Caffeinated Affiliate Review Is It Worth Paying For

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. There are just so many ways to earn affiliate commissions online that it can be a tough choice of which program to buy.

Caffeinated Affiliate is a very good program taught by Greg Kononenko, a veteran affiliate marketing expert. 

The course is 100% organic traffic based (free traffic from the search engines), informational, and an investment worth making as the cost is very minimal a $1 Trial, then $37 per month or $137 for the year.

Another bonus is there are no upsells.

The only thing I would say is if you have previous experience this may be too basic for you.

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated with Caffeinated Affiliate or Greg Kononenko in any way. If you buy it I will not be paid financially or otherwise.

This affiliate program review will give you the facts and in-depth information on what the program covers.

This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Let’s dive in and find out whether we should invest or not?

Caffeinated-Affiliate-Club Review

Caffeinated Affiliate Overview

Product Name: Caffeinated Affiliate Club

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Course

Product Owner: Greg Kononenko

Cost Of Purchase: $1 Trial, then $37 each month or $137 for the year.

Is it Recommended? Yes

The training in this course is very comprehensive on how to get free traffic from the search engines using SEO techniques.

There are not that many courses around that solely teach this. Most of them are concentrated on using paid ads and hyped up claims to draw you in!

Keyword research is also massive in the quest to reach the top of the search and that is also covered thoroughly.

The price of the course is not all you need to pay for there are additional costs for things like hosting, a domain name, and a keyword research tool.

These tools can add on quite a few dollars every month ($50-$300) so you need to take these into consideration when budgeting.

With, my number 1 recommended program that also teaches free traffic training. Hosting, domain name, and keyword research tool are all included in the membership.

About The Creator Greg Kononenko

With so many undesirable programs around today, it is always advisable to check out the creator of any offer you are thinking about joining.

Greg has been working online for quite a few years. He has several different niches on his 300 various websites.

He is a 6 figure earner and very qualified to teach this business to you.


Looking at Greg’s Youtube channel which is called Caffeinated Blogger it has loads of videos on how to make money online and a subscriber number of 251K.

Greg has worked consistently hard to get to where he is today and his channel is popular because of the free traffic training that he teaches. 

He has another course similar to this one called Caffeinated Niche Profits which has been around for a couple of years.

Looks like he is a guy we can place our trust in!

What is Caffeinated Affiliate Club About?

It is all about building an affiliate marketing business.

The training takes you through a 3 step process to building your own online business.

Caffeinated Affiliate Club Review

Step 1: Is building the right foundation and that starts with your website to ensure it is attractive and simple to navigate. This is important for acceptance into affiliate programs.

It makes sense because you are going to be the face of their products so they need to see that you fit with their brand.

Note: In some cases, you will not be accepted no matter what you do. Don’t let that put you off as it is a normal occurrence.

Step 2: This step covers the importance of keywords for the SEO strategy to be effective. Greg provides weekly keyword reports or you can research your own keywords.

Step 3: Here we are going to cover the training on content creation, where to place affiliate links, and how our website is going to earn money.

These steps are all essential to building a successful online Affiliate Marketing business!

How Much Does It All Cost?

For what you receive in my opinion Caffeinated Affiliate is very reasonably priced.

It comes with a 14-day trial period for $1. If this suits your needs, you can then upgrade to either the monthly billing at $37/Month.

Or you can go for the yearly fee of $137, this is a great deal for those that are serious about committing to affiliate marketing with Greg Kononenko’s course.

If you’re not happy with your subscription you can get a refund within the 60-day time frame.

What Do You Get For Your Money With Caffeinated Affiliate Club?

Once you have finished the trial and upgraded to the premium membership there are over 40 lessons in video format that will teach you about:

1. Finding An Evergreen Niche.

2. How To Find Appropriate Keywords For The Niche.

3. How To Rank On The 1st Page Of the Search Engines.

4. Using Affiliate Links and Monetization.

5. Using Display Ads.

Keyword Reports

Greg provides you with 5 new keyword reports each week as a way of teaching you what to look for when searching for keywords.

So all of the students don’t get identical keyword reports he divides you into groups and provides report cards for each different group

Most other courses don’t teach this very thoroughly and that’s why his teachings are popular.

Support and Coaching

With this course, you are able to learn directly from Greg either by using the helpdesk or by leaving a post inside the Facebook group.

The Facebook group has been set up for members only and allows you all to communicate and ask each other questions.

Every month that you are a member has a bonus feature of new traffic sources that are working currently for Greg.

Caffeinated Affiliate Review pros and cons

The Pros Of Caffeinated Affiliate

1. Excellent high-quality training from a man who has had massive success and knows what he is talking about.

2. Keyword report cards provide brilliant insights into finding page 1 ranking keywords to get you more traffic.

3.  The course is very comprehensive full of value and is very reasonably priced.

4. Has a great moneyback guarantee with no questions asked.

The Cons Of Caffeinated Affiliate

1. Not every single thing you need is available inside of Caffeinated Affiliate. You will still need hosting, a keyword research tool and a domain name.

Some will know there are other options that provide all of these as well as the training and much more, for instance, Wealthy Affiliate.

Is Caffeinated Affiliate A Scam?

That is a 100% No. This is not a scam.

Caffeinated Affiliate is a truly legitimate program that teaches the fundamentals of building your website, doing keyword research and making money online with affiliate marketing.

It is being taught by a 6 figure earner who definitely knows what he is teaching about as he has done it and got the t-shirt.

Not only that but in my opinion he teaches things in the correct manner by tackling free traffic methods 1st and then later you can learn about paid traffic because that costs money that may not be available at the moment.

Blogging and affiliate marketing are all about helping your reader to find what they are looking for and Greg teaches in a way to make you understand that fact.

The only thing that would make this better would be to have hosting and a keyword research tool available.

Instead, you have to pay for them separately along with a domain name.

What I Recommend

As I have said all of the ways through this review this training is very comprehensive as well as being taught by a professional at a great price.

It will work for you even if you have never done anything online ever before.

Making money online depends on great training as well as dedication and hard work. If you apply yourself you will make money.

If I didn’t know of another alternative I would recommend this course hands down

You can get all that is offered here as well as hosting, domain name and keyword research tool from the program where I learned all of the SEO techniques.

It is still in the affiliate marketing niche and has been around for 16 years. The training inside covers everything this program does and so much more.

Everything I have mentioned is included in the membership fee.

Join over 1.5 million members who are only too willing to help you make a success of your business.

Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Lisa. Founder and CEO of

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