6 Figure Secrets Review Should We Pay For This Course?

Hello and a very warm welcome back. Today we are going to carry out a review on a program called 6 Figure Secrets. Will this program be worth our time and hard-earned cash?

There isn’t much written about this system on Google as of yet but there are a few videos on Youtube and they are all obviously from people who are getting paid for referring it!

The first video that appears is from Jono Armstrong and I’m not surprised by that because the course was created by 3 of his students.

I have already made a review of Jono Armstrong’s products.

Disclaimer. I am not associated or affiliated with the 6 Figure Secrets Course. If you decide to buy it after reading this unbiased review I will not be compensated in any way.

By reading this review you could save yourself from getting scammed by unscrupulous marketers and I congratulate you for being cautious.

Let’s dive in and find out more about 6 Figure Secrets:


Product Name: 6 Figure Secrets Course

Product Type: Training Course

Price: $13 + lots of Upsells

Owner: Philip Johansen, Dan Khan, and Jasdeep

Who Is It Recommended For? Answer at the end of the review

This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

What Is 6 Figure Secrets?

The 6 figure secrets is a training course that will show you how to create your own digital products so that you can make money online.

By using digital products you can make it just once and sell it repeatedly which is better than making a physical product that you have to make 1000’s of.

This training is a very simplistic view of other courses out there already.

Let’s dive in and learn how this really works!


How The 6 Figure Training Really Works?

As I said above this course has been made by 3 super affiliates that have come out of Jono Armstrong’s own pieces of training.

The program is very like Jono’s own course called Ministry Of freedom.

A claim by one of the creators says he made 100k in 6 months which I find hard to believe having researched this course.

The Training In The Members Area Consists of:

#1: The Welcome
The video welcomes you to the course and talks about upgrading to make 6 figures fast. 

#2: 1 Day Setup Modul

You will get the use of a done for you product funnel that’s going to cost you $99.00 a month to continue using through Groovefunnels.

#3: The Main Training

This section of the course will take you through how to come up with product ideas, how to create training, how to do upsells, making your own sales page, and how to get traffic through your funnel.
The traffic will come from Facebook Groups that are full of affiliates that you will contact through a launch process.

#4: More Training And Resources

This module covers additional training on choosing the correct name, which bonuses you should give to your buyers and how to create logos for your sales pages.

#5: The Bonuses
Here you will see which bonuses you are being given for purchasing 6 Figure Secrets.

Bonus #1 VIP support

Bonus #2 A behind the scenes look at a 6 figure month marketing business.

Bonus #3 Life custom training

Bonus #4 Affiliate approval to sell 6 figure secrets

Bonus #5 How to make $1000 a day with free traffic

If you join through Jono’s link on his youtube video you can see what he is offering as bonuses before going ahead with the purchase.

These 5 sections of training and resources will certainly not be all you need to get everything up and running. Hence the need for the upsells.

The Pros Of 6 Figure Secrets

If you have never done anything online ever there are a few things you may be able to learn from this training but it is very basic.

30-day moneyback guarantee (not sure if this covers the up-sells.)

The Cons Of 6 Figure Secrets

  • When you create your own products you need to know how to deal with complaints, chargebacks, and refunds. There wasn’t much in the way of training on this.
  • The testimonials all appear to be from Ministry Of freedom members so they are unreliable.
  • In the review video given by Jono, he says you use a free traffic method and then he contradicts himself and says you use paid traffic methods.
  • The price starts out as $13 and if you take up all of the up-sells you will end up paying out $408 that’s a big leap
  • You are advised to copy other people work in one section.

I am aware this is nothing new but that doesn’t make it right!

Is 6 Figure Secrets A Scam?

In my opinion, it is not a scam because it does offer you training on how to get your own training product going.

You could possibly earn from this if you purchase all of the upsells and possibly got some other kind of training from other sources.

Even though this is not a scam it is something I cannot honestly recommend to you.

We all know one of the best ways to earn online is through your own products but you need a lot of training to be able to get there and I don’t believe this course is going to cut it.

If you are going to learn it’s advisable to do that through a proven to work source.

How To Spot A Scam?

Spotting scam sites has been made very easy to do in recent years with a simple search.

Just type the name of the program + the word review into Google and you will be able to read many different opinions.

Reviews are written by independent people who don’t want you to be scammed. ( like me)

Remember to stay away from get rich quick schemes you can tell them by the fact they say you can earn thousands of dollars in a short period of time with very little work.

Be aware of fake testimonials with generic names.

If there is no free trial then be very wary of joining it.

I just share the information that I have found through my research and the rest is up to you.

Are you reading this review because you are looking for a business opportunity to work online from home?

If your answer is yes then read on a little further!


How I Work Full-Time Online From Home

For many years I searched for a legitimate way to make money online. I knew it was possible and I just had to find it!

The search actually took me 6 long years and I got into some terrible programs in that time and spent absolutely thousands of dollars.

Last year I finally found exactly what I was looking for!

It’s called Wealthy Affiliate and as soon as I joined I felt completely at home.

I didn’t need any special skills and it was free to join, what did I have to lose.

Suitable for beginners and experienced marketers.

You can read my Wealthy Affiliate Review. Including the pros and cons.

The Reasons I Chose Affiliate Marketing

 I work In the world of Affiliate Marketing. There are many positive reasons for this:

  • You can start for free (with my #1 recommended program) If you want to build your own successful business it is best to upgrade to the premium membership.
  • There are no expensive tools or software to pay for
  • You can work on this a couple of hours a day in your spare time
  • You don’t need to make your own products
  • You will learn  all about SEO which is the organic and sustainable way of driving traffic to your site
  • No need to recruit others to join
  • You don’t need to be concerned with customer support
  • No special skills needed (which is good because I don’t have any 🙂
  • You can still earn from whatever you are writing today for many years to come, a truly passive income
  • No need to pay out for ads, unlike some programs.
  • Wealthy Affiliate has been around for 16 years
  • You can make your own website in only 30 seconds!

After starting with this training program 13 months ago and learning all I needed to know for a fraction of the money that some courses are charging I quit my hated day job at the 10-month mark.

Affiliate Marketing is a simple business model that just takes a lot of work to get started in the beginning because you are getting traffic organically as opposed to paying for it.

Now I spend my days writing reviews to stop innocent people like yourself from being scammed like I was!

(If you want to make your new business work better upgrade to the premium membership for $49 a month or $1.63 a day that’s less than a Starbucks!)

Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

Did you get value from this post? If you did then please share it to help others. Thank you.

Lisa. Founder and CEO of mistakesbloggersmake.com

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3 thoughts on “6 Figure Secrets Review Should We Pay For This Course?”

  1. Hey. Thanks for sharing with us this review. I have come across many of these courses before starting with affiliate marketing, and even now. It’s hard to trust it because you I have no experience in the matter and of course people are always scammers.

    Although this course looks genuine because it’s recommend by a top entrepreneur. I cousin of mine was asking me if I knew different ways for her to earn online. 

    I might recommend this course. It’s looks cheaper and she’s doesn’t have that much money.

  2. Hmm, I’m very glad to have come across this review of 6 figure secrets. I see that you found a lot of things that I would call red flags, like copying other people’s work! I prefer to go with the tried and true methods instead of the get-rich-quick schemes that make you wonder if the recommended tactics are ethical and legal. 


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