CB Profit Sites Review Can It Make Unlimited Commissions

Hello, my friend a very warm welcome back. Free hosting sounds like a tempting deal but please believe me when I say it is not! 

Why I hear you ask?

Hosting needs to be updated all of the time and that requires people to pay a monthly or yearly fee. That cannot be done with a product that costs $23.00

CB Profit Sites was created by Glynn Kosky and is a done for you marketing system.

As a person who has worked online for a few years, I can tell you this is what is termed as “a get rich quick scheme” that will not make you rich!

All of the information researched for this review is available online and is easy to find. This review is my personal opinion and any recommendations are my own which You may not agree with.

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated with CB Profit Sites or Glynn Kosky in any way. If you do go ahead and buy it I will not get paid.

This post may contain affiliate links Which means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission the price you pay will not be affected.

Let us dive right in and see how this works and if it is worth our time and money:

CB Profit Sites Review_Logo

CB Profit Sites Overview

  • Product Type: Affiliate Marketing
  • Product Owner: Glynn Kosky
  • Cost Of Purchase: $23 + Six Upsells
  • Is It Recommended?: NO.

Glynn Kosky is a person who brings out new things on the Warrior Plus website all of the time.

If you need a reason not to buy it that is a big one.

To be honest with yourself would a system that works in the way portrayed really only cost $23? No, it wouldn’t it would be thousands if it was shared at all!

This software promises to make you a cloud-based review website and it is something he has brought out before under other names.

In other words, this is not new it has been repackaged and given a new name! 

Every product from this creator and others like him have one goal in mind and that is to take advantage of newbies or desperate people and make you think you can make money in less than a week.

Please. Wake up and smell the coffee. There is no such thing as a quick fix. You can make money online if you put in the work.

That is a fact whereas this software is pure fiction!

Make money with your own business in 2022.

About The Creator Of CB Profit Sites?

Even if you are spending $1.00 for a 7-day trial always look at the creator before buying the product doing this will stop you from being scammed.

Glynn Kosky was born in the UK and he is a marketer on Warrior Plus and Click Bank.

He has a blog, a Facebook page, an Instagram account, and a Youtube channel with 1.93k subscribers and he posts videos to it quite often.

CB Profit Sites Review_Glynn Kosky Youtube Channel

Related Post: Traffic Beast

What Is CB Profit Sites?

CB Profit Sites says you can make $1,000 a day on autopilot in the form of commissions.

You will have a website where you can add a logo, affiliate links and your name.

He also has another system called Commission Loophole and a few others with similar names.

In a nutshell, this is a shortcut to making affiliate marketing commissions.

CB Profit Sites_Product.2

What Do do You get With CB Profit Sites?

What is included in CB Profit sites:

  • You will receive your own affiliate review site all ready to launch
  • The Hosting is all included in the price
  • There are Pre-selected top-converting products all ready to use
  • Complete product reviews included
  • Professional banners, graphics, and calls-to-action all in place
  • There are Step-by-step video tutorials
  • Plus a bunch of Premium bonuses
CB Profit Sites Review_Sales Page

You also have access to free traffic methods!

I cannot wait to find out what they are?

How Does CB Profit Sites Work?

It all works just by following 3 simple steps:

CB Profit Sites Review_3 step process
  1. Just log in to the cloud-based software and put in your Clickbank ID, so you get paid for every sale that you make.
  2. Customize with your details, then select the products you wish to promote for your DONE FOR YOU review site & the bonuses you wish to offer.
  3. Use the free traffic provided to start making passive daily commissions.

The traffic is provided from the one-click social media buttons on the website.

How Much Does CB Profit Sites Cost?

The upfront price is $22.97 and there are 6 upsells:

CB Profit Sites review_Cost Of Purchase

Let us check out the 6 upsells.

You will need some of these to make the system work a bit more efficiently.

OTO #1 Unlimited Version: Costs $97

This one-time offer allows you to use CB Profit Sites to create more than one site. 

With the front-end version, you only get one site, so if you want to use this product to make money from multiple streams, you will need to buy this one.

OTO #2 DFY Version: Costs another $97

Although the sites you get are already Done For You, you still need to do some customizations. So if you don’t wish to do this on your own, you can order the Done For You version and let the creators do the work for you.

OTO #3 Automated Traffic Flow: Another $97

If you buy this upgrade, you’re going to get access to Done For You traffic as well, which means that you don’t have to work on building a following or an email list.

The creators are going to let you use the traffic they already own by placing your links on the sales page.

OTO #4 Conversion Boosting Tools: Set At $67

The creator is giving you access to a set of tools and resources you can use in your campaigns to boost your conversions. This includes popups and email swipes.

OTO #5 Bonus Page Builder: This is another $67

This upsell provides access to a feature called Bonus Page Builder that helps to build bonus pages.

OTO #6 Licence Rights: Costs $167

If you are interested in selling CB Profit Sites to your subscribers, you get to keep 100% of your profits after you make a sale.

CB Profit Sites review Pros and Cons

The Pros Of CB Profit Sites

1. There is a 30-day money-back guarantee.

2. You get lots of Click Bank Products to promote.

3. No need to write any content as it is done for you.

The Cons Of CB Profit Sites

1. Done for you sites have an issue of all being the same so they won’t rank.

2. You need to provide value to get sales and these review sites don’t provide that kind of content.

3. No choice in the products you can promote you are provided with a list and that is all you can promote.

4. Never start a business with a cloud-based website as it can be shut down at any time with no warning.

5. It is going to be very hard for you to get traffic to this site and that means you won’t make any money.

6. Why do you have to pay for 6 upsells to make the system work. Why can’t it have a one-off cost that covers everything?

Is CB Profit Sites A Scam?

Officially you get what they said they would provide. So in that respect, it is not a scam.

However, What it tells you is going to happen is all total BS.

The sites are all made exactly the same so they have no chance of ranking on the search engines which means no Traffic.

Any content on reviews is going to be biased and point you toward a product and it is not going to give the reader any value at all!

All of the products provided for you are from Click Bank and there are some awful programs on there that I would never promote.

Cloud-based websites are not secure and don’t get updated as they should so everything runs smoothly and it can shut anytime the creator wants it to.

The traffic method they suggest is social media and if you don’t already have a massive following then you will struggle to make money.

There should never be any upsells. They are just a way of getting more money out of you!

Is CB Profit Sites Recommended?

I do not recommend this business model.

This is not the way to do affiliate marketing properly.

The reasons why You should not do this:

1. You do not own the website. It is a subdomain of the CB Profit site.

2. You get paid a commission if somebody buys one of the products, without traffic the chances of that happening are zero.

3. When the program goes away as it can at any time how are you going to rebuild it? Answer: You are not because you didn’t build it in the first place!

4. The only way to have a sustainable business is to build it yourself. There are no shortcuts in this business and people need to stop wasting their time and money on things that don’t exist.

How I Make Money Online

Every time you spend money on a system that costs 10, 20, or 30 dollars and has 3-10 upsells you are not only wasting your money but more importantly you are wasting time!

The money you can get back but time is something that when it is gone it is gone.

A Doctor trains for 7 years to become qualified, a Dentist is 8 years, 4 for getting a bachelors degree and another 4 in a dentist school. 

Now apply the same theory to an online business do you honestly think you can make money in a few days?


Building a business takes time and there are no, none, nada shortcuts and you need to know that!

While you are wasting time on products like CB Profit Site I have written another 30 posts for my site that are getting traffic and making sales.

The system I use has been used for years and by millions of people successfully. It takes work and then just rinse and repeat!

It has a limited trial period but for the best results invest in yourself and your new business by upgrading to Premium or Premium+.

How To Make Money Online.

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