BNB Riches Review Noelle Randall Can It Make Us Money

Hello, my friend and a warm welcome back. Have you got a property you want to rent? You can do this through Airbnb. I’m sure you knew that, didn’t you?

But did you also know there is a course you can take to teach you? It is called BNB Riches and the founder is Noelle Randall.

Can this course teach us how to make money in the right way without putting our house at risk?

That is one question that will be answered among others!

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated with BNB Riches or any other offer from Noelle Randall If you pay $997 for this course I will not be compensated.

Once you have read this review you will know if this is worth your money or not?

This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Let’s dive right in and answer some questions:

BNB Riches Review

BNB Riches Overview

Product Name:   BNB Riches

Founder/Creator:  Noelle Randall

Product Type:  AirBnB Training Course

Cost Of Purchase:  $997 one-time fee

Best For:  People with their own homes

Is It Recommended? Yes and No

Renting a property is not all that difficult to do. Whether it will make you money can be a different fact altogether.

If I was looking for a little money on the side I wouldn’t make it using this method.

In my opinion, you would need more than 1 property to make it worth your while.

The course itself is pretty straightforward and gives you the facts about renting safely.

Just be careful who you rent it to as there can be many complaints from neighbours!

If you want to make a serious income online then check out my number 1 recommendation.

About The Creator Noelle Randall

It is always best to find out about the person behind the product before parting with your cash this applies no matter how much you are spending.

Noelle Randall is a pretty big figure on Youtube she has 505k Subscribers. Lots of videos about making money and she posts pretty regularly.

BNB Riches Review_ Noelle Randall

She is also an author and a real estate investor.

Noelle seems to be pretty successful and claims to have made millions with her real estate business which can be achieved simply.

I cannot see a reason to doubt this claim.

Her courses and Youtube channel will also make a nice little earner. 

BNB Riches Review Youtube

The BNB Riches Course

The course is pretty easy to follow. It only consists of 4 Modules:

Let’s take a look at each one.

Module 1 is called Starting A Six Figure Business Fast

The first section explains about starting your business.

This covers:

  • Finding the best deals in real estate
  • How to leverage retail arbitrage to live totally rent-free
  • How to get leads for your rentals
  • Some training on your mindset to eliminate doubt and fears that creep up

Module 2 How To Get Profitable Properties

The second module concentrates on getting properties.

This training includes:

  • Where you should be looking to find the most profitable properties
  • How to work out if a rental will be profitable on AirBNB let
  • How to make things work on a day to day basis
  • How to do this legally and get the owner’s written consent as different laws apply in different places

Module 3 Get It Ready And List It

Module 3 teaches you what to do with your property when you want to list it.

This short module shows you:

  • How to create systems that get your listings up and running
  • How to make your listing stand out.

Module 4  Managing And Growing Your Business

The last module is all about managing your property and scaling.

Here’s a look at what you get in this module:

  • How to get the owners to want to work with you
  • How to analyze leads successfully
  • How to get bookings on a consistent basis
  • When is the right time to add more properties to your portfolio
  • How to scale your business to 6 figures
BNB Riches Review_wealthy affiliate

How Much Does BNB Cost?

The total cost is $997.

That does seem rather a lot for only 4 modules of training. I thought it would be longer paying that amount of money.

It is possible to pay in instalments which makes it more expensive. 4 monthly payments of $397 which totals $1588.

Another factor to take into consideration is how much money you will need to get started with.

Some of the rentals may need furniture which you need to supply.

There will also be deposits to pay for rent in advance and also for when nobody is renting the property. 

To begin with, you will have to cover the costs until you start to get bookings.

I would not even entertain this idea unless I had at least 15-20k behind me!

Related Post: Copy Paste Money System

Can BNB Riches Make You Money?

This course could show you a way to make money through Airbnb.

I think it could if you had experience in selling houses like the course creator. However, I’m not so sure for those that are just beginning.

It would cost a lot more if you had to buy the properties but by doing rental arbitrage you will save a ton of out of pocket expenses.

You will just be personally renting the property, which will then be rented out on Airbnb

 Paperwork will also be required because you and the landlord will have to agree on the terms first. 

This involves a lot of legal work so be prepared for extra costs. 

Like with any business, there’s no guarantee here that you can make a ton of money in this program. 

So if you’re renting a place out at $1,000 yourself, your incoming rent should be higher than that so you don’t lose money!

Related Post: Profitwriter

Who Is This Most Suited To?

Realistically it would be ideal for property owners who have several properties. 

Most times you get a lot more rent on a short stay basis than you do with yearly rentals.

You have to decide if you want reliability or the unknown and possibly unreliable.

Where I live there are a few Airbnb rentals and some of the people have been very noisy, disruptive, and left the houses in a terrible mess.

That is one reason I wouldn’t rent my house out.

BNB Riches Review The Pros and Cons

The Pros Of BNB Riches

1. The course creator seems like she knows what she is talking about and she also seems like a legit person.

The Cons Of BNB Riches

1. There are no refunds offered for this course at all and there’s no free trial.

2. I think the course is expensive for only 4 modules of training priced at $997. There are cheaper ways to make money online.

3. This kind of business model takes a great deal of work. You need to know a lot about properties and have marketing experience as well.

4. There is a lot of competition to rent property on Airbnb.

5. If you don’t own the property you will need at least 15-20k before you can even take this business into consideration.

Is BNB Riches A Scam?

No BNB Riches is not a scam. But it is also not a very easy way to make money with either.

You would require some experience.

I think there are too many risks for 2 little rewards. There is no way you will get rich with this anytime soon!

The course does not cover enough information you will be left with many unanswered questions.

A Better Alternative

Do I recommend BNB Riches to my readers? yes and No.

I would not enter into this unless you are willing to take it very seriously and have the financial backing required.

There are far easier ways to make money online with a lot less stress than BNB Riches would cause.

You can build your own online business with My Number 1 Recommendation.

There are over 1.5 million entrepreneurs inside who have taken the decision to work online and there are a ton of success stories that you can access.

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  • No Upsells.

Wealthy Affiliate review including the pros and cons. It has been going for over 16 years that must tell you it is legit?

Learn from the best!

I will see you on the inside and will be available to help you to build your own online business. pop in and say hello 🙂

Lisa. Founder and CEO of

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