Local Boss Review Digital Marketing Agency Scam Or Legit

Hello, and a very warm welcome back to my Local Boss Review from Adam Davies who has literally years of experience in this field.

Online businesses all need traffic although a lot of it comes from Google over time you need strategies in place to keep you afloat before that occurs!

Social Media is the way most people plug the gap.

This course falls into the very high ticket category costing around 6K. Unfortunately, it is not possible to be totally accurate as the cost is not published anywhere.

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated or associated with Local Boss in any way. If you purchase It I will not receive a single cent.

The information in this review can be found by anyone who wishes to put in hours of work in online research. The information is all available.

This post contains affiliate links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Let’s dive in and find out if Local Boss is worth the asking price?

Local Boss-Logo

Local Boss Overview

  • Name of  Course: Local Boss (started in 2018)
  • Name of Creator: Adam Davies
  • Business Model: Facebook Ad Lead Generation Training
  • Website: localboss.com
  • Cost: Unknown Only found out on a discovery call (other programs like this cost around $6,000)
  • Most Suited For: Anyone wanting to generate leads for their own or client’s business.
  • Is It Recommended? Yes.

Local Boss has been designed to teach you how to run and utilise Facebook ads that drive traffic to your website and offer.

Every single business whether on or offline needs traffic in order to make money and it is one of the hardest things to get.

The lessons inside of Local Boss teach this very well.

The only real downside that may possibly be prohibitive is the cost and there are also lots of these courses to choose from.

If you are running this as a chargeable service to other businesses then you would charge them accordingly.

However, if this is going to be the way you promote your own business then you may find you need a heck of a budget.

About The Creator Adam Davies

Adam did quite well at school, In fact, he left and went to college.

The school does not really teach any entrepreneurial skills so he found himself just like the rest of us with a traditional 9-5 job.

Not satisfied with this he read a few books and did some online training in acquiring marketing skills.

For the subsequent 10 years, he put all he had learned into practice and grew some 6 and 7 figure businesses.

Local Boss Review-Adam Davies
Adam Davies

After getting one of his businesses ranked on the Inc.5000 list of fastest-growing companies he knew that more success was coming!

Fast forward to 2018 and Adam builds a step by step program called Local Boss to help others online to scale their businesses to thousands of dollars a week.

Local Boss Review -Skills

What Is Local Boss?

The training is aimed at teaching its students how to acquire leads to build their own businesses.

As there are many opportunities online from them all this is easily one of the simplest to do!

One thing to be aware of is that this course is not open all of the time. 

It only tends to open 1 or 2 times a year and the rest of the time you are placed on a waiting list.

This just goes to show how popular and trusted the creator Adam Davies is.

What You Will Learn With Local Boss?

Building a website is a great example of how leads arrive at businesses.

Going back 20 years ago there were not that many business websites.

Although today every business has an online presence of some description.

For this program to work you will find businesses that are struggling for traffic and you will, in essence, provide the missing links.

Visitors will come to the website that you have built and then they can be redirected where ever you choose to send them.

Pretty much everything about this course is carried out using the copy and paste method.

It all sounds very easy and to a certain extent, it is, however it does take some time to get everything running smoothly.

Facebook ads are used to get the majority of the leads initially.

Building a digital agency was all the rage before 2020.

There are 6 core modules and 1 bonus module.

The Local Boss Modules Explained

All of the modules have videos to explain the processes.

Module #1. Start Here

The all-important welcome.

A walkthrough of what you can expect with this training course and what you can hope to achieve using it.

Module #2. The Foundation

A look at the Local Boss methods used and what makes them different to other similar courses.

Looking for local clients as opposed to national ones.

Follow the levels.

Module #3. Building Your Agency

  • Your agency website and what is involved.
  • The Contract and service agreements that are needed.
  • Taking payments over the telephone explained.
  • How to come up with the amount you should be charging the clients?
  • Which Agency tools are required?
  • Managing the client’s expectations correctly.

Module #4. Client Attraction

  • The real business model.
  • Manual list building process.
  • Rapid list building explained.
  • Cleaning the list periodically
  • Email campaigns and their importance.
  • Sending cold emails using Woodpecker
  • The associate close
  • The cape close
  • The boss close
  • Using a Prospecting calender
  • Case study examples
  • Interview, $500k per month in sales
  • Generate leads with voicemail drops
  • Landing clients with Facebook Ads

Module #5. Facebook Lead Ad Funnel Training

  • Getting started with Facebook ads.
  • Setting up Lead Tracker.
  • Call tracking setup procedure.
  • Thank you page setup
  • Adding the Facebook Pixel to the site.
  • Facebook lead form setup.
  • Zapier automation setup.

Module #6. Facebook Ads Training. (this is the most difficult module of them all)

  • Overview
  • Creating ad accounts
  • Setting up Facebook fan pages
  • Video ads
  • Researching Facebook offers
  • Local Ad set targeting
  • Facebook testing
  • How to read the numbers
  • Lifetime versus daily budgets which to choose.
  • Getting a 2nd business manager
  • Duplicating with the same page post ID
  • Increasing your Ad account limit
  • Facebook lead Ad setup
  • Conversion campaign setup
  • The Facebook Pixel
  • Facebook audiences
  • Facebook re-targeting
  • Scaling Facebook Ads part 1
  • Scaling Facebook Ads part 2
  • Increasing lead quality
  • Troubleshooting Facebook Ads
  • How to write the perfect ad that converts.

Module #7. The Bonuses

  • Interview on how to make more sales.
  • Interview on how to scale to 100 clients fast.

What tends not to be explained thoroughly is the additional costs required to run a business like this.

These are the additional monthly costs broken down for you:

  • Email Marketing software  costs $20 – $30 per month
  • Facebook Ads can easily be $100 – $200 a month
  • Lead generation software such as  Clickfunnels is a minimum of $97 every month
  • Tracking software can set you back $20 -$30 a month
  • Website hosting can easily be an additional $10 – $20 per month.

Approximately $300 – $350 on top of the purchase price.

These costs can be met by the clients once you have acquired them. In the meantime, you will be paying these fees.

Local Boss Review -Social Media

How Much Will The Local Boss Training Cost You?

I would love to be able to give you an exact figure here. However, you simply have to go on a call for the price to be revealed to you.

Having reviewed several other programs like this I can tell you that they range between 5 to 6K. Even more, if you pay in instalments.

A possible reduction if you have the total cash available.

No other way of saying it, this is a high ticket programme!

Who Is Local Boss Suitable For?

The business model is very straight forward and people who have very little time have been successful using this framework.

Even beginners who have never built anything online before are getting leads and making money!

Finding clients for businesses such as dentists and beauty salons in your area using Facebook ads and Google is a lucrative method.

As long as you have negotiation skills then you can do it!

Local Boss Review-The Pros and Cons

What I Like About Local Boss

1. The course is taught by a man that has had great success with this exact business model.

2. This is a very legit way of making money online.

3. A good potential to make a successful business if you follow the steps provided for you.

What I Don’t Like About Local Boss

1. Copy and paste systems are supposed to speed up the process for you. In my opinion, it means everyone is using the same process and that can be detrimental.

You will not learn all of the tricks of the trade by copying and pasting.

2. Only learning 1 traffic generation method is short-sighted and a very expensive way of bringing in leads.

You can lose a lot of money by testing out Facebook ads, they do not always go right the first time every time.

By writing a lot of content on your website Google will inevitably find you and start ranking your content using search engine optimization.

This is a free traffic method that will allow you to cut back on spending with ads. It will take roughly 6 months though!

3. I like to know how much things cost before going on a call and I’m sure you do as well?

Not only don’t we know how much the course costs but there are all the added extras that I explained above that are not explained either.

4. You need to be adept at high-pressure sales to make this work.

Is Local Boss A Scam?

Getting leads to any business using Facebook ads is a legitimate way.

Thus that makes Local Boss not a scam and in fact, it is quite the opposite.

There is a downside! 

You can make money with this offer but, you can also be easily fired!

Especially if you don’t go the extra mile to keep businesses and clients informed all of the time.

My Final Thoughts On Local Boss

Facebook ads can make this business very lucrative quickly, however, learning how to do the ads is a big learning curve for even those who have experience.

The process takes a lot of sustained hard work. It can happen in a few weeks and by the same token, it can also take months.

Having the upfront money will be off-putting for a lot of people $5,000 to $6,000 is a lot to lose if you get into the wrong niche.

Do I Recommend This To My Readers?

Yes if you already have some kind of sales experience and the ready cash available.

No, if you are a complete novice.

I have experience with Facebook ads as a beginner and it was very hard to learn and cost me more money than I made. Maybe I was just unlucky!

How I Earn A Living Online

Having spent many years buying the wrong type of programs I can say there are only a few business models that work in the way portrayed by the creators.

On this blog, I find out all of the facts for you to save you time and trouble.

I always give an unbiased opinion. This does work but it also has a few rather large drawbacks.

The way I make money is with a business model that doesn’t cost thousands of dollars to join.

I don’t have to deal with any clients at all and there is no direct selling involved.

Affiliate Marketing is my preferred method.

Making a passive income even when I’m asleep has a large attraction to it.

You can learn more about this business model by reading this review next.

It is possible to take a 7-day test drive without having to enter any of your credit card details.

Success Stories.

Lisa. CEO and founder of mistakesbloggersmake.com.

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