How To Go From 0-4 Figures In 10 Months With A Blog

Hello and welcome back to our blog. Today’s lesson is going to be How To Go From 0 to 4 Figures A Month In Just 10 Months.

Have you been struggling to earn an income from Affiliate Marketing?  

I know from experience, in the beginning, it can seem impossible that you will ever make 3 figures let alone 4 in a month but it can be done in less than a year.

I was certainly guilty of making these mistakes myself. Once the realization dawned and the mistakes were corrected the money started to flow and has continued to do so.

These 7 Tips will help you to make this a reality.

Do You Try To Help Your Visitors?

There is nothing worse than landing on a site that has op-tins, banners, and pop-ups that prevent the visitor from getting to the actual content. that’s the quickest way to lose the user.

When writing a post is it full of affiliate links that are trying at every opportunity to sell the user something?

Many bloggers and affiliate marketers are only concentrating on making a sale. This should not be the purpose of the content.

When writing a post you should be offering help in the form of answering questions that the user needs to be answered. The more that gets answered the longer the visitor will stay on your site and this will be of massive benefit to you because that way they will begin to trust you and that could lead to that person making a purchase.

Trying to make a fast buck may be possible in the short term but if you want to do this full-time that is not the right attitude to adopt.

Your Site Speed Is Very Important

If your site speed takes more than 2 seconds to load then that will increase your bounce rate by up to 50%.

We live in a society of very impatient individuals where time is of the essence. If they are kept waiting for something to happen they will become impatient and move on to something else.

There are plugins that you can use that will speed up your site:

  1. WP Rocket is the easiest and the most friendly for beginners.
  2. W3 Total Cache is a little more advanced and not so brilliant for beginners. You would need help setting this plugin up but there is plenty of it around.
  3. WP Super Cache is a free plugin that is very popular and easy to set up
  4. Sucuri is not only a caching plugin it is also a firewall and is one of the quickest around.
  5. Sites such as Bluehost and Siteground have their own site caching options.

The Content That You Publish Has To Be High Quality

Doing Keyword research and opting for the low-hanging fruit options are brilliant ways to write high-quality content.

For Example:


From the keyword, research tool above you would choose anything that was in the Green  Great category with a 100 or less QSR which is the figure in the third column, and the highest SEO which is the figure in the last column on the right.

Once you have researched your keywords you then need to write a piece of content that is high quality and helps your reader to get the information they were looking for.

If you are an Affiliate Marketer your content is your mouthpiece because you don’t physically have a product that people can come and examine.

When your visitors like what they are reading then they will click the link and make a purchase.

User Experience Of The Content

In a recent study carried out about paragraphs, it was shown that if they contained more than 25 words then the individuals lost interest in reading it as they conveyed that it was difficult to read.

A good blogger knows that the content should be kept to very small paragraphs of no more than 3 lines.

The importance of the table of contents is that it helps the search engine bots to crawl your site and when a user visits your post the majority will read the table of contents and skip to any part that’s of interest. 

This can be construed as a bad thing by some bloggers.

The smaller the paragraph the easier it is to skim the post.

I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but 9 out of 10 people will not read every single word that you have written, Sad but true.

Understanding Of The Products That You Are Selling

Don’t try to pull the wool over the eyes of your readers as they are not stupid. If you are putting links into your content make sure you know about the product.

This will stand you in good stead.

When choosing a niche it is imperative that you think about 2 things either you know the subject very well and you can write about it confidently or the other option is that the subject is something you really want to learn about. This can be accomplished in many ways.

No one person can know everything about a subject unless they actually created it. Read books, blog posts, go onto forums or watch videos and learn it as thoroughly as you can.


Your Content Needs SEO

You can write the best piece of content ever written but if you don’t do any search engine optimization for it you will have wasted your valuable time.

One of the biggest lessons taught at Wealthy Affiliate is how to use SEO properly. It’s no good being lazy and not using what you have been taught as you will be the only loser with the free search engine traffic.

One mistake a lot of bloggers and affiliate marketers make is not putting in the correct title tag which should always be an H1

Another mistake is not filling in the meta description.

Always Write Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is the type that is searched for no matter what month of the year it is.

Having this type of content on your site will help you to achieve a steady stream of traffic all year round.

Another factor of evergreen content is it attracts more backlinks from other blogs and this will enable you to boost up your domain authority which in turn will help your other content.

This type of evergreen content is a long process for you to write but it will be well worth it in the long term.

Bonus Tip:

As I said above this post has no affiliate links in it. It does however have links to other helpful blog posts.

 Another way to point people to links is to have a resources page on your site where you list all of the resources that you use to keep your blog running.

 The majority of those will be affiliate links.

You can point the user to that page in any blog post that you write!

My next task is to create a resource page that I will add links to in my posts.

*UPDATE The resources page is up and running!

My Final Thoughts

By avoiding these 7 common mistakes you will have a great deal more success.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you further down the line to share your wins!

If you have gotten value from this post then I would appreciate you pinning it!

Lisa. Founder and CEO of


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