Simple Traffic BluePrint 3 Traffic From Youtube Does It Work

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. Every business whether online or off needs traffic (visitors).

This course from Phillip Barrowman called Simple Traffic Blueprint says it can deliver.

We need traffic clicks from the search engines to keep our businesses going and some people struggle to make this happen.

Are you good at it or do you need some help?

The Simple Traffic Blueprint is a step-by-step training course and it is one of the best out there.

Phillip Barrowman is a master at attracting traffic, especially from Youtube.

It costs $49 which is a steal!

Disclaimer: I am not associated with The Simple Traffic Blueprint In any way if you buy it I will not be compensated financially or otherwise.

This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. the price you pay will not be affected.

None of the links is in any way related to The Simple Traffic Blueprint.

Let’s dive in and find out more:

Simple Traffic Blueprint overview

Product Name:  Simple Traffic Blueprint

Founder/creator:  Philip Barrowman

Product Type:  Affiliate Marketing Traffic Training

Cost Of Purchase:  $49 one-time fee

Is It Recommended? Yes.

This course is going to teach you how to get traffic from Youtube, Phillip has been an affiliate marketer for 9 years so he is in a good position to teach you.

creating free youtube videos full of valuable information on making money online and how to get free traffic through using keywords is a brilliant strategy.

You don’t even have to be on the camera either, there are ways to just talk and show slides to your audience

Many marketers charge hundreds of dollars for this sort of course so it was great to find out that this is only $49.

In my opinion, this is a very good course and I highly recommend it if you want to learn Youtube marketing.

A lot of the training that Phillip learned was from my number 1 recommendation where he became a super affiliate maybe it can teach you a thing or 2.

About The Creator Phillip Barrowman

When Phillip finished his education he worked a day job just like the rest of us. But it was not for him, so he started to look at making money online.

He got scammed by fake guru’s and felt pretty awful that this happens to innocent newbies like he was.

So, he decided to be different. He wanted to offer value so he built a website called and then later a Youtube channel of the same name.

Both of these concentrate on affiliate marketing methods.

Simple-Email-System-Review_Youtube channel

Phillip posts to his Youtube channel very regularly and has 3.76k subscribers.

It is a refreshing change to see someone as successful as Phillip who tells the truth. 

He knows from experience there is no way to get rich online overnight and he tells you often how much hard work is needed.

What Is The Simple Traffic Blueprint?

Simple Traffic Blueprint is a course with 30 video lessons 100% easy to use with step-by-step videos for making money online.

It is a traffic training course that will show you how to use YouTube to gain free traffic. 

The founder does not promise anything that cannot be delivered. The sales page claims that this method is for beginners, scalable, and honest. 

Borrowman started his Internet marketing journey in 2012. And like many of us, he tried and failed several times but persevered until he made a breakthrough. 

Now, his systems are praised and used by other Internet marketers, because Simple Traffic Blueprint is just as legit as it can be.

Simple Traffic Blueprint Review

Related post: Overnight Commissions

What You Get Inside Simple Traffic Blueprint

The training course is laid out in four different steps. 

The Introduction

The first stage covers Philip’s strategy and the results that he’s been getting by using this method. He’ll also discuss what additional tools you need to make the system work for you. 

Next Up Is: 

The Getting Started Module

  • Phillip explains what a niche is and how to choose one
  • How to Choose a domain name
  • The basics of building your own website
  • Getting a Youtube channel set up
  • Setting up your email list and autoresponder

The Implementation Strategies

  • How to Create content and content research
  • Keyword research (very important)
  • Choosing a product to promote
  • Planning and creating your videos
  • An SEO checklist
  • Uploading the videos to your Youtube
  • Creating some squeeze/landing pages


  • Make sure all the steps are in place.
  • Monetization
  • keep Rinsing and repeating

The Three-Step Process To Making This Work

There are three steps to generating traffic and building your business. 

Deciding On A Niche

The important first step is to choose a niche. This is what’s going to build your business from the ground up if you haven’t already started. 

If you can’t make your mind up on a niche for your business, Philip has a few suggestions for you to work with.

How To Create High Ranking Basic Videos

The second step will have you creating a high ranking but basic video about your niche. This will use what you have learned in the previous modules, from keyword research to getting free traffic. 

You don’t need to be a skilled editor to make videos that rank well. 

Free Traffic Steps

The last step is you enjoying the free traffic. The videos you make are connected to squeeze pages or landing pages then to your business or product, or even an email list. 

The purpose of this page is to get the customers details when they land on it. 

Then you just have to keep doing the entire thing.  

Who Is The Simple Traffic Blueprint Suitable For?

Because of the way the course is laid out I would agree that it is ideal for beginners who are looking to learn about affiliate marketing.

The method used is 100% legit and thousands make money online using it. Including me!

Also suitable for people with more experience who are looking to scale their businesses.

If you want a get rich quick scheme no such thing exists. Any business takes you to do the work and this is no exception.

Simple Traffic Blueprint pros and cons

The Pros Of Simple Traffic Blueprint

1. Taught by a legitimate successful affiliate marketer.

2. Affiliate marketing is a good way to make money online.

3. Easy to follow training videos.

4. Money back guarantee of 30 days

5. Live help and support available

6. Very affordable

7. Actual case studies included that make money

8. The creator WhatsApp number so you can connect with him if you need help.

9. A Private Facebook group

10. Not full of hype and BS.

The Cons Of Simple traffic Blueprint

1. Everything you need to start an online affiliate marketing business is not included. You will need to source certain tools from outside.

Related Post: Affiliate Escape Plan

Is Simple Traffic Blueprint a Scam?

100% no. Simple Traffic Blueprint is a legit business that delivers what it says it will, with hard work!

The methods that are shown to you are the exact same one’s that Phillip used to make it online with a website and affiliate marketing links.

You are getting a massive amount of value for $49 one of payment and if you change your mind you can get a refund!

Do I Recommend This To My Readers?

Yes, this is a highly recommended course not just by me but also by other very well known marketers.

If you are looking to learn about Youtube video making and marketing then this is just the ticket.

In case Youtube is not your ideal method of traffic generation then I don’t recommend this course for you as that is what it teaches.

An Alternative Way

You like the idea of promoting other people’s products with affiliate marketing, then stay a minute to read the rest of this page.

There are many other ways to start an affiliate marketing business based solely on free traffic.

One of those ways is by starting a blog like this one where you share your knowledge and passion about a specific subject. 

We call this a niche and it could be anything you want to write about!

All you have to do is choose a subject, create a website, get free traffic by posting blog posts on your site, and share affiliate links with your visitors to earn commissions.

This is how I have gone from working a job to doing affiliate marketing full-time and I want to show you how you too can do the same!

All of the tools you need can be found inside Wealthy Affiliate, It has been around teaching entrepreneurs for more than 16 years.

There are over 1.5 million entrepreneurs inside who have taken the decision to work online and there are a ton of success stories that you can access.

I will see you on the inside to welcome you and help you to get started! 🙂


Thank you for reading my review of Simple Traffic Blueprint.

It has been a pleasure to write about a legit business for a change. Most of my reviews are on scammy get rich schemes that don’t work and just take peoples money!

If you got value from this post then feel free to share it with others using the social sharing buttons.

Do you have any questions, just leave them at the end of this Simple Traffic Blueprint review and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Lise. Founder and CEO of

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