The Top 4 Questions That New Bloggers Need Answers To

Hello and welcome back, today we are going to cover the Top 4 Questions That New Bloggers Have That They Need Answers To.

As a blogger with a bit of experience, there are 4 questions that are asked over and over again by new and experienced bloggers. This has prompted me to write this post to help others who are asking these very questions.

This post may contain affiliate links. This means I may make a commission if you make a purchase using one of the links. The price you pay will not be affected. This helps to keep me in coffee when I’m writing for you.

Let’s jump right in and find out the questions and the all-important answers!

Question 1- How Do I Get Traffic To My Blog

This question has a multi-faceted answer as there are many different ways this can be achieved.

Depending on where you are learning how to blog you could be given different advice to follow, where I learned at Wealthy Affiliate they teach you one of the most essential ways is through SEO, this is a way of gaining free traffic from the search engines and it is the longest but most important route.

You write quality content that answers the questions your readers need help with and Google will rank it overtime on its search results. Bing and Yahoo tend to do this quicker than Google and you can receive a small amount of traffic from those sources. 

After your posts are written you will need to get them in front of viewers this can be accomplished by using social media.

Having used several different platforms my preferred one is definitely Pinterest.

The growth has been far quicker with a new blog by using this visual search engine.

You can go from 0-10k monthly views in 2 months especially if you use the scheduling tool called Tailwind. This tool is a must way to keep track of your pins and also to ensure they go out regularly.

Your traffic will explode into life even if you only have a small number of posts. Try one month for Free.

Facebook has blogging groups that you can join and each one has a sharing of posts day where others will either share your post on social media or write a comment on the post.


Question 2 What shall I Write About?

Choosing a subject commonly known as a niche in the blogging world can be a long-drawn-out process for many people me included the first time.

The choice has to be something you can confidently write about over a long period of time as well as being able to help your audience with your expert knowledge so they like and trust you enough to come back for more.

This post may help you out further What do I write about in a blog?

When you have chosen your niche you will be required to do research for each post you wish to write about, this process can actually take longer than writing the article most bloggers use a keyword research tool to help with the process of finding out what is popular. This is a big step that will help you to get topics that visitors wish to read about.

Question 3 How Many Posts Should Be Published A Month?

This is a very time dependant question if you are retired you could very easily publish one a day if you have enough ideas to start off with. Although I am by no means suggesting you do this The content you write has to have value.

If you work a job I would aim for 1-2 posts a week. The biggest factor to take into consideration is consistency. Google will find your content and index it if it answers people’s questions in the search.

You could write a quality post of 2,500 words once a week that may do better than 3 1,000 word posts Quality is the operative word here.

Another factor to take into consideration is if you want to monetize the blog. In this case, the quicker you can get great posts onto your site the more rapidly you will be able to share them on Pinterest to start bringing traffic to you.

Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself go at a pace that you feel comfortable with just be consistent!


Question 4 How Do I Monetize My Blog?

If you have just started a new blog I’m sure you have asked yourself this popular question of how to earn money from this blog.

There are lots of ways this can be achieved let’s cover a few of them:

Once you have some posts up say a minimum of 15 you can apply to Adsense so you can run ads, when a visitor clicks on the ad you get paid a very small commission that will build up over time as your visitors grow.

Staying with ads once you have gotten to 50,000 impressions verified by Analytics from Google you can ask to join Mediavine this ads program pays one of the highest rates available.

Affiliate Marketing is where you join merchants that give you affiliate links to put into your content these links have a special tracking code that tells the owner you have sent the buyer to their site and they have bought some products.

Once the sale is completed you will receive a commission.

The site I use the most is called ShareASale it is full of thousands of merchants for any niche imaginable all on one platform.

What you will promote will be dependant on the niche you have chosen.

For example, if you are helping new bloggers to get started they would do well to be a member of Semrush to provide them with some very useful key features such as SEO help, content marketing tool, and a Keyword Research Tool to name just 3 of the services they offer.

You Can sell your own products making printables and courses are a brilliant way to achieve 2 different objectives you can sell the product or you can give it away for free in exchange for the visitor’s email address.

Last one, Sponsored Posts I left this option to last for a reason your blog will need to be quite established before you can use this option.

Companies will contact you and ask you to write for them and they will pay you for doing so.

Pin Made by Elizabeth at earning SAHM

My Final Thoughts

There are probably a few more questions you would like answers to and if that is the case then you can ask them in the comments below this post. I will be happy to answer you.

Incidentally, I’ve just been asked in a Facebook group if there is a good time to publish our content. I would have to say that is not really an important factor.

What would be of more relevance would be the sharing of the content to your email list and on Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter, or Instagram.

Having your blog hooked up to Google Analytics will give you insights as to when people are clicking through to your content and from which social media is working best for you.

Social media sites also contain Analytics that you can use to gain useful data.

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2 thoughts on “The Top 4 Questions That New Bloggers Need Answers To”

  1. This is a great post and very informative especially for new bloggers. I have heard a lot about Tailwind and really need to check it out. Thanks for sharing!


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