What Are Proven Methods to Drive Traffic to My Website?

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. We are going to take a look at 10 Proven Methods To Drive Traffic To Your Website.

When you are stuck in traffic jams on the highway, you remember you are a marketer.

You begin to think about why you’ve not been able to generate enough traffic to your website.

This process requires posting high-quality content consistently, building internal and external links, participating in online communities, doing blogger outreach, and much more.

You are not the only one who has struggled to drive website traffic.

According to the Content Marketing Institute research conducted in 2020, 63 per cent of content professionals struggle to find enough marketers who are skilled in content strategy, which is one of the top drivers of website traffic.

10 Tactics To Send Traffic To Your Website

These tips will help increase traffic to your site, generate leads and improve ROI.

1. Use Content Explorer To Get Content Ideas

Content Explorer is a searchable database that contains over one billion pages.

You can find low-hanging content ideas that are easy to rank for by searching broad topics and applying two filters.

This will provide you with a list of relevant pages that receive lots of organic traffic and have few backlinks.

2.Target Topics With Search Traffic Potential

Search engine optimization (SEO), is without a doubt, one of the most effective ways to get consistent, long-term results. As long as your website ranks high in Google, it will certainly generate organic traffic. This is why you should write on topics that people are searching for. 

Here are quick ways to get started:

  • Finding high-volume, low-competition keywords

You can enter one or more keywords or phrases in Ahrefs Keywords Explorer. Next, choose one of the keywords reports to view hundreds or thousands of possible ideas.

  • Search volume

This is the total search demand for a keyword or the number of times that keyword is searched in Google every month in a country.

  • Keyword Difficulty

The ranking difficulty of a keyword is represented numerically as a number between zero and one hundred. This will give you a manageable set of topics with low competition and decent search volumes. You can play with the filters to get more ideas.

Note: To accurately judge the difficulty of a search query and to determine search intent, you should always manually analyze search results.

Don’t stop there. You can further prioritize your topics by focusing your attention on topics with high business value. This means that your product or service solves a specific problem.

The best topics balance high traffic potential with low competition and high business value.

3. Promote Content In The Relevant Online Communities

These are the online communities where your target audience is most active. These communities are everywhere you look:

  • Facebook groups
  • Reddit
  • Slack
  • Forums

While you can explore most online communities for engagement, referral traffic, and link-building, you shouldn’t spam. There’s no faster and more effective way to be kicked out and banned.

What Are proven methods to drive Traffic To My Website- write-Guest-posts

4. Write Guest Posts

Guest blogging is where you contribute to other blogs. The editor or site owner will often allow you to link back to your site in return.

These benefits include:

  • Referral traffic
  • More backlinks (which correlates with rankings)
  • Increased brand awareness

Finding blogs willing to accept guest posts is the biggest problem with guest blogging. You can use Google search operators to find sites that have “write for us” and “become a contributor” pages.

If everyone follows the same process, everyone will find the same opportunities. Editors of these sites are often overwhelmed by pitches and therefore tend to ignore most of them.

What can you do to solve this problem? You don’t have to limit your search to sites that offer a “write for us” option. Many sites will accept guest posts even if they don’t advertise for them.

Who doesn’t love free content? You can find other websites that have written on a topic you are interested in guest posting about. Content Explorer is the best way to accomplish this.

To make sure you don’t contact the same websites twice, enter any phrase or word and toggle the “one Article per Domain” switch. To narrow down the quality of sites you are comfortable writing for, use the Domain Rating filter.

Most people only write guest posts to get links. They don’t care if the topic of the post is relevant to their blog or if the links they create are likely to bring them referral traffic.

It doesn’t matter if you have to sell. You can mention your product/service where it is relevant. My experience is that most website owners will allow you to mention your product or service as long as you aren’t too pushy.

5. Appear On Podcasts

44% of Americans have listened to podcasts.

Podcasts are now one of the most popular marketing channels. Drift is one of the most popular brands in this space, creating podcasts and other versions.

It can be tedious to create a podcast. You’ll need equipment, editing skills, guests, etc. If you don’t have the resources to set one up, it might not be a good idea.

Podcasts are full of guests – meaning that they have a lot to offer. You can pitch to be that guest!

How do you find podcast opportunities?

Google is the best way to go. You can search for “top podcasts in your niche” and get tons of curated lists.

You can also use Site Explorer to identify the name and industry of any guest who has appeared on multiple podcasts.

Next, visit Site Explorer > Enter the website of the person > Backlinks. This will bring up the podcasts where the person has been featured on. You can pitch yourself to the host by becoming a guest.

6. Answer Questions On Quora

Quora allows anyone to ask questions and provide quality answers.

This means that you can answer questions related to your niche and establish yourself as an authority. 

How do you market on Quora then?

This equation has two parts:

A. It is crucial to search for answers. 

Quora is a user-generated website, where thousands and even millions of people post questions every day.

Pareto’s Principle states that only about 20% will send traffic to you.

The best approach to finding questions easily on Quora is to type quora.com in Site Explorer, and then navigate to the “Top Pages” report. This report will show you which pages on Quora receive the most search traffic.

This means that any answer you submit here will also appear on Google and thus send you more referral traffic. To find the right questions, use the “Include” box to enter a word or phrase.

You can also use the Quora Ads hack.

When you create an Ads account, choose “Questions Targeting” and then enter a keyword. Quora will suggest keywords and display the number of weekly views.

B. Answering questions well

Quora questions are not difficult to answer. Good copywriting is only possible when you have good answers. You must write compelling copy if you want someone to read your answer.

There are many copywriting formulae to make it easier. One of these is the AIDA formula.

  •  Attention: Use something relevant and catchy to grab attention.
  • Interests: Share interesting facts, uses, and examples with them.
  • Desire: Make them want the product/service/etc.
  • Take action: Make them take responsibility.

This guide explains the AIDA formula in more detail.

Here are some other suggestions for getting a great Quora response:

  • Provide value: If Quora moderators feel you are only trying to steal traffic to your site, they will remove your reply (or ban) you. As long as you provide real value, they will allow you to link to other sites.
  • Images are a must: Images can help users catch attention while scrolling through Quora.
  • Tell a story: Many Quora answers seem very dull and fact-based. You can engage readers with exciting stories.
  • Connecting with “Spaces” owners is another way to have your answers noticed by others. This enables Quorans to create communities and curate content.

7. To Tap Into The Audiences Of Other Brands, Collaborate With Them

Most businesses have many non-competing brands that target the same audience. Why not collaborate to promote each other to our respective audiences?

8. Update Outdated Content

If you start updating outdated content on your site, most posts will go from being ranked for nothing to being ranked #1 for their target keywords.

If you consistently do this, you will get a huge increase in traffic to most of your blog posts. This is a proven traffic-building strategy that will stand the test of time.

No algorithm changes will ever affect it.

If you notice any blog posts that are not evergreen in Google’s eyes, make sure to refresh and republish them. You will see a significant boost in search traffic after some days.

SEO isn’t a one-and-done task. Competitors may attempt to “steal” your top ranks for your target keyword even if you are already ranking well.

Google could also “demote” your rankings if you have outdated content. So, to make blogging successful, updating old content is crucial.

To maintain your rankings, you must keep your content up to date and relevant. If you continue to do this, you will never experience a drop in your search rankings.

You can paste your page address into Ahrefs Site Explorer to view the Overview report.

Look at search results and find out what top-ranking posts have and what you don’t. Ranking drops are often caused by outdated content. 

Sometimes, it will suffice to refresh the sections that are no longer relevant depending on the keyword. Sometimes, however, it might be necessary to rewrite the entire post (which you should do most often to keep getting higher rankings in SERPs!)

9. Combine Similar Posts

Perform an audit test and find out which pages aren’t getting enough search traffic. SEO best practices allow you to combine such posts into one or link them to pages that are generating lots of traffic hits in search results. This is the Cocktail Technique.

It is possible to improve your SERP performance by combining and consolidating such posts into one page. It’s also called the Skyscraper Technique.

This is why it works.

There are two reasons:

Consolidation and Authority: PageRank is no longer “leaked” by 301 redirects. You will be able to merge the authority of two similar pages by redirecting one page to another.

More content: By combining two pages into one, you will create a better piece of content, which deserves more traffic.

10. Rank Videos On YouTube

Google search can be very competitive for certain key phrases. YouTube SEO gives everyone equal opportunities to entertain, engage and rank. 

How do you explain?

Keywords and search intent are important but the most important component of YouTube SEO is engagement.

Metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), watch time average, and likes/dislikes are all relevant.

YouTube wants its viewers to remain on the platform as long as they can. This helps them make more advertising dollars. They’ll reward you with visibility.

This is a simplified way to make videos that rank:

Keyword research is essential: Search traffic won’t come if you don’t target search volumes. You can use the YouTube Keyword Tool (parts of Keyword Explorer) to get these numbers. Or, pair YouTube Suggest and Google Trends for popularity estimation.

Search intent is what you need to identify: This is what drives someone to search for a query. Search intent is the reason someone searches for a query. Enter your keyword into YouTube and you’ll see which top 3-5 results are discussing it.

Create a high-engaging video that meets search intent: You will need to write your videos unless you are GaryVee.

You will have to plan the story you want to tell, the hook that you will use, and the content that you will present. Next, edit your videos strategically to make them engaging and entertaining. (Hint: This is why movies are so great at capturing attention. It’s all about editing!)

On-page Optimization of YouTube videos: YouTube on-page SEO = title description, tags, thumbnail, etc. This will allow you to include your target keyword in the title, description, tags, and thumbnail. Make sure that it is eye-catching.

Publish and promote: The critical time period is between 24-48 hours after publishing. You should publish when it is “best” for you (check your YouTube analytics), reply to all comments, and promote it heavily (send it in a newsletter, share it on social media with video embeds, etc.).


You can easily see the results of your website traffic when you are busy writing blog posts, republishing old posts, updating social media, and planning for an email campaign.

Thanks very much for supporting me to the end of this post.

If you have any questions you need answering then leave them in the comments box below and I will be happy to answer them for you.

Did you get value from this post? If you did then please share it to help others using the sharing buttons provided.

Follow me on Pinterest or join my email list for more awesome tips.

Lisa. Founder and CEO of mistakesbloggersmake.com

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18 thoughts on “What Are Proven Methods to Drive Traffic to My Website?”

  1. Great tips! I use a lot of them myself but I never thought about using Quora. I recently published a post on blogging tips as well and may just update it to include Quora now I know it gives you more traffic from Google 🙂

    • Hey Shelley,

      It is good to hear from you again. Sharing helpful tips on places like Quora is almost as important as sharing them in a blog post in my opinion.
      Thanks for the comment.
      Have a very productive week.

  2. Just what I need. Thanks so much for the new information that you have shared.
    I need to start implementing some of these on my own blog!

    • Hello Lani,
      Sometimes it is difficult to know what traffic methods to pursue because there are so many to choose from.
      The methods included in this post will help you to gain more traction from Google.
      Have a great week.
      Lisa 🙂

    • Hi Karen,
      Quora is a great place to answer questions because they get indexed by Google so just treat them like a mini blog post with links and images.
      Have a great week.
      Lisa 🙂

  3. These are super helpful tips! I especially like the one about answering questions on Quora. I have never done that but I will start as it will be good to get more Google engagement!

    • Hello, Carrie,
      A lot of people don’t understand the importance of Quora. It’s not just that you are helping to answer people’s questions. It is also about them being found on Google as well.
      I’m pleased the post was helpful 🙂
      Have a great week.

  4. These are some great suggestions! I had never thought about using quora before. Thanks for the idea it is one I can put into practice!

    • Hi Laura,
      A lot of people don’t know the power of Quora and they are really missing out!
      It’s great that you found the post to be valuable.
      Thanks for commenting.
      Have a great week.
      Lisa 🙂

    • Hello Joanna,
      I’m happy that you found the tips to be useful.
      Saving it for future reference is a good way of reminding yourself to implement the information.
      Have a very productive week.

    • Hello Krysten,
      It is a pleasure to share valuable information with you.
      I’m pleased to hear that you found it to be useful.
      Have a great week.
      Lisa 🙂

    • Hi Deborah,
      SEO is extremely important to learn as well as implement.
      Sharing your posts on social media is a great practice to get into.
      Have a great week.
      Lisa 🙂

  5. Hello my name is Mike. Thank you for all the valuable content on your blog. Can you please add me to your email list? I do blogging and YouTube marketing but have a lot to learn. I would appreciate any help you would give me with what I want to accomplish. Thanks for everything.

    • Hey Mike,
      thanks for the comment.
      If you want to join my email list
      it is at the bottom of each post.
      You just need to fill it in.
      Lisa 🙂


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