9 Blogger Questions Asked And Answered Here For You Today!

Hello and a warm welcome back. Today we are going to address 9 Questions That Bloggers Regularly Ask and also give you the answers.

As a full-time blogger, there are some questions that come up time and time again! You go to a group on Facebook and at least 3 times a week the same questions get asked by new bloggers.

Do you have questions that you want to be answered? If you do I’m really hoping this post is going to cover them for you.

Obviously, the most asked question of all time to do with blogging is ” How Does A Blogger Earn Money” yes I will be answering that as well.

This post may contain Affiliate Links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I could receive a commission the price you pay will not be affected.

P.s. I only recommend products and services that I actively use.

Let’s dive in and ask and answer the questions:

#1 How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog?

This question is in the top 5 asked questions about blogging.

There are multiple answers to this as you can imagine. This depends on the type of hosting you choose.

You can start a blog for as little as $65 a year. Hosting plus domain name.

Based on the fact that you already own a computer or mobile device of some description.

However, that is not the option I chose.

My yearly blogging fee is $510, this is for hosting, domain name, site support, live chat feature, and training on:

  • Website building
  • SEO
  • Marketing
  • WordPress
  • Traffic generation
  • How To Make Money

The expert training provided means you don’t need to pay out for other courses which you will need at some point!

As well as coaching. You can learn more from this related post.

#2 How Do You Know What To Blog About In Your Posts?

This is a really good question in my opinion and to be fair the answer should be an easy one!

Can you think of anything you are really good at? Do you or anyone else in your family have a medical condition that you deal with in your daily lives?

Are you a really organised person? can you explain to others how to be as organised as you?

Do you know how to save money and live on a budget? Share it with others that struggle with their finances. 

What would you love to learn about? Learn-Teach-Do.

I absolutely love blogging so it was a very simple decision for me to make. Helping others to succeed is a very fulfilling passion.

The possibilities are simply endless.


#3 Have You Ever Run Out Of Ideas For Your Blog?

Nope, my head is constantly full of ideas on what to blog about.

Sometimes the excitement is so great that I have to write things down in the middle of the night. I always have a pad and pen next to the bed!

People are constantly asking questions so a post like this one can be updated periodically and list posts are always very popular.

You can find frequently asked questions all over the net. Google, forums, social media, and from your email list.

#4 When Does A Blog Start To Make Money?

Probably the question you have been waiting for!

A blog can make money from the first month and it did for me.

More realistically if you are just relying on SEO techniques it could take a lot longer than 6+ months.

Marketing either free or paid will speed up this process.

Consistent income that can replace your monthly wage is achievable within a year if you work hard and stay focused on the end game.

I quit my job after 10 months of blogging. It was hard work, and long hours but I’m reaping the benefits now!

Wealthy Affiliate

#5 Is Social Media Necessary?

In a word No. An email list is a lot more useful to you.

Yes, having social media can help you to get established quicker but it is totally not mandatory.

There are lots of successful bloggers who don’t use social media.

I set up a Facebook business page when I started my blog, it didn’t have any followers and all I do is share my blog posts to it.

Has Facebook helped me? No.

Pinterest on the other hand has been a massive free traffic source while waiting for SEO to kick in.

The Pinterest account was also set up at the same time as the blog.

Concentrate on blogging and growing your own list and once those are both established then think about social media

#6 How Does A Blog Earn Money?

This has got to be the number 1 question I get asked!

It seems at the beginning that is all-new bloggers think about and yes, I was the same until I fully understood how it all worked.

How I Earn Money:

My main income comes from 2 sources Affiliate Marketing where I recommend products and services using affiliate links and when a user makes a purchase I receive a commission.

The second method is when people sign up for my number 1 recommendation Wealthy Affiliate.

Other Methods To Earn Money:

You can have ads placed on your site as soon as you have around 10-15 blog posts, this is a very popular method of passive income and it is a fast way of doing it.

If you are creative you can make your own products and set your own prices.

Sponsored posts can bring you in some money.

Coaching and consulting.

You can be a freelance writer.

Once you are an expert in your blog niche you can do some speaking engagements.


#7 How Much Time Do You Spend Blogging?

When my blog was new I spent every spare second there was blogging or doing something associated with the blog. This happened for the first 6 months.

Most weeks the total of hours was more than a full-time job around 50 hrs.

Once your blog is established you can seriously cut down on the hours you put in.

Many bloggers hire writers and virtual assistant so they can have more time with family and for travelling.

Some only do 20 hours a week.

I love to write so putting out 5 posts a week is my preferred method of Operandi.

In total now I would estimate between 10 and 30 hours depending on the time of the year.

#8 Professional Website Yes or No?

Should you have a professionally built website? No.

Your website is a tool and whilst it needs to look good it doesn’t have to be professionally built to earn money.

A professionally built website is very expensive and what happens if you don’t like blogging and quit? Many do!

Using WordPress you can have a beautiful theme that is easy to customise and there are lots to choose from.

The first website I had was the free version of Generate Press because it’s extremely lightweight, fast, very customizable and simple to navigate.

Now I have the premium version which was only $59 for the year and then after the first year, you get a discounted rate. 🙂

Too much distraction is bad for blog posts. You want your audience to focus on your content.


#9 What Advice Would I Give A New Blogger Just Getting Started?

This is absolutely my favourite question.

If I was starting again from the beginning I would go straight to Wealthy Affiliate. It is just so much more than a training platform.

If I had discovered it at the start it would have saved me a lot of money on different courses needed to become proficient at blogging.

The program has been around for 16 years how did I not find it before!

My blogging results would have happened at least 10 times quicker and it would have saved me from so much stress!

Blogging is hard work in the beginning and there is just no getting away from that, however, Wealthy Affiliate’s community over 1 million strong are just so caring and supportive, they really have your back with no hidden agenda.

My Final Thoughts

Here we have covered 9 questions about blogging.

Did I cover everything you want to know? If not ask your question in the comments section below.

No matter where you visit on the net you will find people asking these questions. 

The most important factor about blogging is that you may have to work for little or no money for a few months.

If you can handle that then you have what it takes to be a blogger.

Blogging has literally changed my life for the better.

Writing one single post that can pay you year after year.

You don’t need any specific skills to start a blog.

Many thanks for your support.

If you have found this post to be of value then please share it to help others.


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