9 Rules You Need To Know To Get Accepted By Adsense

Hey, and welcome back. Today’s subject is all about The Rules You Need To Know To Get Accepted By Adsense. This post is going to cover the tips in detail.

I hear you when you say you don’t like tons of ads and endless popups I’m the same it gets on my nerves and I leave especially when I can’t get rid of them.

The content could be the best that Has ever been written, but, if you can’t get to it what’s the point?

One good thing about ads is you can control them. You can set them on low so they only show a couple and you don’t have to have them on all of the pages.

My blog is too young to have ads and even if it wasn’t I haven’t made up my mind about them!

This advice today will ensure you don’t fail when you apply, it takes between 2-3 weeks to get accepted so let’s get it right on the first attempt:

This post may contain Affiliate Links which means if you click through and make a purchase I may receive a small commission. The price you pay will not be affected. This helps to keep me in coffee when I’m writing for you.

Rules For Google Adsense Approval

#1 Your Blog Has To Be At Least 3 Months Old.

As I stated above my blog is not 3 months old yet. This rule makes a lot of sense, Google is the same when it comes to ranking your content and website it gives your website 10% site trust every month. 

This is to make sure you stay around before giving you tons of traffic and then disappearing!

Google Adsense used to be very easy to get approval from but that all changed a few years ago and now the process is a lot more difficult to get accepted.

The main reason for the change was that people abused the privilege and got clicks that weren’t valid so the terms and conditions all changed.

Your domain’s age can be checked using this handy tool.

#2 The minimum Age Requirement Is 18 Years Old

In the T and C’s set out by Google, you cannot apply to AdSense if you are under 18 years of age.

I know there are a lot of young entrepreneurs out there that are nowhere near the age of 18, No need to fret your parents or legal guardian can apply for you.

This way you can still monetize your channel or your blog!

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#3 Top Quality Content

The content on your site has to be top quality no matter what for it to be seen and ranked by any search engine.

There are many factors taken into consideration by the Adsense team and this is a major one to get right!

As long as you have unique content that answers the user’s questions you will not get rejected for this reason.

By far the best idea for content is when you answer the searcher’s query fully so they don’t need to find the answers by completing another search.

I am sure you are aware if you know anything about blogging that you should write an absolute minimum of 1,000  words to get anywhere with your blog.

The search engines love posts that have 1,200 words + so try to aim for that without stuffing the post with unnecessary wordiness.

You can make a simple check to see that your content is unique by using this free checker.

#4 No Images From Google

Google’s images are copywriter protected. You cannot under any circumstances take images from Google and use them on your website!

Lots of new bloggers often make this mistake in innocence but, that’s no excuse and can land you in hot water.

You can embed a Youtube video on your site as long as there is an embed code included with the video and you should also make others aware you didn’t make the content.

There are several ways you can get around this:

  • Create the images yourself by taking photographs and editing them using photoshop
  • You can also use Pixabay, Canva, Unsplash, and Pexels for free images. Look at the rules for each platform some of them you have to give the credit in your post to the photographer.

If you miss out on the last step it’s highly likely you won’t be approved!

9 Rules You Need To Know To Get Accepted By Adsense_

#5 Simple to Navigate Site

Even if you never want ads on your website, it is imperative that it’s easy to navigate.

When any search engine comes to your site to rank your content it has to be easy to get to. One of the easiest ways is to link your posts to the current post you are writing as long as it is applicable.

Don’t do it if it doesn’t make sense!

The Adsense approver will navigate your site manually so make sure to check everything is categorized and is attached to the correct menu.

If you go to the homepage of this site you will see that it has 4 categories in the top menu and each post is in a subcategory. 

This will not only help with the Adsense approval but it will help your posts to get indexed quicker!

#6 Must-Have Pages

There are legal pages that every website should have:

  1. Privacy Policy
  2. About Me/Us
  3. Affiliate Disclaimer
  4. Contact Me/Us
  5. If you are in Europe you will need a GDPR page

One thing is for certain if you don’t have the correct pages then Adsense will reject you!

Sort this out before you apply.

The Privacy Policy must state how your website collects, uses, shares, and sells the personal information of your visitors as well as the cookie policy used.

The About Me/Us page has to say what the purpose of the site is as well as a little about you.

As a side note, you’re about you page is usually the most visited page of any website, use this opportunity to explain how you are going to help your readers!

Affiliate Disclaimer if you are using affiliate links on your site that has to be stated on this page and is a legal requirement on every page you write that contains any money-making links.

Contact Page is where you obviously put your contact details, ie your business email, business address, and phone number if you wish to include it!

GDPR Page depending on where you live in the world you may have to have a general data protection page. This has to say what information you retain and hold from your visitor.

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#7 No Illegal Content

It is very clearly stated in Google’s rules that your site cannot under any circumstances contain content of an illegal nature!

This includes discrimination of any description!

Some people write content on hacking, drugs, and terrorist activities and they will never get any ads on their sites.

#8 Blog Posts

As with the 3-month-old domain rule, you will need to have written content on the site a minimum of 15 posts will help to get you accepted.

Make sure the content is high quality, don’t just write posts for the sake of it to try to get accepted!

Depending on the length of your posts as to how many are recommended. Posts 1,200 words + a minimum of 15. Posts less than 1,200 words you would need 25-30 to be on the safe side.

As I said above this blog is not 3 months old yet, it has everything except for the domain authority and the contact me page not that I am applying.

After speaking to loads of other bloggers and looking at the rules for myself one of the most important factors is content. But that applies to most things to do with blogging success.

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#9 Read The Adsense Rules

Even though this is a comprehensive post regarding Adsense approval I still recommend you study the rules carefully.

There are a lot of terms and conditions you need to abide by. Make sure you understand them!

Remember Google reserves the right to stop your ads at any time and they can either suspend the account until you fix the problems or ban it entirely.

A quick recap of the most important rules to get accepted:

  • 3-month-old domain.
  • 18 years old or over.
  • Top Quality Content
  • No copywriter images
  • Simple to navigate website
  • Legal Pages
  • No illegal content
  • The recommended amount of blog posts

Google Adsense is usually the first way any new blogger makes money from their website. By following the procedures set out here you should have no problem getting accepted.

Just a thought about the theme you are using. Is it aesthetically pleasing as well as easy to navigate?

That can sometimes have an effect on the decision from Adsense, not always but better to be aware.

This website uses a very lightweight GeneratePress theme from WordPress. It is very simple to customize even with the free version and another must-have feature for the search engines is mobile usability.

I would love to know below in the comments how you get on with Adsense after your swift approval!

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