5 thoughts on “10 Ways To Revive Your Old Blog Posts”

  1. This is a good idea of revisiting or reviving an old post, to make an update, to edit, to add a topic or whatsoever.  I have old blogs that is beyond 500 words and yet still not index by Google, will it help to increase the number of words to at least 500 or more?

    • It would help you greatly if you could write longer posts. Google tends to favor posts over 1,000 words.


  2. Hi there! I have been wondering about how to revive my old blog posts and there it is, a good explanation. What is especially important for me is the add internal links to refer to other articles because when I am writing a new article, I think that I keep in mind that I will have to add an internal link later, but then I always forget to do just that. Maybe I should schedule doing that , like once a month, and take a day to go over these? Or how many times do you think this would be suitable to revive old posts? Very interesting info, thanks!

    • you should make sure that all of your posts have at least one internal link. None of them should be left out.

  3. As a writer of articles myself, I guess I can consider myself a great blogger. (Something I been doing for the last three years.) There are many good bloggers around the country. Many have fantastic websites with great content. Content which makes their stories breath life. Years ago, when I first started I couldn’t tell, what’s the difference of a blogger or just a plain writer? Now I know it’s just a matter of a title. Basically, they are the same! But know matter what you want to call it, it’s just a matter of being the best at what you do.


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