My Crypto Rev Review Legit Cryptocurrency Program or Not?

Hello and a very warm welcome back. Today we are going to do a review of My Crypto Rev Is It A Legitimate Cryptocurrency Program Or Is It A Scam?

Just how many cryptocurrency programs do you see popping up? Is it just me or is there becoming a constant stream of them?

They really can’t all be bad news, can they?

I have to say a big well done to you for reading this review before deciding whether to join it or not. Research is a must in any online program!

*Disclaimer. I am not in any way associated or affiliated with My Crypto Rev. I just share what I find online and the rest is up to you.

Company Name: My Crypto Rev

Founder: Connor Robert


Price to get started: Free to join, Then $100 minimum investment

Company Started: September 16th of  2020

Who Is This For? The answer will be revealed at the end!

What Kind Of Program Is My Crypto Rev?

My Crypto rev is a company that offers a high return on your investment. That always sounds great but can it be achieved?

How is it possible to get 4% daily returns for 6 months?

The way this works is to invest in cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin.

As of the time of writing this review the company has only been around for 7 months so that is relatively new.

Is the fact it is still going a good sign?

How To Earn Money With My Crypto Rev?

From the research I conducted I could only find 2 ways of earning with this program:

  1. Recruiting others to join My Crypto Rev through an affiliate link
  2. There are 3 levels of investment opportunity for which you will receive Binary commissions of 10% and recruitment commissions of 12%. ROI will be generated 7 days a week.

As you can see from this diagram the 3 levels require $100-$10,000 for the Gold level, 10,001-50,000 for the Platinum level, and 50,001-100,00 for the VIP level.

The daily ROI is 2.5% for 150 days on the Gold level, 3.25% daily for 175 days on the platinum level, and 4% daily for 200 days on the VIP level.

The three tiers all have a capped payment system, this means you can only earn up to the limit set and no more.

With the Gold level, the cap is $1,000

With the Platinum level, the cap is $6,000

With the VIP level, the cap is $12,000

Why are the levels all capped? 

Theoretically with the high ROI promised for over 100 days you should be paid out a lot more than what the capped amount is. (red flag)

The Compensation Plan

The Compensation Plan is all about recruiting/referring others to join the scheme.

You only get paid direct commissions if you recruit new members.

The Binary part of this is where you get paid for team commissions. Generally, this is comprised of a matrix but in this one, you have 2 legs, a left, and a right leg.

Once the legs are filled new positions become available.

The payment promised here is the 10% portion from the diagram above.

That’s as much information that was available for this. In my opinion, it is not enough of an explanation to make an informed decision on joining another Red Flag!

Who Is The Founder?

Before joining any program of any kind you should always investigate who the owner is, makes sense right?

Especially if you are going to part with money.

Who is Connor Robert? 


Apart from this image I have no idea, I couldn’t find anything out about him. He has no social media pages, no Facebook, no Linkedin nothing.

Maybe he is an actor brought in to make this scheme look good. Do you think this is possible?

For an owner of a company this just doesn’t seem right to me! 

Even I as a small business owner have a Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Linkedin account.

The Website

The website was registered in September 2020, when you go to it now the page doesn’t exist.

Prior to writing this review, I was able to get on to the website but to be fair it didn’t reveal very much information. There were links to Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube.

The only link that actually worked was the Youtube link and that took me to something called MyGold Rev.

This MyGoldRev does have a Facebook, and Youtube page, and the information there said it would be launched on 5th January 2020 and was also founded by Connor Robert.

A very strange carry-on and another Red Flag!

What Does My Crypto Rev Sell?

No products or services were found for sale with this program. Just another red flag here. Looking just like an MLM.(multilevel marketing company)

Money comes in through recruitment only and that is illegal in many countries. Red Flag.

How Much Does It Cost To Join My Crypto Rev?

You can actually sign-up as a free member. This, however, is not the point of My Crypto Rev, the whole purpose is to make investments and get paid out a return on them.

Otherwise, what’s the point of joining?

Pros Of My Crypto rev?

After much research, I just could not find a single pro about this company. There was nothing about it that I liked.

Cons Of My Crypto Rev?

  • Could find no information on the founder anywhere
  • Totally Unrealistic claims of earnings
  • The website was misleading and now no longer works at all
  • Have to recruit to earn anything
  • Nothing to sell (no products or services)
  • Tons of Red Flags
  • The program was previously called My Gold Rev and was shut down
  • It is an illegal Ponzi scheme

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Would I Join My Crypto Rev?

I would not join this program there are just too many red flags for my liking.

Do I think this is a scam?

In my opinion yes it’s a scam. It is also classed as being illegal.

Stay away from it, NOT recommended at all!

If you cannot recruit others to join then you will lose your initial investment of between $100-$100,000. With anything online remember to only invest what you can afford to lose.

There are no companies that guarantee a return on investment, In fact, legitimate companies have Disclaimers saying that earnings are not typical and everything depends on your work ethic.

Those programs with that kind of disclaimer are ones I would be more likely to trust and therefore join!


This post may contain affiliate links. That means if you click a link and make a purchase I could receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

P.S. I only recommend products and services that I Use.

Is It Possible To Earn Money Working Online?

Yes, there are many legitimate ways of working online and making a full-time income.

In fact, I have some reviews of great companies that are legitimate in the menu above.

My Number 1 recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate. It’s free to get started and then there is a fee if you wish to build your own business.

After joining Wealthy Affiliate and learning how to build a website, how to blog, and how to become an affiliate marketer I quit my job and now I do this full-time from anywhere I feel like working from.

Why I chose Affiliate Marketing?

  • Free to get started
  • Not an MLM, Pyramid, or Ponzi Scheme
  • I don’t need to recruit anyone
  • No boss to answer to
  • Passive income payments
  • Live Training Provided weekly
  • 2 Training courses to follow
  • 1 million strong community
  • Live chat feature
  • Takes hard work but is totally worth the effort
  • No False promises to be found here.
  • This is not a get-rich-quick scheme, you get out what you put in with hard work.

Thank you for your continued support.

If you have any questions about this review or want to know more about working online then please leave a question in the box below.

I will be more than happy to answer your questions and help in any way I can.

Feel free to share this post if you got value from it to help others.

Lisa. Founder and CEO of

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