation quite therapeutic and it also makes money. Win win.

  4. thanks for this Lisa, blogging/writing allows me to have that space to share it to everyone still looking for a product I could offer. This will really help others who wants to pick up blogging.


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