Vasayo Review A Pyramid Scheme Or A Legit MLM

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. There are so many scams around it is hard to know which way to turn. This review is about a company called Vasayo.

Vasayo is a company founded by Dallin Larsen and it is an MLM company that specialises in Health and wellness products.

So it is not a Pyramid scheme at all. 

Making money with this type of business model is far from easy.

The first level you can join will cost you $329 which is a fair chunk of change to shell out!

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated with Vasayo in any way. If you join it I will not be paid in any way shape or form.

This post may contain affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Let’s dive in and find out how this company works:

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Vasayo Review Overview

Company Name: Vasayo


Founders: Dallin Larsen & Karree Larsen and Daniel Picou

Product Type: (MLM) Multi-level Marketing

Cost Of Purchase: Varies by product pack but the minimum is $329 up to $1,399

Is It Recommended? Yes and NO.

Multi-level marketing is either something you love or something you hate.

If you are good at recruiting and you will love it, on the other hand, can’t recruit you would hate it.

In order to earn real money you not only have to sell the products made by the company for a minimum payout but you have to persuade others to join for better commissions.

Vasayo is a nutrition company that offers various vitamins and supplements but you cannot just buy them you have to join the MLM.

It has been around since 2016 so that is something in its favour.

The reason it is not a pyramid scheme is that it does sell physical products.

I hate MLM’s business model, however, that will not stop me from sharing the facts with you!

My number 1 recommended way to earn money online.

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Vasayo’s Products

How Vasayo Works

Vasayo is basically a health and wellness company using the multi-level marketing (MLM) niche.

All MLM companies have two ways that you can make money and Vasayo is no different.

The first way is that you have to sell their products to other people and the second one is that you have to recruit others into this MLM to make recurring commissions.

Vasayo also follows a binary compensation plan. Which I will explain more about.

When this company first made an appearance in 2016 after a few months it had a pretty bad reputation for being expensive but in 2017 they brought out 5 new products that they have patented the technology for.

The Worst MLM Companies To Join

The Vasayo Products

The Vasayo products seem to be of superior quality, namely their Liposomal CBD. It’s patent-protected.

However, I can’t say that it is totally unique because there are many similar products from other manufacturers.

Many users say the products are effective you need to understand that they have not been evaluated by the Food And Drug Administration (FDA). So, you should proceed with caution. 

This is not much different from the claims of other brands. 

Some of Vasayo’s popular products are: 

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Vasayo Products
  • Eternal Liposomal Antioxidant
  • V-Tox
  • V-Slim 

 There are a lot of reviews from satisfied customers giving a 5-star rating. And the odd one that was not happy.

How Much Does It Cost To Join Vasayo?

There is more than 1 package so it depends on which level you join at:

  • The Foundation Partner – you receive 2 samples and each sample will have 5 pouches in it. This costs  $329.
  • The Premium Partner –  costs you $699.It includes everything from the foundation partner-level + and 2 extra samples of renewed energy and sleep.
  • The Executive Partner  – This will cost you $949.And includes three basic packs + 4 energy sample packs + and 2 sleep packs.
  • Ambassador Partner –  will cost you $1399, You will receive more products In the ambassador partnership,  4 basic packs and certain other sleep products. 

No auto-ship is required from the members but you personally have to buy products that value 80 PV every month.

The Compensation Plan

Vasayo follows a binary compensation plan that is quite complicated, This is normal for most MLM companies.  

For every seller, there is a left and right leg where recruits are placed.  

Members are able to earn commissions and bonuses for recruiting new distributors ( called “brand partners”), selling their products, and for increasing their rank. 

An example is, a $40 bonus will be given to you for brand partners and if they have 4 to 7 active buyers they can receive $80 or more. 

Vasayo also gives you between 15% and 30% for every product package sold. 

For those who can recruit and grow their team and sponsor more people, Vasayo gives you a bonus and a commission.

This video explains the way the compensation plan works a lot better than I can 🙂 

What I Like About Vasayo

1. This is one of only a few MLM companies in the health and wellness niche that has a good success rate.

In only a few months it did over 1 million in sales.

It has grown exponentially since its conception in 2016.

2. Many customers return every month and re-order because they like the quality of the products.

What I Don’t Like About Vasayo

1. The products themselves are very expensive.

2. There is only a limited amount of training and it is done through Zoom calls.

3. You have to have an 80 PV every month to keep your account alive. This will mean spending a lot of money with no guarantee of a return on the investment.

I’m not sure if that is better than an auto-ship agreement or not!

Is Vasayo A Scam?

No. Vasayo is not a scam. 

It is in fact a legit MLM company that offers products and an opportunity to make money online. 

It’s one of only a few companies that’s been able to grow its sales in only a few years and because of that, it has received some recognition and awards. 

In 2019, Vasayo was named one of the Top 50 Healthcare Companies In The World. 

Not everything is rosy there are a few complaints as well 

 On the BBB, Vasayo has a B rating. which means there have not been many complaints.

Do I Recommend This To My Readers? No, and Yes

Although this company doesn’t run a pyramid scheme and it is not a scam I still do not recommend the business model itself for the following reasons.

  • Not approved by the FDA
  • Hard to recruit people into the business opportunity
  • The products are very expensive
  • You will find 1 product that gets ordered a lot and others in the pack don’t this causes the problems of having to buy a whole new pack and getting even more of the items not selling.
  • A lot of people end up in huge debt from being associated with MLMs.

If you think this is the kind of business that appeals to you then before signing up give some of the products a try so you can give honest feedback to people about them.

The price may be an issue so think about that fact before trying to sell it to others.

It could be ideal for you if you have a big social media following or an email list from another business of this kind.

Make certain you have the capital to purchase these products upfront.

An Alternative For You

As I briefly mentioned above I don’t like recruiting and it was for an MLM opportunity I was with years ago. It was really hard stressful work that I would never do again.

I have written reviews on so many different business models all about the pros and cons of each one and my recommendation is still affiliate marketing.

The reasons for this are:

1. It is free to join for a limited period of time. There are 2 paid membership levels.

2. Step-by-step training.

3. A very rewarding business model

4. Support and community help.

5. It has been around for more than 16 years

6. You get free websites

7. No up-sales

8. Not a get-rich-quick scheme

9. You don’t need any skills

10. Coaching.

No need to spend thousands of dollars to make money because the method I use enables you to drive free targeted traffic to your offers.

I do want to make one thing clear this business takes time and work so you need to be committed to putting in the effort if you want to reach your goals.

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