Checks On Repeat Review Is It A High Ticket Scam To Avoid?

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. Are you looking for a high ticket offer to make good commissions from? If you are you may have just found it!

This review is on Checks On Repeat which starts out at $3,247 and goes up to $21,000 + so that is definitely in the high ticket category, isn’t it?

This is being brought to us by a guy called Wes Wells and we shall learn more about him further on.

A massive question that will be covered for you here is of the 43 products being offered are they worth our time and money or will they leave us in a hole that we will find difficult to get out of?

Checks on Repeat is done for you as in closing your sales but that doesn’t help you to get the prospects in the first place does it?

Let’s find out if this system works or not!

Disclaimer: I am not associated with this program in any way shape or form If you go on to purchase it I will not be compensated financially or otherwise.

I started an online business 18 months ago using an all in one training platform that has been around for 16 years.

Checks On Repeat Overview

Program Name: Checks On Repeat

Program Type: High Ticket Program

Founder: Wes Wells

Cost Of Purchase: Starting at $3,247 and going up to $21,847

Is It Recommended? No.

When you go onto the web address which is you will be met with this page:

Checks On Repeat entry details

Which is okay, at least it is not a hyped-up sales page, but it obviously doesn’t tell you anything unless you trade your email address.

After you have submitted the required email and phone number you will be taken to the sales page which starts off like this:

Source checks on repeat sales page

As you can see right from the start it intimates that you could start earning money within the 1st week.

That is total BS and gives a very misleading impression.

If you become a member of this program you are going to be very disappointed with what you receive for the high ticket price you have just paid out! 

  • Promo tools
  • Done for you email swipes
  • And some private label price products that are severely overpriced.

Your job is to sell 1 of the 4 membership packages by any means possible.

This means the owners get rich while you do all of the work.

This is not my idea of running a successful business is it yours? I want to get paid for the work I do on my terms!

All of the PLR products can be purchased online for a fraction of the cost that this offer is charging.

There is no way it is worth thousands of dollars.

How can you know if you will get paid?

You are not privy to the telephone conversations that take place between your lead and the closer.

So I don’t see how having your sales closed for you is an advantage?

It is suggested that having the sales closed is the hard part of this, but in reality, doing the marketing and getting the prospect is the hard part.

I know because I got stung 6 years ago!

What Is Checks On Repeat?

Checks On repeat is a sales funnel in the form of a website that is fronted by Wes Wells.

It is nothing new in the online world in fact it is a really old hat tactic that people can see coming from a mile away.

All you are getting is some PLR rights products to sell to your unsuspecting leads and that is the only thing that makes this offer legal!

Who Is Wes Wells?

Before spending any money on an online offer I always check out who the creator/founder is.

You just don’t know who you can trust, do you?

Wes Wells worked in the corporate world until 2016 when he was let go and received a large payoff.

Then in 2017, he decided he wanted to work online. 

Nothing worked for the first 2 years and then he found this program that I’m reviewing and it changed his life by paying out for advertising and getting others to join it.

Wait! that means he is not the creator or founder so who is?

I cannot find the answer to that which is frustrating.

If you watch the video on the sales page Wes says it is his program and then further on he says he joined it, so which one is correct?

Your guess is as good as mine!

Apart from the video on the sales page, I could not find any social media accounts for this guy! Not a good sign.

How Does Checks On Repeat Work?

Checks on repeat works by you finding other people to buy into this program.

There are 4 levels that your prospects can buy into:

1. Is priced at $3,000 called the Gold Level + a $247 admin fee = $3,247

2. Costs $7,000 known as the Platinum Level + a $447 admin fee = $7,447

3. Will set you back $14,000 called the Diamond Level + a $647 admin fee = $14,647

4. Is an astronomical cost of $21,000 for the Ultra Royal Level + an $847 admin fee = $21,847

(The sales that the success coach makes for you are supposed to pay you out $1500 for level 1 and up to $15,750 for level 4 That is at a rate of 50% and up to 75%).

So in a nutshell, you buy in at one of the levels and you get others to do the same if your prospect joins at a higher level than you then the success coach or the founder get paid the rest of the money so you lose out.

It is designed this way to get you to buy the highest level.

Once inside it will be revealed to you that there is another offer called “Matts Marketing Blueprint”. (not a clue who matt is?)

With this, you will receive some done for you things such as:
  • A Pre Built Website That is the same one that Wes uses.
  • Lead Generation, This is where the paid advertising comes into play.
  • The success coach/Closer, All of the phone calls to your prospects will be carried out by these people.

These are what is considered the done for you parts of this high ticket business.

This program is very similar to another called Profits Passport.

Checks On Repeat Review Pros and Cons
Checks On Repeat Review Pros and Cons

The Pros Of Checks On Repeat

you will receive email swipes, hosting, a domain and pre-built sales pages.

Not a lot really for the amount this will cost you!

The Cons Of Checks On Repeat

All of the websites are the same so there is nothing unique about them to get them to rank. That begs the question what use is it surely?

You can buy leads from checks on Repeat for $1 but you have no idea where they are coming from or the quality of them.

Paying out for ads on social media soon becomes very expensive on top of the high ticket cost you have paid out for!

The PLR products for you to sell are very low quality and very overpriced. You can pick them up for as little as $5 and as much as $20. These guys are charging up to 100 times that amount!

The sales promises are very misleading.

It is very expensive to join.

There is absolutely no money-back guarantee. No refunds! that is a massive red flag!

Is Checks On Repeat A Scam?

Unfortunately No it is not a scam I wish I could say it is though!

Can I honestly recommend this to you? No Way!

  1. It is very expensive and a sure way to get into debt.
  2. Many who sign up will be losing their hard-earned cash.
  3. Selling PLR products is an outdated method and they are of poor quality.
  4. Paid ads can be extremely expensive with no guarantee of any returns at all.
  5. Nothing is explained upfront from the beginning such as what the program is actually called.
  6. This high ticket program doesn’t even have a logo!

There are much better ways to make money online with your own business that doesn’t cost even a fraction of the first level of this offer and you don’t have to pay for ads either!

My Final Thoughts

The Prosperity Warrior has the same sales page! I found this out during my extensive research on this offer.

It is possible to earn affiliate commissions with Checks On Repeat if you can afford the high ticket upfront cost and the money you have to spend on advertising.

I just don’t recommend this as a good business model.

If you wish to sell PLR products then I recommend that you go to and source the products from there as 43 of them from that site will cost you a few hundred dollars as opposed to a few thousand!

Why pay $500 when you can pay $5 and get the resale rights? That is the big question you should be asking yourself?

Are you reading this review because you are looking for a business opportunity to work online from home?

If your answer is yes then read on a little further!

Checks-on-repeat-review-Wealthy Affiliate

How I Work Full-Time Online From Home

For many years I searched for a legitimate way to make money online. I knew it was possible and I just had to find it!

The search actually took me 6 long years and I got into some terrible programs in that time and spent absolutely thousands of dollars.

Last year I finally found exactly what I was looking for!

It’s called Wealthy Affiliate and as soon as I joined I felt completely at home and safe.

I didn’t need any special skills as there’s a lot of training, what did I have to lose.

Suitable for beginners and experienced marketers.

You can read my Wealthy Affiliate Review. Including the pros and cons.

The Reasons I Chose Affiliate Marketing

 I work In the world of Affiliate Marketing. There are many positive reasons for this:

  • You can start a limited trial of the platform (with my #1 recommended program) Then upgrade to the premium membership if you can see the value of using this amazingly successful training.
  • There are no expensive tools or software to pay for
  • You can work on this a couple of hours a day in your spare time
  • You don’t need to make your own products
  • You will learn  all about SEO which is the organic and sustainable way of driving free traffic to your site
  • No need to recruit others to join
  • You don’t need to be concerned with customer support
  • No special skills are needed (which is good because I don’t have any 🙂
  • You can still earn from whatever you are writing today for many years to come, a truly passive income
  • Everything you need all in one place including hosting and domain purchases.

I Quit My Job!

After starting with this training program 14 months ago and learning all I needed to know for a fraction of the money that some courses are charging I quit my hated day job at the 10-month mark.

Affiliate Marketing is a simple business model that takes a lot of work to get started in the beginning because you are getting traffic organically instead of paying for it.

Now I spend my days writing reviews to stop innocent people like yourself from being scammed like I was!

(If you want to make your new business work better upgrade to the premium membership for $49 a month or $1.63 a day that’s less than a Starbucks costs!)

Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Follow me on Pinterest or join my email list for more magic blogging, affiliate marketing, and SEO advice.

Lisa. Founder and CEO of

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