Smart Challenge Review From Dan Lok Can It Earn Us Money

Hello, and a very warm welcome back. This is a 5-day challenge from Dan Lok called Smart Challenge. The aim is to teach us how to scale our business.

Dan Lok’s courses are usually priced high but I’m happy to say this one is reasonably priced starting at $97 and going up to $394.

You get to attend a 5-day interactive event held by Dan who is one of the biggest social media gurus around. 

Have you seen some of his ads on Facebook? they are pretty hard to miss if you ever type in making money online.

He generally promotes high ticket offers and many of them are his own creations.

Can we use the information in this course to leverage the internet to grow our business so that it is booming?

That among other questions is what we will be discovering!

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated with Smart Challenge or any other program from Dan Lok. If you purchase it I will not be compensated.

This post contains affiliate links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

None of the links will take you to any product/program from Dan Lok.

Let’s dive in and find out if this is going to work for us?

Smart Challenge Overview

Program Name: Smart Challenge

Program Type: 5 Day Interactive Zoom Training To Scale Your Business

Founder: Dan Lok

Website Adress:

Cost Of purchase? $97 to $394

Is It Recommended? Yes and No.

The aim of this course is to scale an existing business so if you don’t have an online business then this will not be the way to start one.

It is being billed as working for any niche that you happen to be involved with.

If you have come across anything from Dan Lok before you will be aware that the method he uses to grow businesses is through paid ads and this is no different.

What you will learn is how to get and grow a recurring revenue stream, how to find and use outsourcing, and how to automate everything.

If you do have your own business but consider yourself to still be a novice I would not recommend you to start by using risky paid ads.

This is a very tricky road to travel and can cost an awful lot of money. Want to build a business with no ads needed, you can learn how from a 16-year-old platform.

About Dan Lok

Dan Lok has been an entrepreneur for many years and he can be found all over social media.

Originally from Hong Kong, he now resides in Canada.

A self-made millionaire by the time he reached 27 years old. Some report he is close to a 9 figure earner.

People have named Dan Lok ” The King Of Closing”.

His money was made through several different avenues affiliate marketing, selling informational products, and creating copywriting software.

It did not end there, he has written more than 12 books has his own training programs as well as a podcast.

Smart Challenge Dan Lok Youtube

As you can see above he also has a Youtube Channel with 3.82 million subscribers. Dan doesn’t post to it that often but he doesn’t really need to either.

From everything written about Dan, it is very safe to say that he is very successful now. That wasn’t always the case, in the beginning, he failed many times but refused to quit.

Can he help our business?

What Is The Smart Challenge?

Dan Lok hosts this 5-day event via zoom. This enables attendees to speak to him and ask questions directly which can help immensely.

Some of the processes covered will go into things like how funnels work and their importance, obtaining leads for social media advertising and using VA’s. (virtual assistants)

What Do You Get For Your Money Inside Smart Challenge?

The 5 individual days all cover a different aspect of building out and scaling an online business. Called the 5 Pillars that allow 17X more optimization.

Day 1. How to get social media pages set up for business purposes by having business pages from the beginning.

Day 2: Covers all the different aspects of creating profitable campaigns and implementing them using strategic marketing. Using Facebook you can do many things like setting up campaigns based on users interests and retargeting people who have clicked on one of your posts.

Day 3: working smarter, as opposed to harder, is the focus of day 3. We will be setting up the automation of the campaigns using some tools that have been provided.

This way of working gives you more time to be able to build out other aspects of the business and shortens the amount of time taken to make money.

Day 4: There are certain parts that simply cannot be automated. Instead of you doing the grunt work you can find virtual Assistants to do it all for you.

Day5: Covers the technology that is available and how to use it to make you more productive.

There is also available a day 6 which comes at an extra cost of $297 and it’s called the VIP Exclusive Bundle:

The bonus Acceleration session is Day 6 and in this section, you will learn about

The 8 Figure Webinar Formula.

Some Premium Package Secrets.

The 7 Youtube Secrets You Must Implement For Growth.

All About Magnetic Messages.

Here you can also ask questions regarding help with your specific niche and get answers to aid you in moving forward with your business plan.

Related Post: High Ticket closer

How Much Does Smart Challenge Cost?

The 5-day live sessions hosted by Dan Lok Costs $97.

There are replays available but you have to pay to watch them and they are priced at $197. ( not absolutely required)

In order to qualify for the day 6 VIP bundle, you have to have paid the $97 for the smart challenge and then a further amount of $297.


The Pros Of Smart Challenge

  • Dan Lock knows what he is talking about and has many years of experience in teaching others to make it online.
  • The course is not expensive for the amount of info shared and compared to his other courses this one is peanuts.
  • The way this has been set up means you can actually talk to Dan and get direct answers from the man himself.
  • If you implement the training it will help you to grow your business by giving you more leads and sales.

The Cons Of Smart Challenge

  • This only works if you have an existing business it is not a startup.
  • In my opinion not suitable for novices, the training is really best suited for experienced online business owners.
  • Homework given out by Dan Lok includes making a video testimonial on the course, that can be construed as a false testimonial.
  • The course is reasonably priced but paying for VA’s and ads need a pretty big budget each month.
  • Not everybody is a fan of Dan. There are some pretty negative views around. This can obviously come from jealous people but can also be the truth. Either way, nothing can be proved.

Is Smart Challenge A Scam?

No. This 5-day course from Dan Lok is not a scam. You will receive exactly what has been offered.

Even though it is not a scam I would not personally buy it.

I just don’t agree with running ads. They can be very expensive and you can get yourself into a lot of trouble if you are not careful.

The testimonials are not in all cases unbiased.

If your business needs help with scaling and you are happy to pay out for ads then this business could be exactly what you are searching for.

My preferred business model doesn’t require paid ads, there is no customer service or complaints to deal with and it makes a scalable passive income.

Selling other peoples products and programs also means there is not a lot of outlay required.

If you wish to build your own business then allow me to introduce you to affiliate marketing.

This is the method that I used to be able to fire my boss and allows me to work from home full-time. I set my own hours and make money when sleeping!

I chose a platform that has a proven method for success that has been around for 16 years.

Lisa. Founder and CEO of

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