Elite Downline Builder Review Don’t Buy Before Reading This

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome to my Elite Downline Builder Review. This program is going to offer you 5 streams of income.

The owner is called Dave Hurley and he is a veteran marketer with lots of experience, more on him soon.

This has a free entry cost to start off with and then has 5 paid points starting at $7 and going up to $75.

You will get paid for recruiting new people into the program but only for the paid memberships.

Even though you need to recruit this is not an MLM.

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated or associated with Elite Downline Builder and the information found here is available on the internet and is based solely on my opinion.

This post contains affiliate links. That means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

It is great that you are carrying out your own research as that will stop you from being scammed.

After reading this review post you will know all that is necessary to make the right decision about Elite Downline Builder and whether it will work for you.

Let’s dive in and see if we can earn money?

Elite Downline Builder Review-Logo

Elite Downline Builder Review Overview

Product Name: Elite Downline Builder

Product Owner: David Hurley

Product Type: Make Money Online Affiliate Program

Product Price: from $7 up to $75+

Website: elitedownlinebuilder.com

Is It Recommended?: Yes and no.

Most online opportunities where you have to recruit to make any money are called MLMs but this is not one of them.

Here David Hurley is recommending 5 programs that he says he has been involved with and are good money making credible offers.

Inside the program, you have access to traffic sources and this means if you don’t have any social media followers you can still build your own downline.

Each paid level includes a certain number of ad credits that can be used inside the platform.

In my opinion, the only way to make any real money with this will involve using paid ads such as Facebook, Pinterest or solo ads.

Don’t want to pay for advertising then look at my number 1 recommendation instead.

Elite Downline Builder Review. #YouTube

About The Creator David Hurley

David Hurley has over 2 decades of experience in affiliate marketing, being a freelancer and blogger who dabbles in Crypto Currencies.

He lives in Japan and has worked online since 2007 specifically within the affiliate marketing space.

Elite Downline Builder Review-David Hurley

Elite Downline Builder has been around since 2017 and the website is still live today! The aim is to promote 5 different online options using just a single link.

Elite Downline Builder Review-website advertising

Would I join this? Yes if I could afford the advertising budget that is needed to make it work.

How Does Elite Downline Builder Work?

You can join for free and stay that way forever. 

Even free members can earn 10% commissions for recruiting new members who pay to join and buy ad credits.

This is how it works. When you join the Elite Downline Builder, you have to set up your affiliate links and add them in the appropriate fields for every one of the 5 different programs that David Hurley has pre-chosen.

You earn a commission when a new referral upgrades to a paid membership from 1 of the 5 offers.

There are only 5 levels inside and this makes the business very cheap to get started with at only $7 for the first level.

20% commissions are yours for every member who joins using your link.

What You Get Inside Elite Downline Builder?

This is a simple process to follow of only six steps inside Elite Downline Builder to help you to organise your membership.

Make doubly sure to do these steps after joining, or you will lose out on commissions. 

  1. The first step is to add your personal details.  Add an image of yourself on your profile and write something about yourself. This helps to greatly improve your credibility. Then you add in your affiliate links so you can start earning commissions
  2. Step 2 is to set up your Downline Builder. The dashboard will take you to the Top 5 Programs page where you have to sign up for every one of them, generate your affiliate links, and add them within the Elite Downline Builder. 
  3. Next, you can start using the different Affiliate Tools. These consist of different landing pages that you can send your visitors to. They will promote the programs David recommends and they will come with different banners, promo texts, and email templates. 
  4. How to earn your free advertising credits. You can get ad credits by clicking on ads inside the program, participating in the traffic exchange network, referrals, and overrides 
  5. You can also take advantage of free ads through your free ad credits that come with the membership. This will allow you to promote your links without paying. 
  6. You can also access the Support page if you have any concerns or questions about the program. 

The Elite Downline Builder’s Membership Levels

There is 1 free membership and 4 paid levels. If you choose not to become a paid member, you will still be eligible for 1,000 free ad credits and 10% of referral earnings. 

These are the paid levels.

The Silver Level costs just $7. It gives you 2,000 ad credits and 20% commissions.

Reader Bonus is priced at $14,95  
You get 3,500 ad credits and 35% commissions.

The Gold Level Is $27 
 It provides 5,000 credits on sign up and 40% commissions.

The Platinum Level price is $37 and offers
 7,500 credits and 50% commissions. 

JV Diamond Package is set at $75
 giving you 10,000 ad credits and 75% commissions.

There is a 3-day money-back guarantee on every paid membership level.

Is Elite Downline Builder A Scam?

No. This business model gives you the tools and know-how to build an online business.

Not only can you promote 5 great offers like Wealthy Affiliate which has been around for 17 years but you can also send people to your Youtube channel and any other offer as well.

Every one of these programs has the training to help you move forward with working online.

The best program to learn how to get free traffic from Google using SEO is my number 1 recommendation which has a 7-day test drive.

I cannot say that Elite Downline Builder is the traditional way to learn about affiliate marketing as there is quite a bit missing from it.

What I Like About Elite Downline Builder

Elite Downline Builder Review-pros and cons

#1. Small Startup Cost. It only costs $7.00 to get started and the top level is only $75.00 which is a great price.

#2. 5 Quality Programs. The programs inside for you to promote are all legit and high quality.

#3. The Creator Has Lots Of Experience. David Hurley has many years of experience in building businesses like this. He knows what he is doing.

#4. The Traffic Exchange. Having the ability to exchange traffic can sometimes make it a lot easier to get new eyeballs onto your own offers.

What I Don’t Like About Elite Downline Builder

#1. Paid Ads. Even though there is a traffic exchange and ad credits you are still going to need to pay outside for ads to have any chance of making money with this.

#2. Have To Promote Elite Downline Builder. The clever way this has been set up leaves you with no choice at all but to promote the Elite Downline Builder program.

All landing pages lead to it so there is no other alternative.

#3. Not Having A Choice. With traditional affiliate marketing, you are free to choose what to and what not to promote and you are also taught free traffic methods if you choose the right program.

With this offer, you are not taught in the traditional manner.

#4 Money Back Offer. Even though there is a money-back offer it is only for 3 days and that really is not long enough.

My Final Thoughts

Even though Elite Downline Builder is legit, cheap to start, and will get you started with an online business what will you end up being the owner of?

Using traditional methods generally means building a website like the one that you are reading and I 100% own it.

By leveraging the correct training platform you can build a successful online business that can enable you to quit your 9-5 and work for yourself from home.

Affiliate marketing and blog writing enable you to write content that still pays you many years later.

Would you rather promote something that you have no choice about?

Or be in a position to promote only the things you have a real interest in?

In my case, I chose the latter.

It meant I didn’t need to buy ads of any description because all of my traffic comes to me instead of me chasing after it.

Thanks for staying to the end I hope I have answered everything for you?

If not let me know in the comments.

Did you get value from this? then share it so others can as well.

Follow me on Youtube to see things in video form.

Lisa. Founder and CEO of mistakesbloggersmake.com

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