Shurpa’s Review ECommerce Training Course Can It Earn Money

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. Have you thought about opening an e-commerce store? Today I’m going to review a course called Shurpa’s.

The training contained in the course teaches you about e-commerce and specifically building out a Shopify store it is the total opposite of every other training!

What is really different is the actual business approach, no paid ads purchased, no inventory bought, and no items coming from China.

Can this save thousands of dollars and really work? that is what I shall be uncovering for you today!

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated with Shurpa’s in any way. If you decide to buy it I will not be compensated in any way financially or otherwise.

Is it possible to make money with Shurpa’s from  Ryan Matthews & Hayden Ditto, let’s dive in:

Shurpa’s Overview:

Program Type: POD Training (print on demand)

Program Name: Shurpa’s Print On Demand Uplevel and Nextlevel pod.

Website Address:

Founders: Ryan Matthews & Hayden Ditto

Cost Of Purchase? Between $2,000 and $5,000

Is It Recommended? Yes and No.

Even though the program uses a print on demand method, getting eyeballs to your products can take an incredible amount of time so most people will speed up the process with ads.

Ads are not something that people who don’t know what they are doing should run. Get it wrong and it can cost thousands!

How do these guy’s get free traffic? They choose low hanging fruit keywords that people are actively searching for in the search engines.

Ryan and Hayden have discovered a method that works and this is to provide products that cannot be bought anywhere else this is their secret.

All you need is around 2-5K to get started!

The reason I have also said No.

Most beginners won’t have that kind of money, and dealing with support issues takes practice along with, refunds and delivery schedules, complaints, and other customer service problems.

You also need to have social media followers, especially Instagram.

As A beginner I know this would not be my 1st port of call. Keeping it simple is my motto. There is available a lot of other methods to make money online.

Making a passive income with a 16-year-old proven platform is my preference.

About The Founders Of Shurpa’s

Doing due diligence is a must before spending money. That includes looking into the founders with who we will be working.

Ryan Mathews:

To be honest all I could find out about Ryan is that he has a Facebook page with 3,000 followers and an Instagram page with 15.4k followers, 29 posts.

Shurpa's Ryan Mathews

This was a little disappointing but at least he has some kind of internet presence!

Hayden Ditto:

There is even less about Hayden, He has a Facebook page that he hasn’t added to since 2020 and it has 248 followers. He is from California.

Sherpa's Hayden Ditto

Going onto their website the about me page is blank. I don’t know about you, but I find this to be very discouraging!

What Does Shurpa’s Do?

According to their website, they help e-commerce business owners to grow!

This is achieved by using low hanging fruit keywords which are free traffic methods that are taught as part of a search engine optimization strategy.

Print On Demand is the business method here and everything is sold through an Etsy Store. They follow 3 simple principles:

1. Finding a niche market that nobody else has entered into. This in my opinion is virtually impossible to do.

However, you could find a niche with a tiny amount of competition.

2. Searching For a Unique product. You really need to be able to find a product that is not sold anywhere else. (hard but not impossible).

3. Choose Your Own Branding. Once you have found the product the branding of it is relatively simple to implement.

Having your own brandable product will over time make you:

A. Stand out from the crowd and

B. Help you to make more money.

The biggest reason for opting for a POD business is there is no capital outlay for you to get going. No payments are made for anything upfront!

Just Etsy setup fees, and time filling your store with product images and descriptions. (+ the course cost).

How Does Shurpa’s Work?

At the time of writing this post, the website of Ryan and Hayden has 2 training courses. (There is a 3rd that says coming soon but has not materialized yet!) 

Level 1 is called POD:

This level is for beginners and concentrates on getting started with Print On Demand using proven strategies and methods by following what other people do.

They do what a lot of new businesses do and that is replicate what other successful Shopify store owners do by implementing things in your own eCommerce store. 

You have to add your own branding otherwise you will be a copycat and that means less success for you.

There is a tool called Commerce Inspector that you can use to help you to uncover what Shopify themes successful eCommerce stores are using.

This level should take you from 0-8,000 dollar months.

Level 2 is called Next Level POD:

Next level POD is all about scaling your business that is now moving along nicely.

This level should get you from 8,000 to 40,000 months.

A big issue I have here is there are no costs displayed anywhere you have to get onto a call and I don’t like businesses that operate this way!

(just my opinion).

The training has its own separate costs:

Shurpa’s Organic Traffic Generation Methods

To get any real info on Shurpa’s you have to sit through the sales videos. (boring but necessary for reviews).

Influencer marketing is the main method that is used to get free traffic/visitors/buyers to come to your Etsy store.

First, you convince the influencers themselves to purchase your items using a specially repaired script and then they promote it for you!

Personally, I cannot see why they would do that? They are not getting anything in return.

The only way that would work is if you gave the influencers the item for free and then there is still no guarantee!

Not only that it would take a ton of time so most would take the simple route and buy ads, and hope for the best.

Shurpa's Review Pros and Cons

The Pros Of Shurpa’s?

1. The business model can make you money if you really work at it. It will not happen in a few weeks so keep that in mind.

2. Although not much could be found socially about these guys they do seem to be genuine.

3. The business model they use is quite unique and that could potentially make all of the difference to making money online.

The Cons Of Shurpa’s

1. Although this can be a good business model, in my opinion, it is not the best one around especially for beginners.

2. I really don’t agree with the free traffic generation method. Yes for targeted keywords. A definite no, for influencers that just seems like a total timewaster.

3. Even though we cannot find out exactly how much this costs I know from other similar programs that you are going to be looking at a few thousand dollars. (expensive)

4. No guarantee of it working, just like any other business. But, not all cost as much either!

Is Shurpa’s A Scam?

Printing on demand is a legitimate business model using an Etsy store and that makes Shurpa’s not a scam.

Looking at all of the reviews on their website Ryan and Hayden seem to know what they are doing. I couldn’t find any complaints.

If you are looking for an e-commerce business training method and you have the capital to spend then I would recommend this program.

As a person who actively uses free traffic generating methods I can tell you 100% that it takes time, I don’t mean a few days to a week. No, it takes months.

The only thing I don’t agree with is the influencer training method, You will end up buying ads or quitting! 

Other eCommerce business owners pay for ads until they are making money and have built up a customer base.

When you have to make a call for a price that means they have staff to take the calls and that to me means it has to come in at a minimum of at least $2,000 and probably a lot more.

A Better Alternative?

I have said I personally would not do a print on demand business and the reason is I am totally not artistic in any way.

People who are successful with this business model are generally very arty.

If you are that type of personality then this could be just right for you.

Even if you are artistic but a beginner then I would certainly think long and hard about it, cos it ain’t easy!

And while you are still here, let me show you how I earn an income online from home, which has enabled me to quit my crappy job.

I wouldn’t have succeeded without the help from the number 1 all-in-one platform that I recommend above all others.

If you remember, I’ve said that I too earn an income using a method similar method using keywords. I built this website, write reviews, and recommend products and services to my visitors.

And if you want to learn how to do the same job, my only recommendation for you is Wealthy Affiliate

One of the reasons why I recommend WA is that they will give you all the tools, coaching, and comprehensive step-by-step training that is required.

In other words, you get all you need to build a successful affiliate marketing business in one place!

If you want to read about my experience and success with Wealthy Affiliate, click the button below.

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