Blogging Tips You Need To Know That Successful Bloggers Don’t Share

Hello, my friends, and welcome back today we are going to go through the Blogging Tips That Successful Bloggers Don’t Share with their audiences.

There is a very good saying ” If blogging was easy peasy everyone would be doing it. ” It’s true that we love to write blog posts and look at analytics but there is so much more to blogging than the exciting stuff!

If you just want to blog for pleasure for stress relief because you love to write then that is one thing but, if you want to quit your job and do it full time that is a different thing entirely.

You read blogs from successful bloggers and you dream of getting over a million views on Pinterest as they manage to do.

Your thinking is if they can do it then so can I. 

I believe a lot of us can do it, but do we have what it takes to grind our way to success?

Let’s dig in and find out.

Blogging Is Not For Everyone

Blogging takes months to get established and it can be very disheartening to write away for months on end for little to no reward.

You will often wonder if it is all worth it? 

Can you say you will put in the work that is required for the blog to become a success?

It is work and hard work at that. No days off, No posting when you feel like it you need a schedule that you can stick to.

Having a timeline to leave your current job means slaving away for that many months and more until you have earned enough money to be able to pay your expenses.

I know a few bloggers who work an 8-10hr day in their job and then blog and market their posts for another 3-4 hours a day 6-7 days a week. Now that is the will to succeed right there. Many of them have succeeded because they didn’t quit!

They didn’t go out with their friends to meals, they missed birthdays and other special celebrations because the goal they had to get out of the dead-end day job was stronger than the one evening of pleasure.

Have you got what it takes to reach your goals?

This article may contain Affiliate Links which means if you make a purchase I may receive a small commission. The price you pay will not be affected. This helps to keep me in coffee when I’m researching and writing for you


Niche Topics

The generally recognized advice about choosing a niche is to write about things you enjoy doing or things you have a fair amount of knowledge on. 

That sounds like good advice because it’s going to be a commitment for years to come but what happens if you cannot monetize it and earn a living?

Most niche topics can earn a few hundred pounds here and there and that’s great if you just want a bit extra cash each month but that won’t pay your bills for a full-time income. How do you fix this?

The best way I have found is to ask other bloggers at wealthy Affiliate where you can learn everything about blogging from A to Z.

One of the most successful niches is Crafting, learning how to crochet, knit, and sew. These people are always looking for new materials and patterns and they are very happy to pay for the answers.

Surprisingly enough another great niche is dolls houses these collectors of tiny furniture are always looking for new and different ideas for their beautiful houses and that doesn’t just cover furniture they also want electrical items and decorating materials which you can supply by having an Etsy store setup.

How can you help people has to be the question you need to answer if you want to own a successful blog?

Why Your Audience Matters

When getting started with a blog you will have the expectation that every post you write will answer people’s questions and you will receive lots of visitors. It is a bitter pill to swallow when you find that isn’t the case.

There will be a post you are certain will be the one that often turns out not to be and one you think is not that great will be the one that gains traction and takes off.

It’s strange how that works!

Once you have an audience you can talk to them and ask them questions about what they need help with. The more answers you can glean from them will give you a better understanding of their needs.

With this new knowledge, you can provide content that you know is wanted and needed this, in turn, will provide value to others and then your blog will grow and become successful.

I’m an introvert and I admit I found this idea stressful to deal with in the beginning. How to get over that in 3 ways:

  1. Ask questions throughout your blog posts and when people comment you can communicate the answers.
  2. When you have an email list you can then ask the questions that way.
  3. In the first email introduce yourself and ask them to tell you a bit about themselves.

Just be aware not everyone on the list will answer but that is okay you don’t need answers from them all. Those that do respond are the ones that will buy from you because they need the most help.


A surprising Fact About Your Email List

You can have a list of 5,000 people and 95% of them will never respond to you, it makes you wonder why they signed up in the first place?

Lots of new bloggers sign up to existing blogger’s emails to learn what to send and also what products to offer in the future. This makes perfect sense as then you are learning from those that are already successful.

Those that do open all that you send out and reply to you are all that you need even though that may be only 5% it is enough.

Don’t make the big mistake of trying to do everything for everyone otherwise you will end up not helping any of them.

Having a list of responsive subscribers can be enough for you to earn a decent living.

As an example, you speak to the audience and they tell you they are struggling with Pinterest so you make a short course on how to use it but only 15 people buy it. You feel very disappointed.

After further investigation, you then realize it is a pinning strategy they need help with. That is easy for you to sort out by recommending Tailwind the scheduler that you use that has brought you triple traffic over the last few months.

With Tailwind, they have 2 ways of earning affiliate income the First is by offering a free month which is $15. dollars off and you receive that amount also when they continue to use it.

The second is to sign up through ShareASale where they get 100 free pins and you receive a cash payment when they pay for the amazing service that is offered. A huge win for all of you.

Pin Made By Elizabeth.

Viral Pinterest Pins

After using Tailwind for a few months you and some of those that took up your offer had a viral pin this enabled you to be able to run ads on your site and earn extra revenue to the tune of hundreds of pounds a month.

Not everyone chose to do this, running an ad is not something everyone wants to do on their site.

You will see a lot of blogs running ads through Mediavine they pay out the highest amount of money the only downside, in the beginning, is you need 50,000 impressions in a single month verified by Google Analytics to get accepted using Tailwind can get your pins in front of more people and get you the viral pins needed to get to that number of impressions.

Communicating With Other Bloggers

In the beginning, blogging and working for yourself from home or whilst traveling is exciting but you can often be found still in front of the computer in the early hours of the morning trying to get everything finished.

Those that are not going through this journey with you just don’t get the frustrations and the joys that you will experience and if you live alone you need others who understand to share it all with. After all, they have been through the process already.

Is Blogging For You?

Now you are aware of some of the steps needed to move forward on this long and very rewarding journey have you decided that blogging is for you?

If you have then this information will take you forward to the next steps you need to get started. What have you got to fear? The best time to start is right this minute!

Have you got questions? Leave them in the comments and they will be answered personally by me.

This post was checked for grammar, spelling, and sentence structure using Grammarly

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