Flare Review Another Software From Venkata Ramana Is It Real

Hello, my friend and a warm welcome back. I can not believe I am reviewing another new product from Venkata Ramana called Flare!

This guy certainly likes his one-word product/program names. He brought out 1 called Wave on the 27th of May and one called Swift on the 10th of May 2021.

I have actually reviewed both of those systems and I will link to them a bit further on in this post.

Disclaimer. I am not associated with Venkata or any of his products. If you go ahead and buy them I will not be compensated in any way.

The “Flare” system is going to add another method of making money online according to the sales page.

 It claims that all you need to do to earn money is just to get other people to click on the links made by Flare. And that’s it! Simple right?

As an idea, this system sounds simple and it’s designed to make you buy into the promises. Will it actually work? that’s what we are going to endeavour to find out!

Congratulations for being here and making sure you don’t get scammed on a maybe.

If you want a sound proposition go check out my number 1 recommendation for you.

Program Name: Flare

Program Type: Web App

Founder: Venkata Ramana

Cost To Join: Frontend $17. + 6 upsells, not 1 not 2 but 6!

Recommended For: No one it will never work.


This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

None of the links is in any way connected to the Flare system.

The Founder Of Flare

Venkata Ramana is a serial creator of online systems. He tends to launch definitely 1 every month if not 2.

I named 2 above that came out in May 2021 here are a few more of his offerings:



Infinite Hosting      



 Breeze Funnels




Launches are when the founders tend to make the most money, so it’s hardly surprising that they bring out 2 a month.

The reason it works this way is because of the many affiliates that promote these programs for them.

By bringing the system to the thousands of readers to each blog post some are bound to fall for the hype and buy into the illusion!

After all, it’s a numbers game.

What Is Flare?

Flare is a web application that has been designed to make you money without actually selling.

You will be given access to the app that is suitable for the majority of devices and operating systems and it allows you to create blogs that will bring you unlimited traffic. (apparently)

Hosting is provided for you.

Is it me or does this sound like nothing new?

Related Post: Fast Commission Generator

How Does Flare Work?

Flare works as a 3 step process is what the sales page is saying:


How Flare works you set up what is called a “pay link”, which you can then add to your website. 

Once a unique visitor clicks on that link, you will get paid a commission. 

The more unique visitors that click on the link, the more commissions you will earn. 

The visitor doesn’t need to buy anything. They just have to click on the link for you to earn.

This is a cloud-based app, which means you can use it anytime, anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

The cost and Upsells

  • The Frontend Price is $17 and you need to have purchased this to get inside the sales funnel.
  • Flare Unlimited is the name of up-sell number 1 Priced at $39 you get to experience Flare without limits this entitles you to create unlimited campaigns and unlock unlimited capability on everything.
  • Flare Done For You is up-sell 2 Price $197 We will do everything for you to make your account optimized to the best of its ability.
  • Flare $1K Paydays is up-sell 3 Price  $197  with Flare you have all the traffic you need. But how do you turn it into money? With this Monetization upgrade, You’ll be able to turn your traffic into juicy, $1,000 commissions.
  • Flare Automation is up-sell 4 Price $39 This upgrade lets you fully automate Flare so you can start receiving traffic on autopilot, even while you sleep.
  • Flare Limitless Traffic is up-sell 5 Price $197 this upgrade allows our team to deliver Done-For-You traffic and sales for your customers.
  • Flare Reseller is up-sell 6 Price: $197 Sell Flare as your own product and keep 100% commission on the entire funnel. You will have access to our proven sales pages, design, and our support team. All you have to do is to send the traffic.

The total cost of the frontend and the up-sells are: $17 + $866 = $883. I’m telling you this because it will help you to understand how the founders make money.

The Pros Of Flare

30-day money-back guarantee.

Related Post: Ewen Chia Programs

The Cons Of Flare

I’m not sure if you are aware of this any money-back guarantee of this kind does not cover the up-sells ever!

  •  On the sales page, it makes hyped up unrealistic sales claims. The majority of the sales figures presented on it are, in most cases false at best and downright BS at worst.
  • The testimonials on the sales page are all fake. If you compare them with testimonials from their previous products, you will see that most of them have been copied and pasted.
  • The platform is using Google Adsense for its money-making system. Anyone who uses Google Adsense knows that they have VERY SPECIFIC Strict requirements when you apply for the use of it.
  • Due to Google Adsense’s strict requirements, it’s highly unlikely that you will be able to make money using this system. Because most of the DFY websites made by this software look quite cheap and low-quality it will be difficult for you to get accepted.
  • It will be virtually impossible for you to get any organic traffic when you use this system because of all of the done for you material that will be the same as everyone else is using. 
  • For $17 all you get is the front-end app, which has a fairly limited set of features. The upsells are the only way to get the rest of the puzzle pieces to make this more effective. 
  • They don’t tell you the truth about their prices up front on the sales page.
  • You can read lots of reviews about Flare but they have been written by people who have actually been paid to write them in the form of affiliate commissions.

I could write even more cons for you but you get the idea. If you do want to know more leave me a comment and I can explain some others to you!


Is Flare A Scam?

In my opinion Yes it is a scam!

Anyone can apply to Google Adsense and get paid for clicks without people purchasing anything. That is nearly as old as the internet itself.

Yet on the sales page of Flare, this is some new money-making method! BS.

If you want to get started with Google Adsense read this post which will tell you what you need to be accepted.

Sales pages have a job to do and that is to make you believe that everything is simple just 3 steps and make money for only $17.

They never explain the upsells that total $866 of your hard-earned money and even with those there is no guarantee it will work.

All of these new systems that are coming out are just much of a muchness nothing new just the same shiny objects being promoted that don’t work.

Do I recommend this system? Hell no, stay away from it is my advice.

I just share the information that I have found through my research and the rest is left up to you.

Are you reading this review because you are looking for a business opportunity to work online from home?

If your answer is yes then read on a little further!


How I Work Full-Time Online From Home

For many years I searched for a legitimate way to make money online. I knew it was possible and I just had to find it!

The search actually took me 6 long years and I got into some terrible programs in that time and spent absolutely thousands of dollars.

Last year I finally found exactly what I was looking for!

It’s called Wealthy Affiliate and as soon as I joined I felt completely at home.

I didn’t need any special skills and it was free to join, what did I have to lose.

Suitable for beginners and experienced marketers.

You can read my Wealthy Affiliate Review. Including the pros and cons.

The Reasons I Chose Affiliate Marketing

 I work In the world of Affiliate Marketing. There are many positive reasons for this:

  • You can start for free (with my #1 recommended program) It is free and you can earn from the free membership.
  • There are no expensive tools or software to pay for
  • You can work on this a couple of hours a day in your spare time
  • You don’t need to make your own products
  • You will learn  all about SEO which is the organic and sustainable way of driving free traffic to your site
  • No need to recruit others to join
  • You don’t need to be concerned with customer support
  • No special skills needed (which is good because I don’t have any 🙂
  • You can still earn from whatever you are writing today for many years to come, a truly passive income
  • No need to pay out for ads unlike the program we have just reviewed.
  • Everything you need all in one place.

I Quit My Job!

After starting with this training program 14 months ago and learning all I needed to know for a fraction of the money that some courses are charging I quit my hated day job at the 10-month mark.

Affiliate Marketing is a simple business model that just takes a lot of work to get started in the beginning because you are getting traffic organically instead of paying for it.

Now I spend my days writing reviews to stop innocent people like yourself from being scammed like I was!

(If you want to make your new business work better upgrade to the premium membership for $49 a month or $1.63 a day that’s less than a Starbucks costs!)

Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

Did you get value from this post? If you did then please share it to help others using the social media buttons provided. Thank you.

Lisa. Founder and CEO of mistakesbloggersmake.com

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