All In One Profits Review Can It Deliver Or Is It A Scam

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. There are many all in one teaching and marketing platforms around that it can be difficult to choose a good one.

Having been a member of a few of them I have been writing about each one as this blog has been growing. This one is called All In One Profits.

Building out your own business from scratch is all about having the right tools and training. Having it all provided for you in one place cuts down the learning curve dramatically.

This platform will teach you how to build an online marketing business it has been around since 2012 and is still going which is a great sign.

Another plus is that it is not expensive only $11.50 up to $59 a month.

Will it turn out to be what we are searching for? It has a compensation plan which is quite strange. Makes me wonder if it is an MLM?

Disclaimer: I am not associated with All In One Profit in any way. If you join it I will not be paid in any way shape or form.

By the end of this post, you will know 100% if this program is right for you or not?

This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a small commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Let’s dive in.

All In One Profits Overview

Product Name: All In One Profits (AIOP)

Product Owners: Johan Van Geffen & Isabela Capsuna

Product Type: Online Marketing System

Product Price: from $11.50 per Month – $59 per Month

Recommended: Yes and No.


My first thoughts about this were that the compensation structure looks like an MLM. which is pretty odd for a marketing and education platform.

The platform has been around for 9 years and in a lot of respects, it needs updating to be more modern looking.

The program is going to teach you how to generate traffic along with how to recruit them into this offer.

You will be provided with some tools in order to succeed with this endeavour:

  • Web Hosting
  • Squeeze page builder
  • An Autoresponder
  • Banner ads
  • Downline builder
  • Link tracker
  • Text copy
  • Rotator
  • This is all included in the membership, along with an e-library full of educational materials about making money online.

    I can see you now saying where do I sign up! Hold on there is more to this than meets the eye.

How good are you at recruiting others to join the offer and just how are you going to accomplish this?

Most people use paid ads which is another thing you need to budget for every month because you only get paid for every odd referral all of the evens go to your upline.

I prefer to get my traffic organically using free SEO techniques taught by my number 1 recommendation that has been around for 16 years.

About The Creators

Before spending money on any new venture it’s always advisable to check out the creators.

In this case that is Johan Van Geffen & Isabela Capsuna. I could not find a single thing about either of them anywhere.

Going onto the website about us page did not yield any information about them either. (very disappointing).

For a company that has been around for so long, it is quite disturbing that there are no images or social profiles of these people what are they hiding?

What Is All In One Profits?

All In One Profits is known as a platform that provides you with all of the necessary tools to build your own online business.

You are provided with a lot of resources for a small monthly fee that other platforms would charge a lot more for, although the site is outdated it is simple to navigate.

A great sign for new people is that it has been around since 2012 so it’s probably not going anywhere any time soon. 

How Does All In One Profits Actually Work?

In order to build an online business you need tools, most opportunity’s available will provide some of them and others you need to get separately.

The cost of the tools can work out expensive if bought individually.

With All In One Profits they basically provide everything, you can use their already built landing pages which saves time and money.

Web hosting, traffic exchange and an email autoresponder will have you up and running in no time collecting money-making leads.

For 0-2,000 subscribers it is free as long as you are a member and you can send up to 12,000 emails and it also includes the double opt-in feature.

If you want to send unlimited emails you can upgrade to the monthly fee as seen below for the number of subscribers that you have:

The main issue with the autoresponder is that it is not from a recognized provider so the emails will end up in the junk or spam box where very few will be opened.

You have nothing to lose by trying it out and if nothing gets opened you can try a recognized autoresponder for free like Aweber which will not go into the spam box and have a better open rate.

Let’s break down some of the other included features:

There is a page builder to use where you can create your own landing/squeeze pages. Don’t build things similar to those shown but instead create something unique to increase your chances of getting a sale.

Email templates make sending and structuring emails easier for you.

Web Hosting Service, you can have as many domains as you wish and up to 500MB of disc space, and 5GB bandwidth.

A Lead Tracker will enable you to see where the leads have come from and their points of entry.

Text and Banner Ads. With the text and banner ads, you can promote any offer or campaign to the other members. You have one text and one banner with the Basic Plan and three of each with the Pro Plan.

The Downline Builder, allows you to build a downline from inside the platform with tailor-made programs that the audience will find valuable.

The Rotator, allows you to share lots of URL’s all at the same time to the traffic that you are bringing in.

The E-Library, Inside here you will get access to private label rights products that cover things like motivation, self-development, and network marketing, you can also sell these if you wish.

Things change pretty rapidly online so you may not find these to be of much use!

The Cost Of All In One Profits?

There are only 3 options to choose from and they are very reasonable prices in my opinion.

1. Basic Pack is $11.50 per month.

2. Pro Service Pack costs $21.76 per month.

3. VIP Service Pack is $59 per month.

There is a commission structure for each member but in order for you to get paid from them all, you have to be a paid member of the VIP pack.

all in one profits-pros and cons

The Pros Of All In One Profits

1. The price for each pack is very good, many others would charge a lot more!

2. You get paid 100% as your commission for each new member that you refer who is an odd number, the even numbers get passed up.

3. It has you covered with all that you need to start your own online business.

The Cons Of All In One Profits

1. There is no refund policy and no trial period either, normally programs have one or the other.

2. In order to make money with this you have to recruit others to join and that is very apparent when inside.

3. The platform and marketing materials are not up to date which will make it difficult for you to attract others into it.

4. If you are a novice I would advise that this is not the best starter business for you because you will have to pay for ads and there isn’t much in the way of support and coaching and that makes it very hard to move forward.

Is All In One Profits A Scam?

All In One Profits is not a scam. It does provide you with all of the tools mentioned in this review.

The tools are pretty old, outdated, and not of very good quality.

I don’t recommend this as a viable option for people that wish to build an online business.

It is cheap but that does not mean that it is good.

Paying out for ads is a very costly way of getting new members and there is no guarantee anyone will join.

Not knowing anything about the founders is a big red flag especially with it being reported that Isabela Capsuna was accused of getting involved in some recruitment scams back in the day.

That does not mean this is a scam but it is something to take into consideration!

A Better Alternative Is Available

You can join an all in one platform that has up to date training methods, lots of help and support, Domain name availability, website builder and much much more.

 I work In the world of Affiliate Marketing. There are many positive reasons for this:

  • You can start for free (with my #1 recommended program) It is free and you can earn from the free membership.
  • There are no expensive tools or software to pay for
  • You can work on this a couple of hours a day in your spare time
  • You don’t need to make your own products
  • You will learn  all about SEO which is the organic and sustainable way of driving free traffic to your site
  • No need to recruit others to join
  • You don’t need to be concerned with customer support
  • No special skills are needed (which is good because I don’t have any 🙂
  • You can still earn from whatever you are writing today for many years to come, a truly passive income.
  • (If you want to make your new business work better upgrade to the premium membership for $49 a month or $1.63 a day that’s less than a Starbucks costs!)
  • Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Lisa. Founder and CEO of

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