Maeve Review Jono Armstrong Google Discovery Ads Training

Hello My friend and a very warm welcome back. The review for today is called Maeve and it is all about Google Discovery ads.

This is a Jono Armstrong sponsored product and he is joined by the Digital Dames.

Google discovery ads are what you often see at the top of a Google page that you have performed a search on.

They are driven by keywords and are paid advertising.


Example Of Google Ad: Maeve is portrayed as being a secret loophole that has just been discovered and can be set up in only 30. (I don’t believe that for 1 second)

I’m going to cover the facts of this product in this review we will see what it is, how it works, how much it costs, and is it worth our time and money?

Disclaimer I am not associated with Maeve in any way or any other product from Jono Armstrong. If you buy it I will not be compensated in any way.

Firstly congratulations on being here and making time to check out whether this is a worthwhile program for you. It will ensure you don’t get scammed.

My number 1 recommendation that I earn a full-time living from is not a scam offer!

Let’s dive in and get started:

Program Name: Maeve

Program Type: Training, Tools and software.

Vendor: Jono Armstrong Created By Paula-Maree, Kafayat, and Nanda.

Cost Of Purchase: Frontend $12.95 + 6 Upsells.

Recommended? Not for beginners.


This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

None of the links is in any way connected to Maeve or any other Jono Armstrong Product.

What Is Maeve?

Maeve is a collection of tutorials and case studies that are going to show you how to make Google discovery ads and which keywords to target to get sales on Warrior plus offers.

The software will help you make reviews of many of Jono Armstrongs other products.

How Does Maeve Work?

The system works in just 3 steps:

Step 1. Select A Keyword.

Step 2. Hit the Go button.

Step 3. Watch the affiliate commissions flow in.

What You Get For Your Money

When you first log in to the dashboard you will see a welcome video from Jono.

The first offer on the page is a link to Jono’s Ministry Of Freedom program.

The first video in the training is about the power of Google ads and it’s just over 1 minute in length.

Video 2 shows you How to create your Google ads account.

Video 3 is where you set up your warrior + account.

You have access to a bonus page generator that has 5 templates to choose from to make you a bonus page. A video tutorial is included.

The bonus page that you create is the product that you will be promoting.

The discovery ads setup video is 26 minutes long and it explains how to set up ads in detail.

You can also set up a bonus page on Google.


The Frontend and The Upsells

The front end is $12.97 but the price goes up every 60 minutes +6 upsells.

Upsell 1 Is Called RIDE THE BULLET TRAIN TO CHA-CHING STATION this costs $67

Receive 25 additional DFY high converting funnels, ready to plug & play.

5-Day Case study.

Extra fast hosting.

Professional Review Videos.

Upsell 2 Outsourcing Suite Is A Massive $397

The expert team will log in to your account and setup up 6 Maeve style campaigns for you.

Upsell 3 Cheat Your Way To Pretty Profits costs $97

Upsell 4 Advanced Underground Marketing Strategies is another $47

Upsell 5 Maeve reseller licence is set at $29

Get the chance to sell this at 100 % profit.

Upsell 6 Bundle Reseller Licence is priced at $87
This bundle allows you to resell 4 of their other products and keep the profits.

Note: Here I could have written more details on each upsell but I felt what you get is just a load of rubbish so I didn’t bother repeating all of the hyped-up BS.

The Pros Of Maeve

You get a money-back guarantee of 30 days.

Related Post: Jono Armstrong’s Ministry Of Freedom

The Cons Of Maeve

There is nothing about you on the bonus pages that you create, this means nobody has a clue that you exist.

No way of collecting email addresses to retarget the leads. One chance of a sale only.

The discovery ad video is a good explanation of how to set up an ad, the only complaint is some of the keywords suggested I would not choose as they will be very expensive to run ads for.

I would also not run ads on a mobile device as shown in the video, the cost can be extortionate.

Nowhere on the sales page does it say that you will be running Google ads.

You can get more traffic for free by running a Youtube channel.

If you have never run Google ads before I feel there isn’t really enough info given here.

This is Not 100% newbie-friendly.

The upsells that total over $700 are not needed and they are just a way for the vendor to get more of your money.

Is Maeve A Scam?

Surprisingly enough it is not a scam.

Training and the implementation of Google ads is a valid way of making money online and that is what you will receive.

Would I recommend this to my readers? Yes and No.

Let’s cover the yes first.

If you already have a business set up and you want to scale it using Google ads then this is worth the front-end fee only.

Now for the no.

What the sales page says about it being a new loophole and what you get are not much of a match in my opinion.

They say you don’t need to learn SEO and I don’t agree with that.

You don’t need an email list and I believe that you do.

If you want a long-term business then you do need a website.

Obviously, these are my opinions based on my experience of working online full-time.

Are you reading this review because you are looking for a business opportunity to work online from home?

If your answer is yes then read on a little further!

Maeve review wealthy-affiliate 10 months to freedom

How I Work Full-Time Online From Home

For many years I searched for a legitimate way to make money online. I knew it was possible and I just had to find it!

The search actually took me 6 long years and I got into some terrible programs in that time and spent absolutely thousands of dollars.

Last year I finally found exactly what I was looking for!

It’s called Wealthy Affiliate and as soon as I joined I felt completely at home.

I didn’t need any special skills as it includes a ton of training, what did I have to lose.

Suitable for beginners and experienced marketers.

You can read my Wealthy Affiliate Review. Including the pros and cons.

The Reasons I Chose Affiliate Marketing

 I work In the world of Affiliate Marketing. There are many positive reasons for this:

  • You can start a limited trial of the platform (with my #1 recommended program) Then upgrade to the premium membership if you can see the value of using this amazingly successful training.
  • There are no expensive tools or software to pay for
  • You can work on this a couple of hours a day in your spare time
  • You don’t need to make your own products
  • You will learn  all about SEO which is the organic and sustainable way of driving free traffic to your site
  • No need to recruit others to join
  • You don’t need to be concerned with customer support
  • No special skills are needed (which is good because I don’t have any 🙂
  • You can still earn from whatever you are writing today for many years to come, a truly passive income
  • No need to pay out for ads unlike the program we have just reviewed.

I Quit My Job

After starting with this training program 13 months ago and learning all I needed to know for a fraction of the money that some courses are charging I quit my hated day job at the 10-month mark.

Affiliate Marketing is a simple business model that just takes a lot of work to get started in the beginning because you are getting traffic organically instead of paying for it.

Now I spend my days writing reviews to stop innocent people like yourself from being scammed like I was!

(If you want to make your new business work better upgrade to the premium membership for $49 a month or $1.63 a day that’s less than a Starbucks costs!)

Watch the video on how to build your own website in 30 seconds!

Maeve review wealthy-affiliate training

Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

Did you get value from this post? If you did then please share it to help others. Thank you.

Follow me on Pinterest for more awesome tips.

Lisa. Founder and CEO of

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