Is ODi Productions A Good Affiliate Marketing Course To Buy?

Hello and welcome back. Today we are going to do a review of ODi productions. Are his courses worth the high ticket prices? Can we learn about affiliate marketing from them?

People make out that earning money with affiliate marketing is a very easy task and that it can be achieved in a short amount of time, that’s just not true.

ODi has a massive youtube channel with 284k subscribers and it has been around for the last six years, his videos are a mix of Affiliate marketing, his flashy sports car ($370,000 Lamborghini) and videos promoting his own music.

He also gives away a lot of free information which is a tad unusual in a good way.

Before we get started with the review, a quick disclaimer* that I’m not associated or affiliated with ODi Productions or any of his courses or offers in any way.

If you decide to purchase one of his courses I will not receive any compensation.

Let’s dive in and find out more about the man and his programs:

Odi Productions The Man


Odi is a bit of a strange name but that’s the one he goes by.

He is a 28-year-old introvert who started a YouTube channel initially to promote his own music over time it then started to change into promoting headphones on his blog called and eventually turned to affiliate marketing videos.

Odi is not as active on his channel as he once was. He also has an Instagram account with over 20k followers.

The Youtube channel started to take off and ODi decided to make his first affiliate marketing course back in 2017, this was to be the first of 3 courses.

Course 1 is called Affiliate Marketing Champ

Course 2 is called Passive Income Lifestyle

Course 3 Is Called Affiliate Evolution

These courses bring us to the next section where we will find out more about them:

Affiliate Marketing Champ

As a first-course affiliate marketing champ was very popular and it really launched ODi onto the map.


The program itself is no longer available so there really isn’t any point in going into the details of what the course entailed.

One thing I will say is it wasn’t shut down for any wrongdoing.

Passive Income Lifestyle

Passive Income Lifestyle came about as a remake of Affiliate Marketing Champ with many extras thrown in.

Launched November 2018.

Price: 4k or discounted for $1997. 


The course consists of an 8-week long affiliate marketing training program that can teach you how to get started with affiliate marketing for newbies.

What will we learn over the 8-weeks? Note each course unlocks after a week.

Week number 1: The Welcome and Introduction

10 videos that cover:

A welcome to the program, support and live stream, a tour of the website, the private community forum, course overview, the structure of the program, ODi’s story, an introduction to passive income, The methods of affiliate marketing, and finally the road map to business.

Not a lot of learning going on in these 10 videos might be okay if you didn’t have a clue.

Week number 2: Mindset, Motivation and Productivity

36 videos covering:

  • # 1 – Why your mindset is important
  • # 2 – Trading time for money
  • # 3 – Staying away from Shiny Object Syndrome
  • # 4- Committing to Passive income and disclosure
  • # 5 – Goal Setting
  • # 6 – Dream Lifestyle Calculator
  • # 7 – Goal setting activity
  • # 8 – Miracle morning introduction
  • # 9 – Gratefulness
  • # 10 – Breathing exercises
  • # 11 – Reading, 
  • # 12 – Journaling
  •  # 13 – Affirmations
  •  # 14 – Diet tips
  • # 15 – One thing for the day
  • # 16 – Productivity hacks
  • # 17 – No distractions
  • # 18 – Prioritizing

Sorry, I’m bored with this list now. The only good thing about week 2 is the mindset part. Nothing about affiliate marketing yet.

Week number 3: Getting Started with Affiliate Marketing

Hooray affiliate marketing at last! only 5 videos though.

  • # 1 – Introduction
  • # 2 – How affiliate marketing works
  • # 3 – Why affiliate marketing is the best online business opportunity
  • # 4 – Real-world examples of successful affiliate marketing businesses
  • # 5 – Passive income lifestyle examples

The videos here go from a few minutes to an hour or more still didn’t really learn anything new! (disappointing)

Week number 4: Creating Your First Passive Income Business!

This is the week where it all starts to get a little more interesting!

There are 11 steps in total in this section:

  • Overview
  • The ODI Method
  • (Part 2)  of the ODI Method
  • Choosing your niche
  • Joining an affiliate program
  • Choosing a platform
  • Product research
  • Keyword Research
  • Content creation
  • SEO
  • Collection emails
  • Using paid traffic
  • Email marketing
  • Retargeting
  • Promoting your first product

If you know nothing about affiliate marketing and building an online business this could help you. If you are experienced you won’t really learn anything new.

Week number 5: Case Study, Niche Authority Website Method

Here ODi shares with you 2 case studies explaining how and where he earned his money

  •  # 1 – Overview
  • # 2 – Introduction to niche authority websites
  • # 3 – Personal case study 1( Overview)
  • # 4 – Personal case study nos 1
  • # 5 – Personal case study 2 (overview)
  • # 6 – Personal case study nos 2
  • # 7 – Niche Authority website tutorial

Case studies can be interesting but you get them with most courses.

Week number 6: The Perpetual Sales Funnel Method

This section covers Odi sharing another method of building a passive income. He shows you how he sold 1 product that made him around 20K per month.

  • # 1 – Perpetual Sales Funnel overview
  • # 2 – Perpetual sales funnel method
  • # 3 – Myth – you need a following to get results
  • # 4 – Perpetual sales funnel case study

Week number 7: The Personal Branding Method

These 4 lessons teach a 3rd way of earning a passive income.

  • # 1 The personal brand method
  • # 2 The best platform for personal branding
  •  # 3 The top tips for personal branding
  • # 4 How to create your first Youtube video

If you are not into being in the limelight I would skip these lessons.

Week number 8: Landing Page Method + Getting Traffic + Scaling Up

This last set of lessons cover a 4th passive income strategy.

  • # 1 – Week 8 Overview
  • # 2- The landing page method
  • # 3 – How to install the Facebook pixel
  • # 4 – How to create a Facebook/Instagram ad
  • # 5 – How to create a Google/Youtube ad
  • # 6 – When to expand your business
  • # 7 – Taxes & legal

You will also get below with the course:

  • Odi Research Tool for finding a niche and affiliate programs to join
  • Forum, a community forum to ask questions and share your success stories.
  • Livestream – Odi does a live stream with the members once a week where he reviews some of the websites, answers questions and does some interviews with successful students.

The live stream is a nice touch and not something most programs offer.

Is ODi Productions A Scam?

I have to say No it is not a scam.

You can learn some pretty useful information from his videos. He also doesn’t give you the impression that you can earn money overnight which is a pleasant change.

A lot of what he teaches is legitimate and not dodgy in methodology.

Pros Of Passive Income Lifestyle

30-day money-back guarantee no questions asked

Lots to learn from his Youtube videos

Useful question and answer sessions

Cons Of Passive Income Lifestyle

The only con I found is the amount being charged for the program.

For a beginners course it’s a lot of money and out of many people’s price range.


Course 3 Affiliate Evolution

Basically, Affiliate Evolution is a rehash of Passive Income Lifestyle but an updated version with less content.

Priced at $997 you get:

  1. 2 case studies
  2. A 4-week course
  3. Some Templates

That’s it for a thousand bucks and not only that you will only get a refund if you have watched the first case study and 2 out of 4 weeks of the course.

Definitely not worth the money!


How I Earn A Full-Time Income Online

For many years I have searched for a legitimate way to make money online. I knew it was totally possible and I just had to find it!

The search actually took me 6 long years and I got into some terrible programs in that time and spent absolutely thousands of dollars.

Last year 2020 during the lockdown I finally found exactly what I had been looking for!

It’s called Wealthy Affiliate and as soon as I joined I felt completely at home.

I didn’t need any special skills and it was free to join, what did I have to lose.

Suitable for both beginners and experienced marketers.

You can read my Wealthy Affiliate Review. Including the pros and cons!

The Reasons I Chose Affiliate Marketing

 I work In the world of Affiliate Marketing. There are many positive reasons for this choice:

  • You can start for free (with my #1 recommended program) no credit card needed
  • There are no expensive tools or software to pay for
  • You can work on this a couple of hours a day in your spare time, evenings and weekends
  • You don’t need to make your own products
  • You will learn  all about SEO which is the organic and sustainable way of driving traffic to your site
  • No need to recruit others to join if you don’t wish to
  • You don’t need to be concerned with customer support
  • No special skills needed in fact no skills at all
  • You can still earn from whatever you are writing today for many years to come, a truly passive income
  • No need to pay out for ads unlike the course we have just reviewed.
  • If you decide to upgrade the hosting and training are all included
  • Wealthy Affiliate has been around for 16 years

After starting with this training program 13 months ago and learning all I needed to know for a fraction of the money that some courses are charging I quit my hated day job at the 10-month mark.

Affiliate Marketing is a simple business model that just takes a lot of work to get started in the beginning because you are getting traffic organically as opposed to paying for it.

Now I spend my days writing reviews to stop innocent people like yourself from being scammed!

Super Affiliates In Our Community of over 1 million

I work alongside Super Affiliates such as Littlemama, aka Grace. She started with this program with no experience and regularly posts affiliate commissions earned like this one:

This post just goes to show if you write a post today you can get paid out on it for many years to come as long as you keep the site running.

Look at the date, this was posted 14th April 2021 and there are many more inside my number 1 recommendation which you can join for free today!

Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

Did you get value from this post? If you did then please share it to help others. Thank you.

Lisa. Founder and CEO of

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