ViralMark Review Twitter & YouTube Automation Is It Worth It

Hello, my friend and welcome to my ViralMark Review. Do you need Twitter and YouTube automation because you cannot keep up with so many subscribers?

Are you new to social media and looking for a new way to auto-follow people and channels? If you are this could be exactly what you need!

Rudy Rudra is the creator of ViralMark and he brings out new software on a regular basis, Does that mean it actually works?

That is a question we will answer as we go through how this program works and whether it is worth your time and money.

Another question to take into consideration is will this application contravene the rules of Twitter and Youtube and get your accounts banned?

Will it bring us traffic in just 28 seconds as the sales page suggests or is that just hyped-up sales speak?

ViralMark Overview

Program Name: ViralMark

Program Type: YouTube and Twitter Automation

Creator: Rudy Rudra

Cost of purchase? $17.00 + 5 upsells

Is it recommended? I do not recommend ViralMark because it breaks the rules of Twitter and Youtube and can get your accounts Banned.

The other reasons will be discussed in the cons section of the review.


This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

None of the links is connected to ViralMark.

I learned how to do everything online from an all in one training platform that has been around since 2005 and it is highly recommended.

Let’s learn more about ViralMark:

What Is ViralMark?

This brand new technology has been designed to make Twitter and Youtube marketing easier for you.

You can set it up in just 2 steps and then watch the traffic flow into your offers on a regular basis.

It is 100% suitable for newbies and no experience is necessary!

You get everything you need on this all-in-one platform.

Well, it all sounds amazing so far, but is it all true?

How Does ViralMark Work?

Inside the dashboard, there is the Twitter section where you can set up to:

  •  Follow and unfollow people.
  • You can automate the like process
  • As well as the auto direct messaging of people
  • And setup retweeting

There is the ability to schedule your Tweets which can be useful for when you are not online.

You can search for tweets by keyword in order to follow and retweet them.

Images can be uploaded to the interface.

Next up the YouTube automation: looks like this.

ViralMark Review - YouTube-Interface

The YouTube section allows you to:

  • Set up alike and comment campaign
  • Auto subscribe to niches
  • Auto-reply using the supplied templates
  • Access to the image editor
  • Connect your social media accounts
  • A search function for, videos, channels, and playlists
  • Keyword finder
  • Rank tracking
  • And a link wheel
  • Step by step training
ViralMark - Review

Related post: Blogzi

The Price and The Upsells

The front end cost is $17.00 and there is a small discount available + there are 5 upsells:

Upsell 1 Is called ViralMark Unlimited and costs $37.00

This upsell gives you unlimited accounts, downloads, step by step training, and access to support as well as a Facebook group.

Upsell 2 is called ViralMark Done For You and will set you back $197.00

You will get a drag and drop landing page builder, a fully branded social media account, an All Done For You Graphic Materials Logo & Favicons etc.

Upsell 3 is called ViralMark Pro and that is $37.00

With this upsell you will receive:

Some step by step Traffic Training + a Case Study

Also,  some Youtube Automation

Plus 100 Traffic Sources

As well as Millions Of Stock Images to Download In One Click.

Upsell 4 Is called ViralMark Exclusive and that is another $97.00

This upsell will give you a DFY funnel, integration with an autoresponder, affiliate approval, and funnel training.

Upsell 5 Is the ViralMark reseller rights and this is another $37.00

This allows you to sell ViralMark and keep all of the money.

The Pros Of ViralMark

You can use this to schedule Tweets.

There is a 30-day money-back guarantee.

The Cons Of ViralMark

The automating in this way goes against the Twitter rules and can get your account banned once discovered! See the rules below:


The creators of this software know these actions are not allowed!

If you add links in Youtube the way suggested they will be removed automatically by YouTube. So there is no point in adding them!

Next up are the cons of the upsells:

  • Upsell 1 why would you pay $37 for more accounts to get Banned?
  • The DFY at $197 for a page builder, branded social media, a logo and favicon is an extortionate price
  • Upsell 3 the pro edition at $37. You can get all that is offered here for free so why buy this?
  • number 4 gives you the ability to integrate your autoresponder. What if you are new and don’t have one? The $97 you will be charged for this is not worth it for the DFY funnel, funnel training and affiliate approval which you can do on your own!
  • I would not give this away for free let alone pay $37 to resell it!

This is not a push-button solution that makes money in 28 seconds and it definitely is not new.

The financial proof is the same screenshot on every product produced and is no proof at all.

Testimonials in the image below is from another of their products called Videngine:


Here is the same guy on the ViralMark sales page:

ViralMark - Review-testamonial

As you can see the text has just been copied from one page to another and if you do a reverse Google search Mark William is, in fact, an AI-generated image.

ViralMark Review -AI-generated-image

This means the testimonial is useless and not to be trusted.

Is This A Scam?

Technically you will receive the product for the $17 that you pay so that makes it a no it isn’t a scam.

However, what they are teaching you to do goes against all of the rules and in my opinion that makes this an out and out scam!

This program teaches you to gain the system and that is not what you should be learning.

Spamming people is a no-no and that is what they are suggesting that you do. This is no way to get subscribers and followers that are going to trust you!

Doing everything manually and being personable will grow your accounts far quicker.

This is only targeted at newbies because they don’t understand that it is wrong to carry out these actions.

Do I Recommend ViralMark?

That is a big hell NO!

The majority of what the sales page shows is just made up BS that you cannot trust. It is designed to get you to part with your money.

Please don’t fall victim to this always do your research before buying any online program.

The only real ways to get targeted traffic is to work for it or pay for it!

Are you reading this review because you are looking for a business opportunity to work online from home?

If your answer is yes then read on a little further!


How I Work Full-Time Online From Home

For many years I searched for a legitimate way to make money online. I knew it was possible and I just had to find it!

The search actually took me 6 long years and I got into some terrible programs in that time and spent absolutely thousands of dollars.

Last year I finally found exactly what I was looking for!

It’s called Wealthy Affiliate and as soon as I joined I felt completely at home.

I didn’t need any special skills as training is provided, what did I have to lose.

Suitable for beginners and experienced marketers.

You can read my Wealthy Affiliate Review. Including the pros and cons.

The Reasons I Chose Affiliate Marketing

 I work In the world of Affiliate Marketing. There are many positive reasons for this:

  • You can start today (with my #1 recommended program) If you want to build your own successful business it is best to upgrade to the premium membership.
  • There are no expensive tools or software to pay for
  • You can work on this a couple of hours a day in your spare time
  • You don’t need to make your own products
  • You will learn  all about SEO which is the organic and sustainable way of driving traffic to your site
  • No need to recruit others to join
  • You don’t need to be concerned with customer support
  • No special skills are needed (which is good because I don’t have any 🙂
  • You can still earn from whatever you are writing today for many years to come, a truly passive income
  • No need to pay out for ads, unlike some programs.
  • Wealthy Affiliate has been around for 16 years

I Quit My Job!

After starting with this training program 16 months ago and learning all I needed to know for a fraction of the money that some courses are charging I quit my hated day job at the 10-month mark.

Affiliate Marketing is a simple business model that just takes a lot of work to get started in the beginning because you are getting traffic organically as opposed to paying for it.

Now I spend my days writing reviews to stop innocent people like yourself from being scammed like I was!

(If you want to make your new business work better upgrade to the premium membership for $49 a month or $1.63 a day that’s less than a Starbucks!)

Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

Did you get value from this post? If you did then please share it to help others. Thank you.

Lisa. Founder and CEO of

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