What Is The Nimbus Platform Cryptocurrency Review: Scam?

Hello and a warm welcome back. Today we are going to have a look at a company called Nimbus Which trades in Cryptocurrencies, Is this program all that it seems to be?

Investing In Cryptocurrencies is a popular way of making money for many people, We know the values go up and down as with any stock market involvement, but will this company make your money tank?.

Is Nimbus a legit program or is it a deadly MLM or Pyramid scheme that will take all of your hard-earned cash?

First things first it is great that you are doing important research before investing a penny online.

Secondly, I am not affiliated or associated with Nimbus in any way. The information contained in this review is freely available online for anybody to find.

My aim is solely to provide the information for you to make an informed decision on whether to join or not!

This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I could receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

P.s. I only recommend products and services that I actively use.

Let us dive in and learn more about the Nimbus Platform.

Nimbus Platform Review

Product Name: Nimbus Platform
Founded By: Andrea Zanon
Registered In: Malta
Product Type: Cryptocurrency
Website: nimbusplatform.io
Price To Join: $350 minimum investment needed to get started

Who Is This For?: Answer will be revealed at the end!

What Is The Nimbus Platform?

The company was registered by MR Andrea Zanon, residing in Spain and the company is registered to operate in Malta.

Registration took place on 27th January 2020. As a Limited Liability Company.

The purpose is described as: ”

(a) The main trading activity of the company is To build and maintain a Technical infrastructure for
Digital securities or other types of Financial instruments.
The other activities are described as:
(b) the distribution of ledger Technology;
(c) to provide Consultancy services related to Blockchain and Security activities;
(d) to also provide IT Consultancy Services;

More on this can be found here.”

Mr Zanon can be found making claims in a video that he has 20 years of experience with Global finances.

He is Italian by birth but currently resides in Europe Namely Spain.

After an hour of research, I could not find anything else involving Zanon in any other MLM’s or cryptocurrencies. (red flag?)

Mr Zanon resigned his position as secretary of Nimbus effective June 06, 2020.

The position was taken up by MRS. ISABEL ALEJANDRA BARREIRO CLEMENTE. Proof here.

Zanon then resigned from other prominent positions on 27th August 2020 and was replaced by MR. KIMISKEZ ODYSSEAS.

In another twist, Zanon then stepped down as the CEO of Nimbus in September 2020 and was then replaced by Fernando Martinho.


Fernando Martinho has been involved in another company called Naoris which was launched in 2018 and was a similar type of program.

Nimbus Platform’s Products

The platform does not have any retail products or services, all you can get is fintech crowdfunding investment packages.

The packages offer a percentage of daily returns. (at no risk). You exchange cash for a NMBT token.

How To Make Money With Nimbus

  • Invest between $350- $1,000 to earn a return of 0.25% daily.
  • Invest between $1,001- $5,000 to earn a return of 0.3% daily.
  • Invest between $5,001- $30,000 to earn a return of 0.4% daily.
  • Invest $30,001 or above and can get a return of 0.5% daily.

At a glance, these investment packages are very appealing. If you invest $1,000, you will be paid $2.5 daily. After a year, you will almost have doubled your money. 


The Nimbus MLM Option

In addition to generating a passive income from the investment packages, you can also promote the Nimbus Platform via its MLM program.

Nimbus Platform operates the unilevel MLM structure, where you can gain residual commissions up to 25 levels. 

This unilevel structure works by placing you at the top and anyone you recruit becomes your first level. Anyone they recruit become your second level and so on.

These are the commission rates:

  • Level 1: pays out 50% 
  • Level 2: pays out 25%
  • Level 3: pays out 20%
  • Level 4: pays out 15%
  • Level 5: pays out 14%
  • Level 6: pays out13%
  • Level 7: pays out12%
  • Level 8: pays out11%
  • Level 9: pays out 10%
  • Level 10: pays out 9%
  • Level 11: pays out 8%
  • Level 12: pays out 7%
  • Level 13: pays out 6%
  • Level 14: pays out 5%
  • Level 15: pays out 4%
  • Level 16: pays out 3%
  • Level 17 to Level 20: pays out 2%
  • Level 21 to Level 25: pays out 1%

Once you recruit a new member, you will make 50% of their investment value for level 1.

By having the use of 25 levels of residual commissions, there is a strong motivation to promote the Nimbus opportunity.

In fact, recruiting works more effectively than the investment packages. 

Pro’s Of The Nimbus Platform

I could not find any pros for the Nimbus Platform, it has no products or services which means it is an MLM scheme that is illegal in many countries.

These types of opportunities are also called Ponzi Schemes.

There was another program like this called We Share Abundance, which turned out in my opinion to be a scam.

Con’s Of The Nimbus Platform

#1 Very Expensive to get started: $350. Not a lot of people could just lay their hands on $350 and risk losing it all on such a program.

There is absolutely no proof anywhere that the platform performs trades of any description! (Red flag)

#2 Their tokens, called NMBT, are generated on an on-demand basis, this means they have little to no value to the public market.

#3 A Guaranteed Investment, is something to have a long hard look at unless it is guaranteed by a bank.

Nimbus claims you can receive a daily return of 0.25% which makes it sound like you cannot lose! (red flag)

Zero risks, coupled with promises of high returns, + guaranteed investments are big signs of a scam! (red flag)

#4 You Have To Recruit To Earn from the program Because the platform doesn’t offer any products or services and recruitment is the only potential for earning the FTC’s definition of this is an MLM Ponzi Scheme.

Also known a Pyramid scheme which is highly illegal and could lead to jail time! (red flag)

The payments higher up’s receive come from the new recruits that are paying to join when this stops the whole thing collapses.

#5 Why Is the company Registered In Malta? Is it a shell company? It does make you wonder? or is that just me!

Would I Join The Nimbus Platform?

If you are thinking of asking me if I would join this program? The answer is a definite categorical No!

I would steer clear of anything of this type.

The reason for doing research and writing reviews is because I was burned before and now I try to prevent others from making the same mistake.

Is Nimbus A Scam?

The Nimbus Platform is an MLM, Ponzi Scheme, Pyramid scheme there is just no other way of saying it.

The idea is that you invest money into the NMBT token and then that is traded for cryptocurrencies, but there is no evidence of this action ever taking place.

Everything totally depends on recruitment and if you joined this at the bottom of the Pyramid you would likely never see any returns.

Legitimate opportunities never guarantee a return on your investment. They normally have a disclaimer that offers the opposite of a guarantee.

There are legitimate MLM’s around and I would keep searching rather than throwing $350 away on this one.

How I Earn Full-Time Online

Just 12 and a half months ago I was looking for a legitimate way of earning money online. I found what I had been searching for!

There is no such opportunity as a get-rich-quick scheme. All legitimate options available do take work to build your own business.

Now I use my time productively to earn a passive income through a simple system called Affiliate Marketing.

Why I choose Affiliate Marketing?

  1. It is free to join.
  2. No recruitment needed
  3. You can choose the products you wish to promote.
  4. I can work from anywhere that has an internet connection, In a cafe in the sun
  5. No boss to answer too. Stop and start as I wish!
  6. Watch money coming in even while on holiday or when sleeping.

Thank you very much for your support. If you have found value from this then please share it.

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