Leveraged Profit Systems Review Can You Make 11K In A Month

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. I’m looking into this program that has changed its name from Prosperity People Systems and now it’s called Leveraged Profit Systems.

This is a high ticket business with 5 levels that you can buy into the 1st level is $500 and the highest level is $11,000. You only get paid up to the level you have purchased.

Inside each level, you will receive digital downloadable learning products to teach you how to do marketing, personal development, How to live a better life etc.

How do they recommend that you get traffic? By doing paid ad campaigns to recruit new buyers.

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated or associated with Leveraged Profit Systems. If you buy it I will not be compensated financially or otherwise.

This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I will get a commission.

None of the links is related to the Leveraged Profit System.

This review will just contain the facts about how the system works, there will be no bonus’s because I am not an affiliate and no wild income claims will be made.

Leveraged Profit Systems Overview

Program Type: Business In a Box All Done For You

Program Name: Leveraged Profit Systems

Founder: Unknown

Cost Of Purchase? From $500 up to $11,000 +fees for each level

Is It Recommended? No.

I have a golden rule that I never invest money when I cannot find out about the owner/founder/creator. Just my personal preference.

My second objection is to programs that are done for they always seem to cost a packet and rarely work out.

The way this works is if you buy in at the gold level, and somebody buys in at a higher level than you say the top one called the Diamond level you will only get paid for the level you are at.

Who gets the rest of your money? The person you joined under who has bought in at the top level.

This is how they attract you to buy in at the top level.

Would you risk the kind of money they are charging on an if but and maybe?

There are just as profitable ways to make money online that do not cost thousands of dollars. My number 1 recommendation is one of them.

What Is The Leveraged Profit Systems?

This system in a nutshell is for you to recruit others to join it through your marketing efforts a bit like an MLM.

Once you have gotten a new member your job doesn’t finish there you need to help that person to recruit as well!

You will be given a sales page that allows access to the team of advertising experts inside the Leveraged Profit Systems and they will run campaigns and answer the calls to close the sales for you.

So a business in a box that is all done for you except for the really hard part which is getting the traffic in the 1st place!

Just remember you only get paid up to the level you have purchased at.

Leveraged Profit Systems Sales Page

Related Post: Prosperity Warrior

What Do You Get Inside Leveraged Profit Systems?

Once you log in to the system there are a few things to help you in your business, Some training to follow, websites, done for you templates, ad campaigns, and DFY Sales pages.

For each level that you sign up to you will be given some more content and bonuses.

Let’s see inside the levels to see if they are worth our time.

The Bronze Level:

This is the smallest level you can join at and it costs $500 for you plus the admin fee, when you recruit a new member at that level you will be paid $500.

In order to attract new people, you will be provided with: an affiliate link inside the integrated autoresponder, a squeeze page ready built, a marketing strategy, and a guide.

The Silver Level:

If you join at the Silver level and bring in a new member also on Silver you can then earn commissions of $1,500 from this one as well as from the Bronze level.

The bonuses for Silver include everything from Bronze + Copywriting training, templates, 25 proven traffic method training, ad copy, and 6 psychological sales triggers training.

The Gold Level:

For every new recruit under you in the gold level, you will receive a commission of $3,500. as well as all of the material from the lower levels.

The training includes:

How To Get More Done In Less Time.

A Course On Marketing Mindset Mastery.

The Webinar Workshop Videos.

And An Ultimate Success Program.

+ a few others.

The Platinum Level:

The level includes everything from the lower levels as well as the chance to receive commissions of $7,500 as long as you are at this level too.

The learning products in this level include:

An Unstuck Seminar.

The Internet Success System.

Information Master Course.

Small Biz Success Coach Course.

Thee Insider Secrets of Internet Marketing.

The Diamond Level

This is the highest level of this system and gives you commissions of $11K for any member you recruit that joins you at the top.

Diamond is basically the done for you level where you just send the leads to be closed by the team at Leveraged Profit System.

You will also be given an ad budget of $1,000 as well as experts to assist you in running the campaigns.

How Much Do The Levels Cost?

Level 1 Bronze is $500 + an admin fee of $167 Total = $667

Level 2 Silver Costs $1,500 + the admin fee of $247 Total to pay = $1,747

Level 3 Gold Costs $3,500 + admin fee of $347 total = $3,847

Level 4 Platinum is $7,500 + the admin fee of $447 Total = $7,947

Level 5 is $11,000 + the admin fee of $547 total to pay = $11,547

Leveraged Profit Systems Pros and Cons

The Pros Of Leveraged Profit Systems

1. You will actually receive downloadable content that contains training on different aspects of marketing. That is a bit different to most systems of this type.

2. You know exactly how much each level costs before joining. The cost is not hidden from you. Unlike who the person is that is behind it!

The Cons Of Leveraged Profit Systems

1. You do all of the hard work which is the getting of the traffic and the people in the levels above you get paid from your efforts.

2. Not suitable for people who know nothing about marketing or running paid ads.

3. No idea who is behind the program, that is the biggest red flag ever.

4. You can only get paid if you can convince others to join.

5. Very risky business that could cost you thousands of dollars with no guarantee of any returns.

Is Leveraged Profit Systems a Scam?

You will receive some kind of marketing training for each level that you join at and that makes this not a scam.

Even so, there is no way I would recommend this to my readers. Not only is it expensive but then you have to add on the cost of running paid ads.

Having an ad budget could mean another few hundred dollars a month spend every month especially if you don’t get any takers to join you!

100% not suitable for beginners. The amount of commission will obviously look very attractive but you have no idea how difficult it is going to be to get others involved.

I have done this in the past when I was a beginner and I lost a ton of money. I really don’t want the same thing to happen to you!

A Better Way To Make Money On-Line

I started a business 20 months ago online and it is a better way than taking the risks from the above program.

With my recommendation, you don’t need to recruit others, have no ads to pay for doesn’t cost thousands of dollars and is free to join.

Free traffic methods are taught to you!

The one-stop platform provides everything that you need to get started including hours and hours of training.

I work In the world of Affiliate Marketing. There are many positive reasons for this, my favourite is I can work with any company that I wish and I’m my own boss!

(If you want to make your new business work better upgrade to the premium membership for $49 a month or $1.63 a day that’s less than a Starbucks!)

Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

Did you get value from this post? If you did then please share it to help others. Thank you.

Lisa. Founder and CEO of mistakesbloggersmake.com

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