Just One Dime Review FBA Done For You Can It Make Us Money

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. Fulfilled by Amazon has been making people a ton of money all over the world.

However, now these new ideas are popping up where people will build the business for you! In this case a fully functioning Amazon business

This service comes from Seth Niep and it is called Just One Dime. It has been around for many a year and is still going. That is encouraging!

Will it work? Will it make money? How much risk is there? These are just a few of the questions that will be answered today!

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated or associated with Just One Dime in any way. If you pay $30k for the service I will not receive a commission.

many reviews are written by people who stand to make a profit and they are usually full of hype, this will just give you the facts and nothing more.

This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase by clicking a link I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Let’s dive right in and find out if we will be making a great investment or wasting our time:

Just One Dime DFY Overview

Program Type: FBA Done For You Business

Program Name: Just One Dime DFY

Website: Justonedime.com

Founder: Seth Niep

Cost Of Purchase: $30,000

Is It Recommended? Yes and No.

Having a business built for you sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? especially since this is an Amazon FBA Business which can be very hard to get right.

You need to learn all about sourcing products, negotiating prices, shipping, warehouse storage, and so much more!

So the thought of paying a company to build it all for you certainly can be seen as attractive and I can see why people would pay for such a service.

But, and in most cases, there is a but. This may not be all that you think it is!

The biggest failure point all comes down to choosing the right product. If that part is not done correctly then you stand to lose all of your money!

$30,000 is a lot to lose regardless of who you are and you, my friend are the ones taking all of the risks here.

If they do find you a product that takes off then you have to also agree to pay them 15% of your gross revenue and $10K per product. 

Now you know what the deal is does it still sound so attractive to you? If you are saying yes then go for it!

However, if the risk of losing all of that money is not worth it to you but you still want your own business then take a look at my number 1 recommendation that has been around for 16 years.

About Seth Niep The Creator Of Just One Dime DFY

Before parting with money it is always advisable to check out the creator.

Seth Niep can be found in many places online he has a Facebook group with 12.2k members, Instagram with 15.2k followers, a Twitter account with 472 followers and a Youtube channel with 247k subscribers.

Everything to do with these accounts is all found under the Just One Dime Brand.

Just One Dime Review YouTube

Seth like most entrepreneurs that we hear about started working a job and he didn’t enjoy working for others so he started to find opportunities online.

Jumping into the e-commerce world he says in his own words his first venture failed and he sold it for the princely sum of $35.

Not giving up he built a 2nd e-commerce store that had 2,000 followers and he sold that one for $500.

In order to get some capital for another venture, he and his wife sold things they didn’t need from their house using any method available.

With this money, they invested it into an Amazon store and inside of 6 months made $100,000 and before 12 months that figure had grown to 1 million dollars.

After the success of Amazon, he created the Just One Dime website which has been around for 5 years now.

It sounds very much like he knows what he is doing when running a business and he has helped many others to follow in his footsteps.

What Is Just One Dime DFY?

Just One Dime is a way to make money online using the Amazon FBA business model. (FBA stands for fulfilled by Amazon, they store and send out your products).

Instead of learning everything from the ground up which can take a lot of time. Seth and his team do all of the work for you for a hefty price tag.

This is not a new concept and just one dime is not the only one to offer this service. Another is called AMZDFY from Kevin David.

If you can believe what the sales page says what makes this venture different from the others is that they use the “Brand method” as opposed to the “Dropshipping one”.

How Does Just One Dime DFY Really Work?

Looking at some sales pages you can be fooled by the hyped-up language that is used.

At the end of the day sales pages have a job to do and their sole job is to get you to buy the product, service, or program. This sales page is pretty standard!

The Brand Building And Protection Service

By building the Amazon business using the brand method, it gives you some pretty good advantages:

  • It reduces the likelihood of your products being copied.
  • Your brand over time will be remembered by happy customers who will remember it and make recommendations on your behalf.
  • Protecting the brand will be managed by the Just One Dime team.

The Product Selection

  • The products will be selected for you, but that does not mean they will take off and be a success.
  • All of the work regarding listing the item will be carried out for you.
  • People who have made a purchase from you will be sent email correspondence to nudge them back in your direction again.

Product Purchase Negotiations

Seth admits that he made a big error with a supplier which cost him 20k. Now they are using your money they have a system in place for negotiating the best deals.

The negotiation with suppliers is carried out as part of the service offered, this helps to ensure you don’t pay more than is necessary.

This also helps them as much as you because it means your profits will be higher and they will receive a percentage of them.

How Much Does This All Cost?

Above I have said 30k but that is just for the done for you part.

That is not the total figure you will be spending!

The purchase of any product is not included in the 30k and neither is the pay per click campaigns that are required to get your product onto page 1 of Amazon.

There are also listing fees that have to be paid as well as the fee of 15% that has been agreed to be paid to just one dime when you make a profit.

So, as you can plainly see $30,000 is just the beginning!

just one dime review pros and cons

The Pros Of Just One Dime DFY

In my opinion, there are 2 pros to this:

1. All of the work is done for you by an experienced team who have had a lot of success using this exact business model.

2. The business itself is totally legit and there are many people who have become millionaires with it.

The Cons Of Just One Dime DFY

1. Extremely expensive with absolutely no guarantee of a winning product.

2. There are NO Refunds under any circumstances. All sales are final.

3. Very risky and all the risk is taken by you, they have nothing at all to lose and everything to gain.

4. Totally unsuitable for beginners.

Is Just One Dime DFY A Scam?

The simple answer is no. This is a legitimate way to make money online and the Just One Dime team will do it all for you.

Any business you enter into carries a certain amount of risk, but this has a huge amount, lots more than I would be willing to take.

Just because some of their students have hit the motherload and made a ton of money does not guarantee the same will be true for you.

The reason I say not suitable for beginners is most who are just getting started will not have that kind of money to hand to get started. Neither did Seth!

You should only ever invest what you are prepared to lose and this service carries a big chance that that could actually happen.

Not all reviews about this program are positive. You can read some on Reddit for instance.

An Alternative

People read my reviews because they want to know whether to purchase an offer or not.

This means you are probably looking for an online business.

I have given you the facts about how Just One Dime DFY works and only you can decide if it is the kind of business that you are seeking.

If you can afford the capital outlay plus other expenses then I wish you a lot of success.

On the other hand, if that kind of money is not something that you can afford then I have a possible alternative for you that doesn’t cost thousands of dollars.

Let me introduce you to one of the best and easiest business models around that you can use to build your online business from scratch. 

It’s perfect for people who are new to online business because it is simple but profitable.

This is called affiliate marketing. In affiliate marketing, you can run a business with a small cost and achieve a steady passive income without using paid ads.

It’s a legit business that you make money with by helping people.

I’d recommend you to get started with the most reputable platform for affiliate marketing: Called Wealthy Affiliate which teaches you the secrets of free traffic.

Wealthy Affiliate is an all-in-one platform for building your affiliate marketing business from scratch and it has been around for 16 years. Join over 1 million entrepreneurs all in one place! 

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