Local Lead Generation 101 Review Kris Kay Course Is It Legit

Hello and a very warm welcome back. Are you somebody who is on the lookout for a way to make money online? If you are this Local Lead Generation 101 Course from Kris Kay Could be just what you are searching for!

I have asked is it legit? In my opinion yes it is and I’m going to show you why as we progress through this review.

Udemy is a great source of information and has so many affordable courses available if you need a helping hand with working online or just receiving a 2nd income through other related methods. 

This course is all about learning effective ways to email cold clients and turn them around by writing the emails in a certain way that attracts more of them to be opened up it also teaches how to get B2B leads.

In this review, I will be doing a comprehensive dive into this course including its content, effectiveness, the pros, the cons, and much more, so you can know if it is a good way to make money online.

Disclaimer. I am not associated with Local Lead Generation 101, if you buy it I will not be compensated in any way. This post does have affiliate links and I will be paid if you click through and make a purchase the price you pay will not be affected in any way.

Let’s dive in:

Local Lead Generation 101 Overview

Program Name: Local Lead Generation 101

Founder: Kris Kay

Program Type: B2B Lead generation course

What Will You Learn? Digital marketing and how to make money online through lead generation.

Cost Of Purchase: $89.99 or 94.99 Euros.

Website address: Udemy

Is It Recommended? No. The course itself is a one-off payment of $89.99 which is not bad for what you will receive but that is not the end of the paying out to implement everything.

What else will you need to pay for? :

• This is totally required. Weebly hosting and domain is $25 a month per website. 

•  Most definitely needed is the Call tracker you could use Callrail at a cost of $45-$145 per month or Callsling which is a one-off fee of $498 ( check it works in your country because it doesn’t work everywhere) 

• Am Email autoresponder to track leads is required normally costs around $15+ a month. ( Aweber is free for the 1st 500 subscribers)

• You will also need a PO Box (to set up your business address) this can range from $19-$75 for 6 months.

• SpyFu is for competition research and costs between $33 to $199 a month / AHrefs (keyword research tool) at $99 a month. You could also use  Jaxxy for 30 free searches a month or upgrade for only $49 a month. ( keyword research is required)

• Pay Per Click ads will set you back $200+ a month. (Note this is not absolutely necessary but it will speed up your progress considerably)

So as you can see it is not exactly $89.99. Many people do not understand this when purchasing the course.

My preferred method of making money online has been around for 16 years.

About Kris Kay

The founder of Local lead generation 101 is Kris Kay. He has 4 different courses on the Udemy platform.

Local lead generation 101 Kris Kay

As you can see he has a good amount of reviews and is a popular choice with 22,847 students.

Kris’s skills and knowledge include Amazon FBA and eCommerce as well as raking in huge profits from lead generation. 

He is also very good at digital marketing and that he has what it takes to serve as a coach for anyone who wants to make money online through his teaching.

Let’s learn more about how this course works?

What Will Local Lead Generation 101 Teach You?

This is a course that teaches you about lead generation and how you can build digital assets using your clients.

You can also learn how to boost your profits using Business 2 Business sales as well as learning the required skills to create a business with new investors.

It also covers cold calling and cold emailing where you will learn how to get past secretaries and how to write emails that entice new investors while also demanding attention from profitable clients.

How Does Local Lead Generation 101 Work?

In order to take part in this course, you have to purchase it through Udemy.

The course consists of nearly 2 hours worth of video tutorials and discussions. There is also 2 downloadable resources and full lifetime access for the students.

There are multiple ways that Subscribers can obtain access either on mobile or TV. Apart from that, you can get a certificate of completion once you have completed the course.

The whole local lead generation business model will be taught in this course. This helps you to rank a regular website in Google and generate phone call leads for any kind of business.

It’s mostly targeting local clients as opposed to those from farther away.

What You Get For Your Money

Local Lead Generation 101 is an online course that consists of six modules that total 1 hour and 50 minutes and cover 34 lectures.

Local Lead generation 101-6-Modules

The Introduction Consists of 3 lectures totalling 11 minutes.

In these videos, it will be explained to you what lead generation really is and how it works.

Also included is how you can prepare all of the resources and skills that you need to succeed in this new business venture.

The 4 Pillars of Finding a Niche is 3 lectures totalling 15 minutes.

This module covers the different niches involved in lead generation and what you need to do to choose the right niche for your business. The foundation is explained in a lot of detail.

Building Our Rental Property is 7 lectures totalling 28 minutes

Module 3 covers the deeper side of local lead generation by getting into a rental property. You can easily find the right properties to tap into, also covered is how you can monetize your assets and clients so they can be leveraged.

Ranking Our Rental is 12 lectures totalling 31 minutes

Learn how to rank your site and business in Google by creating a profitable website that attracts new clients and investors.

Also covers in more detail the art of actually getting new clients and boosting your network to a wider audience.

Prospect – Reach Out – Partner – Profit is 3 lectures totalling 7 minutes

This module dives deeper into the more advanced side of local lead generation.

You will learn how to prospect clients, reach out to them, and use them as your partner to reach mutual business goals. You will also learn how to profit from your new local lead generation business.

Sell Me This Pen: Secrets and Tips on Winning Over a Client 6 lectures totalling 20 minutes.

In this final module of the course. You will see how to win new clients and maintain a healthy business relationship with them.

You can also learn more about how you can grow your local lead generation business.

The Pros Of Local Lead generation 101

The price at $89.99 one time is very affordable for a lot of people.

The cost of Local lead generation 101

Video training is preferable for most people but for those that prefer to read there is an ebook version of the course for you to enjoy.

The videos are delivered on-demand so there is no waiting around to move forward.

Has quite a lot of positive reviews.

It is highly rated on Udemy.

There is a 30-day money-back guarantee.

The Cons Of Local Lead Generation 101

There have been quite a lot of reviews that say the training is very basic and much of it is outdated

It has a lot of hidden expenses that you don’t find out until you have bought the course

If you want success you need to be aware that you may have to pay for ads to get noticed and they can become a big expense.

You don’t need to learn SEO techniques because you can pay to outsource that part (more money to payout)

You may have to go through the training several times because he speaks very rapidly and you can easily miss things.

This is more of an overview than actual training.

Because it is beginner-friendly it is not suitable for people who already have experience within this business.

Kris says in his video it only takes a tiny bit of work but it actually takes a lot of work!

It is necessary to have basic computer skills.

An example of one of the not happy reviews:

“You need to get into the discord group which costs $200 for all the tools and information… this course is very lacklustre and not very detailed.“

Is Local Lead Generation 101 a scam?

No, it is not a scam it is a legitimate way to learn how to make money through the business model of lead generation.

You can learn the basics about local lead generation so you are able to attract new clients, leverage their reputations and assets, and create a mutually beneficial working relationship.

The reason for some of the poor reviews in my opinion is because they didn’t realise 2 things and they are that you really need to work to get this off the ground and that it can take some considerable time to see a return on investment.

This course has many positive reviews from people who are satisfied with the course and that it is educational and very helpful in pursuing a business in local lead generation.

A lot of the students that completed the course have generated a good income from the training that this course provides.

Do I recommend this to my readers? No.

I don’t like the fact that there are hidden fees.

This type of business model is for people that have a business already that they want to attract new clientele too.

It is not for people that want to make money by working online perse.

Even after spending out on this course and the associated costs, there is no guarantee of success it all depends on your work ethic.

This course has been created by a well-known Udemy course creator named Kris Kay who has high ratings and positive reviews, just like his courses but that is not enough for me to recommend it.

Is the risk worth the reward for you? let me know in the comments!

Local lead generation 101-wealthy-affiliate

A Better Alternative For You

As a person who has been sucked in by hyped-up sales pages and has spent a lot of money running PPC ads for less return than was spent. I know there is a better way!

It took me 6 years of searching for the right program and it was found back in February of 2020.

My preferred method is that of affiliate marketing because it is one of the best business models out there. 

It gives you the opportunity to promote other people’s products and services around topics that you choose and are passionate about. It can be anything you like, such as health and wellness, DIY, making money online.

With this business, you don’t have to spend any money on any ads let alone PPC ads, you don’t have to worry about stock, customer service, creating or updating products and you can get started with a small budget.

Does that sound more like your cup of tea?

The biggest commission so far that I have received using the affiliate marketing business model to date is $500 and I have only just started with this website 10 months ago.

This was achieved without spending a single penny out on ads. The traffic came to me for free using SEO!

I get paid when I am asleep as well as when on holiday!

I Quit My Job

After going through the training and learning the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is no limit to what you can achieve online. 

I have reviewed a hundred or so of the courses or programs that claim to help people make money online and found the majority of them don’t live up to the promises.

This is by far the best place I’ve seen to help beginners get set up the right way. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review (including the pros and cons!).

 It is free to join and the community is over 1.4 million strong.

(If you want to make your new business work better upgrade to the premium membership for $49 a month or $1.63 a day that’s less than a Starbucks costs!)

Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

Did you get value from this post? If you did then please share it to help others using the social media buttons provided. Thank you.

Lisa. Founder and CEO of mistakesbloggersmake.com

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