PlanNet Marketing Review Can A MLM Holiday Co Earn Money

Hello and a very warm welcome to my PlanNet Marketing Review.

First of all, this is a business where you recruit people to promote a travel company and in the process build your own business from it.

It is not a Pyramid Scheme it is a multilevel marketing company an MLM for short.

I know it sounds exciting to build your own travel business but is it all it is cracked up to be?

Getting started is going to cost you $179.95 + $39.95 on a monthly basis.

That is actually not bad for the ability to get your own business off the ground, is it?

I am not a member or an affiliate of PlanNet Marketing. All the information researched for this review is available online within the public domain. This review is my personal opinion and any recommendations/conclusions are my own. If you join this I will not get paid.

This post contains affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Now I’m going to dive in and reveal if it is possible to book money-saving holidays as well as make money from home!

PlanNet Marketing Review-Don Bradley

PlanNet Marketing Overview

Program Type: Multilevel Marketing Travel Company

Program Name: PlanNet Marketing

Founder: Don Bradley


Cost To Join: $179.95 + $39.95 on a monthly basis

Is It Recommended? Maybe….

If you love travelling and think you can run a business selling travel to others and you have experience with recruiting others to this type of program then yes this would be ideal for you.

No experience with working online, selling and recruiting?

Definitely not for you!

Don’t want to recruit, but still work from home earning a full-time income do this instead.

About Don Bradley The Creator

Don Bradley is the founder, CEO and creator of PlanNet Marketing.

PlanNet Marketing Review-Don Bradley

Don has over 20 years of experience in the fields of marketing, sales and product distribution and has reportedly made millions in the network marketing industry.

Don and his wife Deborah live in Snellville, Georgia. The USA.

There is quite a bit of information on the PlanNet Marketing website about him. However, I cannot find him anywhere else on Google.

No social media nothing!

What Is PlanNet Marketing?

As we have already established this is an MLM travel company but you will be surprised to know they don’t have any products to sell!

Say What? How does it work then?

They teamed up with another company called Intele Travel and it is their systems that you have access to.

This enables you as the work from home travel agent to find holidays, hotels, cruises, car hire, and flights.

Everything is then booked through Intele Travel.

The way to earn with this is you can get commissions from the bookings as well as bonus commissions if you can sell the Intele Travel business to others.

Related Post: Perfectly Posh.

Ways To Make Money With PlanNet Marketing?

Before joining any online program we always want to understand how we are going to make money!

Let’s say you decide you do not want to recruit and you just want to sell the holidays and get paid a commission.

This is how that works out:

You book a holiday that costs $5,000.

The supplier commission is between 14 and 28 % commission.

As an example, we are saying this supplier commission is 16% of $5,000 which comes to $800.00

You as the booker will receive 70% of that money.

70% of $800 is $560. 

Intele Travel keeps all the rest of the money.

How to make money through Recruiting

As this is predominantly an MLM they have a compensation plan and that is how you make money in this business.

These plans tend to be quite hard to understand though!

I’m going to link to their plan here so you can study it in detail.

The main way to make money with PlanNet Marketing is through recruiting others to join it and they then form part of your team.

Another way is by selling the Business to others.

Direct Sales.

You can earn $50 per sale of every ITA (InteleTravel Independent Travel Agency)  business you sell on and the commissions are paid out on a weekly basis.

The money comes from the $179.95 that is paid to join the opportunity.

Direct Sales 50% Match to the Sponsor: When you recruit someone as a PlanNet Marketing Representative and they make an ITA sale, you, as their Sponsor, are paid a 50% Match ($25.00) on their ITA sales.

also paid weekly. 

The Gold Builder Bonus: A $10.00 Gold Builder Bonus is paid to the first upline Gold Builder for every ITA sale made in their downline, down as far as the next Gold Builder. 

A Gold Builder is a person who has made at least nine (9) ITA sales, and which sales are Active ITAs. Paid out weekly.

PlanNet Marketing Review- Compensation Plan

 Now is where it gets more confusing 🙂

The Monthly Matrix Payout to Selling Rep: The monthly Bonus of $4.00 is paid to the Selling Rep on the monthly $39.95 payment made by Active ITAs in their Matrix. 

You can be paid through nine levels based on the number of the Rep’s Active ITAs ( must have a minimum of 2 Active ITAs to qualify). 

Plus, a Gold Builder is also paid a 10% Match on the monthly Matrix earnings of their nine or more directly sponsored Reps.

The Monthly Matrix Payout

For every payment of $39.95 that is made by active ITAs, you will receive a $4.00 monthly bonus. This carries on for 9 levels.

To qualify you must have 2 active ITAs.

PlanNet Marketing Review- Matrix Compensation Plan

The Director Bonuses

Once you become a one-star director or above you can earn additional bonuses.

PlanNet Marketing Review-Director Bonus

In order to become a one-star director, you need to have a minimum of 100 active ITAs!

Related Post: Worst MLM Companies To Join?

Cost To Get Started With PlanNet Marketing?

There are 2 separate ways to run this offer.

#1. Become a PlanNet Marketing Rep only and receive a replica PlanNet website as well as access to the mobile app for $19.95 and then further payments of $19.95 every month.

some of the benefits are that you don’t need to purchase any products to be eligible to earn commissions.

 And there are no minimum sales quotas or targets to meet. Just pay the monthly fee and you can work as many hours as you wish.

#2. Join as an Intele Travel Independent agent.

However, to become eligible, you must first enrol as a PlanNet Rep. 

This will give you access to your own virtual office where you can then go ahead with the purchase of your ITA. 

The startup cost for this is $179.95. + a monthly admin fee of $39.95.

As an independent travel agent, you will receive your own InteleTravel ITA  website, earn travel commissions and get guaranteed the best prices & VIP travel benefits.

Is It Possible To Earn Money With PlanNet Marketing?

Every business has the possibility of being able to earn money. 

However, looking at the Income disclosure that has been shared by PlanNet Marketing for the year 2021 the amount per month is going to be really low for 92.17% of reps.

These reps earned on average only $44.54 for 12 months of work!

Breaking that down to a monthly pay these active travel reps earned the meagre amount of only $3.71 per month.

The cost per month to be eligible to earn far exceeds these amounts.

If you are a brilliant recruiter and get 1,000’s of people to join then you can earn over $400,000.00 as a 5-star director.

However, only <0.01% are able to accomplish this.

PlanNet Marketing Review- Income Disclosure 2021

Are you willing to be in the 92.17% of people who earn less than $4.00 a month for 2 hours of work per week?

The figures really do speak for themselves!

PlanNet Marketing Review- Pros and Cons

What I Like About PlanNet Marketing

1. The Refund Policy. There is a 90-day satisfaction guarantee on all initial fees. All other fees are refundable within 30 days.

2. Low Cost To Get Started.  you can either pay $19.95 a month with no requirements of quotas to fulfil or the cost is only $179.95 and then $39.95 per month for your own ITA Business.

3. PlanNet Marketing reveal the Income Disclosure. Many MLMs don’t provide these telling figures as it puts people off joining.

At least by checking them out you are making a decision based on all of the facts.

4. Legit Business Opportunity. This is a legitimate home-based travel business to join.

What I Don’t Like About PlanNet Marketing

#1 Recruiting. In order for any rep to make any kind of decent income per year, you will need the necessary skills and connections to recruit others.

Those that do join you tend to quit over time so that means you constantly have to get others to join. It is a never-ending circle.

The main reason people leave is the lack of money earned over a 12 month period.

Great stats about MLMs can be found here.

#2 Hard To Sell. Thinking about people that you know how many of them would like to start a travel agency business?

Of my family and friends which extends to a few 100 people, I only know of 1 person who is actively starting a business in this industry.

She is still working her 9-5 job, as well because the pay from the travel company, is very small.

#3 You need to be a good salesperson. If you have zero background in sales you will really struggle to make this work.

#4 Extremely Difficult To Earn An Income. Just look at the income disclaimer which has come directly from the company itself.

That tells the real story about just how hard it is.

Who Is PlanNet Marketing For?

MLMs are notoriously difficult to run because of the constant recruiting and selling needed. 

Based on that this is only suitable for those that have a background in selling, marketing, and recruiting.

No Background of this type? 

Do Affiliate Marketing Instead.

My Final Thoughts On PlanNet Marketing

If you love to travel and share your thoughts and pictures of your adventures with others I would recommend starting a travel blog.

This is far easier to do than recruiting and selling for an MLM company.

Blogs are very easy to monetize and you can earn affiliate commissions in so many ways through travel.

Not only on the hotels, flights, car hire but also on things that people need when they travel. Clothes, suitcases, backpacks, beauty products etc.

Additionally, if travel is not your ideal niche you can select something you are more passionate about.

The benefits of blogging:

  • The business completely belongs to you and you cannot be fired from it.
  • It cannot be shut down like an MLM.
  • No recruitment is necessary.
  • You can make money without having to sell anything.
  • No such thing as a complicated compensation plan with a matrix.
  • You can start a 7-day trial of the platform (with my #1 recommended program) Then upgrade to the premium membership if you can see the value of using this amazingly successful training.

I built this website and wrote all of the 300+ blog posts using Wealthy Affiliate.

It has been around training people to become successful affiliate marketers for 17 years.

Everything you need is all on one platform to build your business as well as all resources, tools, training, and all of the one-on-one support you’ll ever need to build your business.

Now you may prefer to join the MLM and that is great if you have the necessary skills to make it work.

If you don’t have any skills then joining Wealthy Affiliate will be a much easier ride for you.

The choice is yours!

Start today. (no credit card needed)

I will be on the Inside to be your support coach.

If this has helped you in any way can you share it to help others?

Any questions leave them in the comments below and I will answer them As Soon As Possible.

Follow me on Youtube.

Lisa. CEO and founder of

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