Dropship Unlocked Review Lewis Smith Is This Course Worth 3K

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. Dropshipping has become a big business around the world. This course is from Lewis Smith and it’s supposed to be the best in the Uk.

Will Dropship Unlocked prove to be worth the 3K price tag or will it be a flop to avoid?

Unlike most courses, this one has been specially made for people in the UK. Can it build us a business from anywhere in the world?

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated with Dropship unlocked or Lewis Smith in any way. If you buy this I will not be compensated financially or otherwise.

Can This e-commerce training mentorship program be what we are looking for?

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Let’s dive in and find out more:

Dropship Unlocked Overview

Product Name: Dropship Unlocked

Product Owner: Lewis Smith

Product Type: Dropshipping Course

Cost of Purchase: £3,000 minimum

Is It Recommended? Yes and No.

Yes if you can afford the very high ticket cost of 3k + The product costs, platform fees and paid advertising.

This is a risk because you may not get the product right on the first attempt and will still be paying out. You will need a budget of at least 6k.

No, if you have never run any business like this before. Plus you may not have that capital to get this off the ground!

Paying for ads has a steep learning curve that can cost you hundreds if you keep getting the targeting wrong.

Just because it has a high entry price does not guarantee that it contains better training than lower priced items.

The risk is all on you!

How are you at dealing with irate customers, product returns, refunds and chargebacks?

I prefer to promote other peoples products because I don’t have to deal with any of the things above.

get my number 1 recommendation.

About The Creator Lewis Smith

Whether you are spending $50 or $3,000 you should always know about the person you could be working with.

Lewis Smith was born in the UK. He is pretty well known for his free training that he shares on Youtube and more recently in Facebook Lives.

He has had lots of speaking engagements but the most notable one was at the Nomad Summit. Which adds credence to him knowing about his chosen subjects.

As far as dropshipping goes Lewis has claimed that he started from 0 and got up to 1 Million in revenue 15 months later although there is nothing to substantiate this fact.

He has a Youtube channel with 1.86k subscribers there are not very many videos and he hasn’t posted anything himself for 1 year.

There are a few testimonials that have been added in the past couple of months.

Dropship Unlocked-Lewis Smith

He also has a Facebook account which has a lot more activity on it mainly doing Facebook lives.

Based on not much in the way of social media platforms this leads me to believe that he has to be paying out a fortune in ads to get his business up and running.

I could not find anything else during my research.

How Does Dropship Unlocked Work?

There are 6 weeks worth of training inside, that aim to get you set up with an e-commerce drop shipping business.

The modules are released 1 every week so that you can take in all of the information and learn everything thoroughly.

What the training covers:

Week 1: Setting Up Your Drop Shipping Business

Week 2: Niche Product Research Training

Week 3: How To Build Your Store

Week 4: How To Find Your First Suppliers

Week 5: Training on Pay Per Click Advertising for Google, Instagram, and Facebook

Week 6: Outsourcing and Automation (this is optional)

Bonuses, Facebook group, live question and answer sessions, and weekly coaching calls.

Paying the joining fee guarantees lifetime membership and all updates as they occur.

How Much Does Dropship Unlocked Cost?

You can purchase this course for 2 payments of $1597 making the total $3194.

However, this is not an easy course to get on to. You need to go through a survey that totals 16 pages and then a 45-minute call with Lewis Smith.

If you pass everything here and have the funds available you will be let into the training.

Related Post: Blue Sky Amazon

Dropship Unlocked Review Pros and Cons

The Pros Of Dropship Unlocked

1. You are invited to join live coaching sessions with Lewis Smith this is where he shares with you what he is working on and shows examples of what is working at that time.

2. Because the suppliers are based in the UK as opposed to places like China this eliminates delivery times of at least 6 weeks and means you can get ahead of the competition by offering delivery in only 1 or 2 days.

3. Lewis has made a good living from dropshipping and his course is packed with value.

The Cons Of Dropship Unlocked

1. I just have to say that I don’t agree that this is suitable for novices/beginners. Most newbies just won’t have that kind of money laying around and getting ads right is highly risky and expensive.

2. The course at over 3K plus merchandise, platform fees, and advertising is really expensive. There are other good courses around that don’t cost as much. You also need to factor in paying for virtual assistants you will need these when and if your business grows.

3. You have to jump through hoops to get on a call and in reality, it is only to find out if you can actually pay for the course. 

4. The products you are encouraged to promote are high end and they command high ticket prices. This can be an obstacle when starting because nobody has heard of you and they have no trust in you. How much do you spend with stores you have never come across before?

5. If you choose to sell lower ticket items you will have to sell thousands of them to make money because the profit margin is much reduced.

6. there are so many people doing dropshipping that it is now highly competitive and that makes it that much harder to get into profit.

7. Dealing with customers in a fast and efficient manner is something you have to do otherwise a bad review can cost you dearly.

Is Dropship Unlocked A Scam?

100% No. Dropship Unlocked is not a scam. This is a very legitimate business model.

Although most people like to make it sound easy to do whereas in actual fact it is not easy and it’s also not going to make you a ton of money next week.

It takes real work and dedication to become a success at it.

If you live in America or further afield this may not be a good option for you as the suppliers Lewis uses are based in the UK and then there will be shipping times to consider.

Do I Recommend This To My Readers?

If you are experienced in selling, marketing and running paid ads and you have enough money behind you then yes you may be able to make money with this.

If you do not have any of the above skills then I don’t recommend this as a 1st online business venture. It may be worthwhile once you have gained some experience.

Is There A Better Alternative?

Dealing with bad reviews, customer complaints and refunds is not for everyone.

Luckily there are other online businesses where you do not have to do any of these things.

The way I make money online does not require learning how to run paid ads and it actually has a product that people receive sometimes in the physical sense and in other cases a training platform.

Let me introduce you to one of the best and easiest business models around that you can use to build your online business from scratch. 

It’s perfect for people who are new to online business because it is a simple but profitable business model.

This is called affiliate marketing. In affiliate marketing, you can run a business with a small cost and achieve a steady passive income without using paid ads. 

It’s a legit business that you make money with by helping people.

I’d recommend you to get started with the most reputable platform for affiliate marketing: Called Wealthy Affiliate which teaches you the secrets of free traffic.

Wealthy Affiliate
 is an all-in-one platform for building your affiliate marketing business from scratch and it has been around for 16 years. 

Join over 1 million entrepreneurs all in one place!

Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

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