Online Business Mastery Accelerator Review Can It Make Money

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. Online Business Mastery Accelerator is a 12-month coaching course from Stefan James. 

In this course, you will be taught every month through a live webinar by a multi-millionaire entrepreneur that has been in the industry for more than 10 years.

You can pay monthly at $47 or pay an annual fee of $497 to learn all about affiliate marketing.

That all sounds good at this stage but will it stay that way and end up being a legit program?

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated with Online Business Mastery Accelerator in any way. If you do choose to purchase this course I will not be paid in any way.

By the time you have finished this post, you will know if this course is suitable for you or not?

This post may contain affiliate links. That means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Let’s dive in and get learning:

Online Business Mastery Accelerator Review Overview

Product Name: Online Business Mastery Accelerator

Product Owner: Stefan James

Cost Of Purchase: $47 per month or $497 per Year + (possible upsells)

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing & Making Money Online Course

Is It Recommended: Yes and No.

There are many different methods of learning about affiliate marketing and Stefan James course concentrates more on your mindset than actual hands-on training.

Running your own online business is not easy and it does take a great deal of effort to be successful.

Your mindset is a huge factor and it does have to be determined in order to succeed but there are bigger learning curves that need more attention in my opinion.

Already have your own online business and need help in certain areas like launching a product of your own then this course will help you with that and more.

If you are looking to start from scratch as a total novice then I would not do that with this course.

If affiliate marketing is your goal then I would choose another course that focuses more on this aspect like my number 1 recommendation.

About Stefan James

Stefan James hails from Canada and has been an entrepreneur for more than 10 years.

He has a huge following on Youtube of more than a million followers.

Online Business Mastery Accelerator Review_Youtube

Most of his courses have the word Mastery in the title.

Here are a few of them:

Project Life Mastery

Affiliate Marketing Mastery

Life Mastery Accelerator.

What is Online Business Mastery Accelerator?

Stefan James is the founder of Project Live Mastery and Online Business Mastery Accelerator is another course from that stable.

Fundamentally it is a membership program where you can pay every month to be coached.

This training is on up to date methods of marketing in various different categories email, Amazon, Launching your own products, social media, and affiliate marketing to name a few.

What Do You Get With Online Business Mastery Accelerator?

Once you become a paying member you will have access to video and audio training:

• The Motivation Needed For Building Your Business & Best Success Secrets

• How To Get Sales On Amazon

• Cryptocurrency, Selling Your Business, Email Marketing, High-Ticket Closers & More

• Money-Making Opportunities, Solving Problems & Adapting Your Business

• Setting Realistic Expectations & Online Business Failures

• Using Pain As A Motivator To Grow Your Business

• How Internet Marketing Has Changed Over The Years, Analyzing your Results and Changing Your Approach

• Q&A Coaching – Growing A YouTube channel, eCommerce Store & Offshore Taxes

There are also another 55 videos on different ways to earn money online.

+ Live Monthly Group Training Classes With Question and  Answer sessions.

The 5 Bonuses

1. The Mastery Mentality

This consists of a 60-minute video on the mindset that you need to adapt to not only to be a success in your business but also in life in general.

2. How to Create a Compelling Business Plan. 

You need a business plan to keep you on track of your goals and achievements and in this 60-minute video, Stefan takes you through the process.

3The Dream 100 Section: How to Find Your Dream Customers.

This bonus was a lesson learned from Russell Brunson and it takes you through getting more customers to your online business.

4If I Started Over Tomorrow, Here’s 10 Things I Would Do to Make $1M From Scratch.

This lesson explains how Stefan would do things in a different way if he was going to start again and make $1 million.

5. The Path to Financial Freedom & Passive Income.

Earning a passive income is the ultimate goal so that you can live life on your terms with the security of financial freedom. This is the reason for building a business.

The Cost Of Online Business Mastery Accelerator?

You can pay for this in 2 different ways: Monthly or yearly.

Online Business Mastery Accelerator Review_Cost

This is the price on the website at the time of writing this post.

Is Online Business Mastery Accelerator a Scam?

No. Online Business Mastery Accelerator is not a scam.

Stefan James is a very well known teacher and program creator who knows what he is talking about.

With scam offers the creators tend to keep their identities a secret!

However, I feel the training jumps from different ways of making money online and that is very confusing for most people whether they are beginners or not.

After speaking to many super affiliates they all agree that you should learn one thing at a time until you have mastered it.

This is billed as affiliate marketing training so why is it teaching you about Crypto Currencies? 

I don’t know about you but I prefer to learn in a step by step manner so as not to get confused and that is possible if you take action with my number 1 recommendation.

Online Business Mastery Accelerator Review_ pros and cons

What I like about Online Business Mastery Accelerator The Pros

  • The course includes training videos that teach up to date methods
  • Stefan James is a legit entrepreneur and has a lot of experience
  • There is an online community that you get access to
  • A 30-day money-back guarantee is available under certain conditions

What I Don’t like about Online Business Mastery Accelerator The Cons

  • Many people will think the course is expensive especially novices
  • This is not his only course so there could be very expensive upsells
  • The training is going to confuse many people because it jumps from one subject to another
  • Although there is a refund policy it is quite misleading if not read properly

A Better Way To Proceed

Stefan James’s teaching methods are good and he certainly concentrates a lot on mindsets that can suit many people and help them to move forward.

Having an existing online business and putting these methods into practice is who I feel would be most suited to the Online Business Mastery Accelerator program.

Not recommended for people who don’t have any current experience with working online because of the number of different subjects covered.

There can be a problem with only knowing a little about a lot of things. 

I personally use affiliate marketing as my business model and it is how I earn a passive income online one reason is that it is easy for beginners with no skills to get started.

You do not have to learn to write a blog if writing is not your thing there are many other ways to build an online business using affiliate marketing.

The training I went through has been around for 16 years and it is very straightforward as well as being up to date and has produced lots of super affiliates that make 4, 5, and 6 figures.

Online Business Mastery Accelerator Review_littlemama super affiliate

Related posts to read next:

1. John Crestani

2. Working From Home Using Affiliate Marketing

3. Wealthy Affiliate Pros and Cons

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