How To Grow Your Pinterest Account The Fastest Way Possible

Hello and welcome back to today’s blog topic which is How To Grow Your Pinterest Account The Fastest Way Possible

If you are just getting started with your blog or you have been doing this for a while these Pinterest hacks will help you to get your blog seen as fast as possible.

Blogging is a long term strategy normally and it can take some considerable time to get any traffic from Google. Bing and Yahoo seem to be a hell of a lot quicker off the mark!

That sounds brilliant but the biggest search engine around is Google and if you use search engine optimization (SEO) effectively you can rank on page 1 and that will bring you in a ton of traffic for years to come.

Another way is to use another search engine called Pinterest, Yes it is a search engine and if used properly will drive masses of traffic to your quality content. Does that sound great to you?

This post may contain affiliate links which means if you make a purchase I may receive a small commission the price you pay will not be affected. This helps to keep me in coffee when I’m researching and writing posts for you.

Let’s Crack on and learn more:

You Have To Be Consistent

Consistency is the word you hear most when it comes to blogging the main reason is it’s so damn important.

To grow not only your following but the most imperative point if you want to be a full-time blogger your traffic you have to be on Pinterest daily and not just once a day either that can seem like a daunting prospect.

There are many tutorials around when it comes to Pinterest and a lot of them say to do totally different things,

I can only tell you what has been working for me and pinning consistently is definitely one factor.

If you just don’t have the time to login 3-4 times a day because of life you can use Tailwind which is a scheduler that Pinterest approves of. Using this tool you can set up a month’s pins all in one go this means your pins go out every day like clockwork!

If You don’t have a lot of content yet you can just set up a week’s worth at a time. That worked for me in the beginning.

I have only been using Tailwind for a month and my New Pinterest business account has grown from 0-11k views in that time. How amazing is that?

The Blog has traffic already that is HUGE using SEO techniques alone it could take up to 6 months to see traffic. You still need to make everything SEO friendly though.

Tailwind Tribes

You can start a free trial of Tailwind Tribes hold your horses Lisa what is a tribe?

A tribe is offered by Tailwind and it is just like a group board where a lot of collaborators are all in one place. The idea is you join the tribe that fits in with your niche then you add some of your pins and the other members will pin your pin to their boards and you will do the same as a reciprocal agreement.

This will get your content seen by a ton more people and will help you and the other pinners to grow much faster!

Here is an example of A Tribe:


I use Tailwind to post 15 pins a day at this time because the blog is still small + I still pin manually because I have the time and it’s something I find enjoyable to do.

Pinterest Boards

Your own boards are extremely important and something you must do is make them SEO friendly this is achieved by using relevant keywords for your niche.

Pinterest has to understand the purpose of your boards in order for your account to grow swiftly.

Have you scrolled through Pinterest and seen some boards that use colourful language? You will also notice they don’t seem to have many views or followers that’s because the algorithm doesn’t understand the language used.

Let us say your niche is about home decorating you would type that into the Pinterest search under the search results there will be coloured tabs with the most searched terms, those are what you should be using in your board descriptions.

Bonus Tip: click on the tabs and even more keywords will pop up!

You Need To Use Keywords

Keywords have to be everywhere on Pinterest not just in the board descriptions!

  1. Pin Descriptions
  2. Blog Content
  3. Blog Titles
  4. Board names
  5. Profile Descriptions

The only way the Pinterest algorithm can make head or tail of your niche is by everything being uniformly obvious.

Don’t stray from your niche topics if you are in the fashion niche don’t start talking about recipes or ways to make money online.

Pin Made by Elizabeth at earning sahm

The Need For Hashtags

I have found that using Hashtags in my profile and in my descriptions has worked effectively. Previously on my old blog I chose not to use them and that turned out to be a mistake as it didn’t grow anywhere near as fast as this blog has.

When pin descriptions contain hashtags they can get shown in a different way this is to your advantage as it means the pin stays current for longer before going into the smart feed and this element will grow your account quicker.

You can see an example of hashtags in my descriptions.

Pinning Rules

When first getting going with Pinterest  I set up 10 boards only and started pinning to them so we have the home decor ideas niche as our example the boards keywords would be:

  1. Livingroom
  2. Bedroom
  3. Kitchen
  4. Bathroom
  5. Diy
  6. Diy crafts
  7. Minimalistic
  8. On a budget
  9. Diy crafts wall art
  10. Small spaces

Once the boards are set up we need to start pinning content to the relevant boards in the first instance I got my account suspended because I wasn’t aware I couldn’t pin the same pin to different boards so make sure you keep changing the images and descriptions.

I got the account back and made sure not to make the mistake again.

Getting going again slowly with pinning my own content the strategy I use now is the first 5 pins of the day are mine and then pinning 5-10 of other peoples manually + the scheduled pins in Tailwind on top they are also a mixture of other peoples and my own.

Then I pin another couple of times during the day always a mixture of other pins.

Following a similar strategy will have you gaining traction to your blog within 6-8 weeks which is super fast!

Always remember Pinterest has rules about pinning.

After the first month, I added more categories and found some group boards to join at the present time there are 48 boards on my profile.

I found a brilliant course to go with pinning with Tailwind it has an amazing hack in it that every Pinterest user needs it’s called Scheduling Shortcuts.


Professional Profile Picture

I don’t recommend having a logo as your profile picture in the beginning. I am aware others will say it’s all to do with branding but I strongly disagree with this.

If you are just a business offering services then branding is for you. If you want to be a blogger that grows fast on Pinterest then people have to know that you are real.

The best way to show that is to have a great picture of yourself smiling or a picture with your significant other and possibly your children, Although, that may be niche dependent.

Your image is what the visitor sees first when they do a search of keywords related to your niche. Now you can understand why it is critical to have a beautiful image.

What to have in the photo will be dependant on the subject of your niche, say you promote cruises you could have a photo with a cruise ship as the backdrop.

Your Followers Matter

If you are not aware the first people who see your pins are your followers if they engage with the pin by saving, sharing, and repinning then the pin will be shown to a wider audience.

There are some that say that followers are not that essential, again I disagree.

The home feed is also made up of your follower’s pins in order to share relevant content to the boards you need to be careful who you follow.

The more targeted the followers the more the pin will be shared and that is how to grow your account to a wider audience.


Trending Content

You may have your niche all figured out and there are going to be certain sections where trending content will come into play.

Use this to your advantage by writing posts about what is trending. This will pretty much guarantee your pins will be at the top of the pile to be seen.

The more focused the niche is the better audience you will attract.

Let us say we are focussing on Food but not just any food Gluten Free food.

Gluten-Free is not just a diet fad there are millions of people who cannot eat Gluten and if they do they are very ill.

My husband is a coeliac (can’t eat gluten) I can tell you he is always looking for new ingredients and recipes to try and he will pay good money to be able to eat something different and there are many other niches with audiences that search for other options out there.

Trending topics cover a multitude of different niches and you can find results using analytics on Pinterest.

Not started your blog yet?  Follow the instructions here for everything you need in minute detail from A-Z

Which of the 9 tips covered have you found makes the most sense to you of course you can choose more than 1?

let me know in the comments section.

This post was checked by Grammarly for punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure.

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