Print On Demand Accelerator Review From Joe Robert

Hello, and a very warm welcome back to this Print On Demand Accelerator review from Joe Robert it is priced at $997 for 10 hours of training.

Many people are jumping on the bandwagon of POD because there is a lot less outlay involved than in other businesses. Especially The FBA Amazon models that are so expensive.

Joe Robert has been doing Print On Demand for quite a few years now and knows what he is talking about.

Will this course work for us and make money, who is this business suitable for, Is it going to be worth our time? How does it work?

Those are some of the things I will be covering in this review!

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated with Print On Demand Accelerator. If you make a purchase of it I will not be compensated in any way.

This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase by clicking a link I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

None of the links is connected in any way to Print On Demand Accelerator.

Let’s dive right in and find out more:

Print On Demand Accelerator Overview

Program Type: Ecommerce and Print-On-Demand Training

Program Name: Print On Demand Accelerator

Creator/Founder: Joe Robert

Cost Of Purchase? One time fee of $997

Is It Recommended? Yes and No.

I do recommend this course but only to certain people. If you have no experience this may not be the best business to get into.

The course itself has 10 hours worth of training and it does go into a lot of detail regarding the POD business. If you already have this setup it could help you to grow.

Running an online business like this often requires you to pay for ads so you need to factor these into your budget on top of the course cost.

Ads can help things to move quickly for you but they are not guaranteed to work overnight even if you have run them before everything takes time.

This is just my opinion now, but I would never recommend this business model to novices it comes with unnecessary risks that you don’t need to take.

A Safer business model is affiliate marketing and that can be set up for a very small cost about 1/3 of this course. Using a platform that has been around for 16 years.

About The Creator Joe Robert

Even if you are spending a small amount of money you should always check out the creator of any offer. Doing this will help you not to be scammed.

Building ECommerce stores was not Joe’s entry into working and making money online.

He has been around for many years selling e-cigs on eBay and he was very good at it!

His Youtube channel is very popular with over a million views as well as over 41.5k subscribers so people really love his videos.

Posting videos every few days keeps his channel going strong and he has awesome figures for only being 3 years old!

Print on demand accelerator YouTube Joe Robert

Nearly all of the videos are free information regarding the POD business model.

Joe is named as one of the top 15 people to learn from recommended by Pintify That is huge for him and his business.

POD Ninjas Website From Joe Roberts

The website from joe is also all about everything on Print On Demand and it can be found at  not everything here is free but it is packed with helpful tips.

Joe goes into a lot of detail on how to get Shopify stores set up as well as advertising and personalization of items for your store.

Some of his stores have achieved 5 figure months so you could say he really knows his stuff and is very passionate about sharing it with you.

Podninjas website.

I love his matchbox, Lambo. No flash cars are to be found here!

His stores contain a diverse amount of products which helps to keep them in the public eye, they are not the same old same old you can get from everywhere else.

There are so many items that can have things printed on it can be quite mindblowing.

The website also contains some paid courses that can teach you how to run Facebook ads, how to sell custom products with your POD store, mentorship, and his Print on Demand Accelerator course.

Related Post: Titan FBA Course

What Is Print On Demand Accelerator?

In a nutshell, the Print On Demand Accelerator is a training course that has been designed to help you to grow your Shopify store as opposed to a Woo-Commerce store for instance.

The eCommerce model used is in the print on demand niche.

The reason for the in-depth training is because there are several different ways of making this work. 

After all, not all traffic is equal. For instance, you can have 30 visitors a month to your offer but only 4 people buy anything.

On the other hand, you can have 15 targeted visitors and 8 of them buy an item from you.

This takes training to achieve and that is supplied in this course in spades!

Having a shop already set up on another platform will be a problem and you won’t learn anything here if that is the case.

This is ideal if you have an existing Shopify store or you don’t already have anything set up.

What Do You Get From Joe Robert’s Print on Demand Accelerator Course?

Joe has had a lot of success with the print on demand method that he teaches to others.

In my opinion, he teaches a great way to learn and that is by choosing a niche first and foremost which is extremely important.

Next, you will learn how to run ads to target specific audiences using Facebook ads, being taught in a step by step method makes it easier to understand.

Many people use Facebook because it has a great way of retargeting people that have engaged in some way before!

Another useful feature is the lookalike audience that is also available.

Facebook is not the only method taught, there is also training on Instagram that explains marketing strategies and why communities help to achieve repeat customers.

Instagram has a lot of huge influencers who can help you to move forward using a specific strategy taught inside of this course.

Nearly all of the training is carried out in an over the shoulder way so you can get a birds-eye view of what is happening and how it is done! (excellent method)

Seeing a Shopify store built from the ground up is very exciting!

Inside Of The 6 Modules

No course really starts without a welcome video from the creator and there is one here!

Then Joe goes on to explain getting everything set up regarding Facebook.

For images in the shop, we need some photo editing software. In this case, Photopea is used and costs around $5 a month minimum.

Choosing the niche to go with, what are you going to sell? say you choose parenting as the main niche topic, babies need bottles, formula, clothes, safe toys etc.

Module 2:

1. Choose a domain name and hosting provider for your Shopify store.

2. How to create a logo.

3. Get Shipping details organised

4. Write Product Descriptions.

5. Build the Product pages and add trust badges. 

This is all initially made on a test store so things can be changed before it goes live.

Also included in this module is creating menus, using Wheelio, Infinite options, Loox, and adding a Checkout and add to cart option. These all boost conversions.

Once completed you can then do it all for real and go live for the world to see!

Joe will also show you some stores that are low in quality so you know what to avoid.

Module 3 Covers:

Within this section, it covers how to choose a niche that is going to be a winner!

His formula is related to the science of selling which is a great formula to follow.

Lessons on how to research a niche and a worksheet are also provided.

Next up we will find products with high-profit margins to promote and make money from.

Learn How to Create some winning designs and get viral content.

Module 4 Covers:

This module totally focuses on Facebook ads, using the Facebook pixel, lookalike audiences and campaign structuring.

One of the most important parts of this section of the course is going to show you how to set up campaign optimization ads (CBO). 

Having These in place will help you with managing your budget and making sure that you don’t overspend on campaigns that aren’t profitable.

A to B testing of page post engagement is a must and that is also included in this section.

The last section covers conversion campaign strategies, video ads, and how to scale winning products to grow your earnings.

Module 5 Covers:

How to grow Facebook and Instagram pages.

There are specific steps you can take to do this strategically like posting at optimal times and choosing scroll stopping posts!

This is the knowledge that is worth having for any online business.

Module 6 Covers:

This is all about using influencers on Instagram to help to promote your products.

Choosing the right people to work with, calculating page engagements, and assessing your performance levels.

The Case Study:

Joe shows us how he built a Shopify store that grew from 0 to $23,384 in only 10 days.

Yes, that is extremely exciting but it did not all go according to plan and he covers the failure parts as well which is a brilliant learning curve!

The Bonuses:

More training.

How to run a $1,000 a day ad

Some free design resources

and much more!

The Cost Of All Of This?

I really think it is incredible value for money at $997.

The membership is for life and it includes updates and a dedicated Facebook group access.

There is a refund policy available which has 2 conditions, claim within 7 days as well as not having watched more than 20% of the training content.

Print On Demand Accelerator pros and cons

The Pros Of Print On Demand Accelerator

1. The course for what it teaches is not expensive. Good value for money in my opinion.

2. There is a conditional money-back guarantee.

3. Joe Robert knows what he is talking about and his training is very full of value + Print on Demand Ninjas Pro Tools.

4. The POD business model is legit and with certain conditions, it can make you money.

5. Training calls in the Accelerator Student Group which you get access to including past calls.

The Cons Of Print On Demand Accelerator?

1. The need to use paid ads. People who are just getting going online will find running ads can be very difficult as well as costly on top of the course fee.

2. A ton of competition exists for printing on demand.

Is Print On Demand Accelerator A Scam?

No, this is totally not a scam. It is a very real way to make money online!

It is a method that I do recommend for certain people, I don’t believe it is suitable for everyone.

I would not personally use this method to make money online! But why do you say that Lisa?

  • Profit margins can be very small and that is worrying when running ads. It makes it very stressful and can mean no ROI!
  • There are so many things that can go wrong with shipping and delivery delays that you then have to deal with unhappy customers.
  • Lots of items get returned for unsatisfactory workmanship or the wrong sizes being delivered.
  • Parcels get damaged.
  • Far too much competition for my liking.

I much prefer to run a business that does not cover a single one of these issues. Making money online can be achieved without these headaches.

You can make a passive income where you get paid for years to come without buying a single ad and that method is Affiliate Marketing.

This model is far better suited to beginners with zero experience and not much of a budget is required either. You will learn free methods of traffic generation.

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