How To Find Your Target Audience For Your Blog

How many times has it been drummed into you that you need To Find Your Target Audience? Who exactly are you writing the content For?

If you are just getting started it is possible you have not even thought about your audience yet.

Are you still trying to make a final decision on what Niche you are going to go with?

If you are that’s okay many get hung up with that decision, it will help you out with the audience once you have cracked it.

Knowing who you are writing for will help you to not only grow but also to monetize your blog. Just knowing that will help every new blogger.

I got stuck on both of these points myself!

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Have you even got as far as starting a blog yet?

I have a step by step guide for you if you are still in the planning phase or just wanting some advice.

Why Is Your Target Audience Important

There are lots of bloggers who advise you to go out and network, they do have a valid point and it is something I actively do.

Not at first though, I was afraid to do it being an introvert can make you feel that way.

 Successful bloggers seemed scary in the beginning. Not only that I wasn’t sure how to go about it.

The easiest way forward is to know your audience.

They will be your visitors, commentators, and the lovely people who are going to share your content on social media and with their friends and families.

You will receive comments from people who have read your posts like this:

” I have always thought of writing a blog, but has always ended up pondering on how I can monetize it. This has held me back from writing a blog ever since. And I also had the mindset that the competition was too much. This article has given me a different point of view and changed my mindset, making me understand how I can make money from writing a blog. I wish I had a piece of information like this then, well it is never too late to get started. Thanks for this article.”

When you receive these comments you will Know who your audience is.

Why are they Important?


They Will Be Loyal

Once comments start to appear then the magic seems to start up. You get more and more of them not only on the blog itself but also on social media channels. Bloggers in the same niche as you will contact you to network and collaborate.

Bloggers tend to read other blogger’s work and leave comments and share links on their posts that lead back to your page. Effectively promoting you to their audience.

They will be among the first to read any new posts and to open any and all emails from you.

That is the audience you are looking for!

They Will Help You To Build A Following

Have you heard of the term Tribe?

When I was just getting going it was something I heard about a lot, because I was new I didn’t really want to ask what it meant.

It wasn’t until a few months later that the lightbulb moment happened and I suddenly realized my tribe is in fact my target audience 🙂

The tribe will help you to grow your blog!

A great many bloggers use their Pinterest group board or Facebook groups to actively grow their tribes and their email list if they have started one.

You can also find sharing Tribes in Tailwind

I appreciate the subscribers to the email list and I give a lot of thought to what I send out to you. Providing them with valuable, useful tips for their own blogs is a must. 

I love writing to you all it gives me great pleasure to see you succeed!


You Can Market To Them

Anyone with an email list has built it up over time has done so to market to the list, You were aware of that yes?

By sharing value to the list they can then also promote products as well, either their own or from affiliate marketing.

Your email list is usually made up of very loyal fans of your work.

The more followers you have on your list the more revenue you will achieve year on year. I know people with millions of subscribers who can’t wait for a new offering to be made.

How Can Your Audience Help You

Apart from helping you to earn money, they are also very valuable in sharing your content with others and that is just the start.

When I first got going The only people that knew were a couple of my friends and the community at Wealthy Affiliate, I did not share with my husband for a few months.

After a month people started to find me and the blog started to take off at a rapid pace, that’s because I was providing the answers people were searching for.

They all then became the target audience!


Finding The Right Topics To Blog About

Getting ideas for your next blog subject can be so very difficult to do. Are you just staring at the computer or your notebook asking yourself what shall it be about this time?

For answers go where your audience is hanging out. Read the comments that have been left for you, look for questions, and answer them in a blog post.

My target audience is professional people who want to get out from their mundane job and also people who really want to work from home like new mothers who want to stay home with the children.

Knowing these facts helps me to write for their pain points and offer solutions to their most burning questions.

Your Audience Can Help With Creating Your Own Products

There will come a time in the near future when you decide to create a product of your own. This can be a how-to tutorial in an ebook form or a course in exchange for an email address. Ask your audience!

When writing blogs you can get lots of different stats from Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Pinterest Analytics, they can show what your most popular post subjects are.

Therefore I can then decide to write more on the most searched topics as opposed to bombarding them with information that they may not be ready for.

By going through this process you can see if you are at the point where your list is ready for a product from you or not.

A great many successful bloggers recommend waiting until you have at least 900 email subscribers before introducing a product.


The Simplest Way To Find Your Audience

Do many people have a bit of a problem identifying their target audience?

 You have the niche nailed down and now it’s time to think about who you want to target to read it.

One thing you cannot just appeal to everyone.

Who I chose was based on me! simple right?

I wanted to start a blog and work from home.

Now you know who, where are you likely to find them?

Facebook Groups

Search on Facebook for your niche plus groups. there are hundreds of them and in all, you will see questions asked that they want help with.

These types of threads will help you to, understand pain points that you can then cover with your content.

Follow People On Social Media Like You

Go to Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook and find accounts of people who are in the same situation as you.

Talking to and working with other affiliate marketers helps you all to grow and with the numbers multiplying online every month there are enough people to cover you all.

Blog Comments

Read comments not only on your blog but the blogs of others.

There you can find questions that you can take a screen view of to save for future reference.

This can be especially helpful when you want to put an ebook or a tutorial together.

Now you are supercharged and ready to get that blog of yours out there!

Just think about what motivates you that you love to write about and your target audience will be searching for the answers to that exact problem.

Are you ready to share who your target audience is? I would love to know in the comments.

Don’t Forget To Share it, Thanks.

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2 thoughts on “How To Find Your Target Audience For Your Blog”

  1. Awesome article, very informative and full of value.

    It is just the thing I was looking for online, so glad i found it.

    You have really put in a lot of work to write this and I respect that, always like to see hard work pay off.

    I am glad that I stumbled upon your article because you gave me a lot of value and tips that I needed.

    Thank you for that and I wish you all the best in the future and your business

  2. Hi Lisa. Very interesting article. To be fair Im just starting my adventure with digital marketing and posts like this are extremely helpful. I spend lot of time trying to find proper niche for my business, but you are right that thinking about audience is even more important. Thank you very much for your advices and recommendation, looking forward to test them in practice.


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