Fearless Entrepreneur Movement From Brandon Brown Review

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. Have you heard of the Fearless Entrepreneur Movement from Brandon Brown?

Is this an MLM or an affiliate marketing business? There seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding the exact business model!

It would seem this training program does a bit of everything, recruiting, affiliate marketing, and cryptocurrencies. There is a choice of courses inside to make money online.

The starting cost of this program is $97 a month but there is a nasty surprise waiting for some affiliates if they wish to prosper. I will cover that very shortly!

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated with Fearless Entrepreneur Movement or anything else offered by Brandon Brown. If you buy it I will not be paid.

This post contains affiliate links and the law requires me to make you aware of that. If you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not change.

None of the links in this post is connected to Fearless Entrepreneur Movement.

Let’s dive in and find out exactly what this course can do for us?

Fearless Entrepreneur Movement Overview

Program Type: MLM with an affiliate marketing training course.

Program Name: Fearless Entrepreneur Movement

Founder: Brandon Brown

Cost Of Purchase: A monthly fee of $97.00 + Between $1,000 and $1997 for separate courses + up to $6,000 for a water filter machine.

Is It Recommended? No, and Yes

The only reason from my point of view to say I don’t recommend this offer is because it is an MLM, although these are not illegal I just don’t agree with this business model.

My thoughts will not impact the writing of this review. I will give the facts and what you do after is totally up to you.

Having a training course that explains so many different business models can be very confusing and overwhelming.

Here you can learn about investing in Cryptocurrencies, getting leads to your offers, closing sales, affiliate marketing, and how to do paid ads.


Section is all about you being a paying member and recruiting others to join you for which you will receive a commission of 50% from each sale made.

I know that sounds attractive but believe me when I say recruiting others is very hard and expensive work that is not suitable for beginners.

The expensive surprise I mentioned earlier is the product they want you to promote which is an Enagic water filtration machine which costs around $6,000.

If you choose to promote this you have to buy one first! That is how an MLM operates it’s not only with being at the same entry-level as a new recruit when there is a physical product you have to own it!

Many years ago I got involved with an MLM and it was so difficult to recruit anyone that I eventually gave up losing quite a lot of money in the process.

Some people are really good at it and do make money but, a lot of others don’t get anywhere.

The business I run now is far more suited to me and many thousands of others who want to get started online. It doesn’t take as much hard work as an MLM.

About Brandon Brown The Creator 

My advice is to always research the creator/founder of any program no matter how much it costs. We need to know who we will be working with!

The main thing to know about Brandon Brown is that he likes to teach people how to do marketing without paying out for ads the reason for this in beginning was he was always broke.

Many people starting out are in the same situation.

The first system Brandon brought out was called Attraction Marketing pro and it was very successful because it had different ways of training people.

In 2 years it made over 2 million dollars and helped thousands of people make money online without paying for ads.

The Fearless Entrepreneur Movement was born using some strategies from his previous company + new ways of doing things online.

The way this works is very similar to another program called Affiliate Institute.

What Is Fearless Entrepreneur Movement?

Once you log in you can meet your coach or go directly to the training tab and follow along with the videos the 1st one is called Fearless Entrepreneur and that is the flagship training.

It teaches all about becoming an entrepreneur even if you don’t have much money behind you it is a stand-alone product where you can only earn from referring others to join FEM.

Fearless Entrepreneur Movement Training
Video 2 The Organic Marketing Pro section will teach you how to get leads for free to visit your offer.

Video 3 Is The Fearless Affiliate program and it explains how you can be an affiliate for The Fearless Entrepreneur program without joining the high ticket product.

When you promote the Fearless program and you recruit a new member you get paid 50% of the monthly fee for every month that they stay.

Video 4 Is all about the high ticket offers the Ultimate Affiliate in this lesson you will learn why it is important to have a high ticket offer included in your business model.

This course cost $1,000.

1. A low ticket offer means you have to make a lot of sales of small priced products and attract a lot of people to make $5,000

2. A high ticket offer means you may only need 5 sales at $1,000 each to reach the same amount of money. The high ticket offer is said to be easier to sell!

There are 3 high ticket products within the Fearless Entrepreneur Program apart from the water machines not much is known about the other 2 offers.

There are also 13 other training modules. Fearless Funnel, Magnetic Marketing, Lifestyle Lives, Instagram Stories, Money Mindset, Team Training Replays, Training Calendar, Attraction Marketing Coach.

Presentations That Pay will teach you a one call closing technique through pre-qualified leads.

–Fearless Closer is a separately priced offer and costs $197 a month. When you get a referral that pays you will get $98.50 for each one. 

The Fearless closer video teaches you how to close sales once you have the lead.

–Youtube ads training is also paid for separately and that costs $1997 it’s a one-off fee

–The newest training is on Bitcoin Mastery and Brandon will teach you how to buy, sell, and trade crypto. There is a one-time payment of $1,000 for this module.

 + Youtube Marketing training.

These modules could help you to become an affiliate marketer for any business model. You do not have to use this training just to promote this program!

If you decide to join the high ticket offer it will be selling a water machine from a company called Enagic who produce a very pricey water filtration machine.

About Enagic

The Enagic company first started out in Japan around 40 years ago and now has branches in other countries. The machines turn tap water into filtered water.

Fearless Entrepreneur Movement Enagic MLM

These machines are especially helpful in countries like Spain and Portugal where it is not recommended to drink tap water.

Lots of people move to warmer climes such as these including myself and this helps you to not have to buy and carry large water bottles.

We have a water filtration system but it didn’t cost anywhere near as much as Enagic charge.

There is a high demand for this type of system and joining the Fearless Entrepreneur Movement will place you under Brandon to then become a new promoter.

You can get paid for referrals as well as sales inside this multilevel marketing business.

Because Brandon is at the top he will get paid a percentage from each referral and sale that is recruited by you and other team members.

You would be looking to be at the top of your own pyramid.

Sounds awesome but it is certainly not as easy as it is made to sound!

Fearless Entrepreneur Movement pros and cons

The Pros Of Fearless Entrepreneur Movement

1. Brandon is very successful in teaching this business, he is a great person to learn from

2. There are lots of different ways you can earn money from the training inside of this program

3. If you have prior experience in obtaining leads then you could make a lot of money from the Fearless Entrepreneur Movement.

The Cons Of Fearless Entrepreneur Movement

1. Any sale is full and final there are no refunds under any circumstances. I would not buy anything that costs this much without a money-back guarantee!

I could understand if it had a free trial for x amount of days but it doesn’t!

Fearless Entrepreneur Movement refund policy

2. The problem with most MLM companies is you have to pay to become an affiliate and that means buying the product you are promoting yourself. This also means you are making a lot of money for the creator.

With traditional affiliate marketing, it is free to become an affiliate.

3. This is not an ideal business if you are a novice, there is much to learn, Getting qualified leads to any business is extremely difficult and normally means paying for ads. (very costly pursuit).

If I was a beginner again I would not choose this as a 1st-time opportunity as there is far too much going on inside this offer. You would possibly quit from simple overwhelm alone!

Is Fearless Entrepreneur Movement A Scam?

This is not a pyramid scheme although in the respect of shape it does seem similar. Fearless Entrepreneur Movement is not a scam.

An MLM business that doesn’t have a product and you can only recruit to earn money is considered to be a scam. This has a product and other ways to earn money so it is considered to be legit by the FTC.

Do I recommend this to my readers? Yes and No.

Yes if you already have a background in direct selling and especially recruitment, then I can see that this could be a great deal for you.

Having an established email list would also be a massive advantage.

Do you also have knowledge of high ticket sales? if yes then I would say yes do it!

No, if you don’t have any knowledge or experience of the questions above. This business is simply not suitable for everyone who wants to work online.

It is also a very expensive start-up for strapped for cash novices!

A Better Alternative

I built my online business through using traditional affiliate marketing techniques, the main difference is that the companies I am an affiliate of allow everyone to join for Free.

Obtaining free leads using SEO techniques is very easy to learn with the right training.

If you want to make a passive income while you sleep, are on holiday, or just chat with friends over coffee then let me introduce to you my number 1 Recommendation.

(If you want to make your new business work better upgrade to the premium membership for $49 a month or $1.63 a day that’s less than a Starbucks costs!)

Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

Did you get value from this post? If you did then please share it to help others using the social media buttons provided. Thank you.

Lisa. Founder and CEO of mistakesbloggersmake.com

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