Remote Millionaires Review Is It A Legit Business?

Hello, and a very warm welcome back. We shall find out in this Remote Millionaires Review if the program from Nick Ponte & Tom Gaddis is a legit business?

This program costs thousands of dollars, the exact amount is only revealed on the sales call but most agency businesses of this type cost between 6k and 10k.

The coaching provided within Remote Millionaires is said to be extremely good. Will that be true?

That is what this review will reveal to you.

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated with Remote Millionaires. If you buy it I will not be compensated financially or otherwise.

This post contains affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Let’s dive right in.

Remote Millionaires Review Overview

Remote Millionaires Review-logo

Product Name: Remote Millionaires

Product Type: Digital Marketing Agency Program

Product Owners: Nick Ponte and Tom Gaddis

Product Price: $6,000 – $10,000


Recommended: Not For Beginners!

The Remote Millionaires training is best suited to people who wish to run their own agency and specialise in offering local marketing consultants.

Do you have the sales experience to make this job work?

Are you an expert in design, SEO, FaceBook ads, pay-per-click, and Marketing?

It can just be in 1 or 2 of the above list!

Not got your own agency or don’t know anything about these online skills then this is not for you.

The price tag alone will put most beginners off!

Remote Millionaires Review #YouTube

Remote Millionaires Creators

Nick Ponte is a web developer, designer, and marketing expert who also specialises in SEO. 

He is the Digitial Agency Owner and the cofounder of Remote Millionaires and the Business is run out of Maui. Hawaii

Remote Millionaires Review-Nick Ponte and Tom Gaddis

Nicks’s business partner is called Tom Gaddis and apart from having a few successful product launches on Warrior Plus, not much is known about him.

He does have over 30,000 sales and 4 stars on the Warrior plus platform which suggests he does know his field of expertise.

Although none of the courses was anything to do with local marketing.

What Is Remote Millionaires?

One thing it is not is a training course it goes much deeper than that and offers real mentorship in step-by-step lessons.

They say Suitable for beginners but I don’t totally agree with that!

The biggest surprise with this is that you get the professional website built for you the same as nicks you just add your own logo and personal details.

Another difference with this is a lot of done for you materials, templates, scripts, software tools, and other resources are included.

You can attend the bi-weekly calls if you need extra assistance along with joining the private members club.

Other agencies do not all offer this but they do charge as much if not more.

Learning skills such as website development, search engine optimization, marketing, pay-per-click advertising and Facebook advertising will see you running your own agency.

Not Into spending so much money? Learn the same skills for less!

What You Get For Your Money With Remote Millionaires

Remote Millionaires Review-Training Modules

There are 7 Modules inside.

Let’s investigate them further:

Module 1 Welcome And Introduction

There are 12 videos in this section.

You will be introduced to Nick, Tom and the rest of the team.

The videos also cover the private groups, the commitment required and orientation calls.

Module 2 $350k/ A Year Agency Replica

14 videos in total make up this module.

You will be shown in great detail everything to replicate the exact website Nick is using that makes $350k a year.

SPOs and done for you assets also come within this section.

Module 3 No Longer Alone

This is a monster module and goes over 6 separate topics over the course of 30 videos.

Learning about how to employ your team, where to find these team members, how to advertise the jobs and hiring procedures to follow.

Other points covered are how to train, manage and grow your specialist team, and all about finances and accounting.

Running this business as a one-man band is not really going to work, hence the need for a team that you need to pay!

Module 4 Client Getting

16 videos on how to obtain clients.

Let’s face it there is no point in having a team of experts if they have no work to do!

You will be taught the value of videos and how to personally get on calls with prospective clients as well as paid advertising.

Having the ability to sell your services is a must for this to be successful.

Module 5 More Life

Not working 12 hours or more a day is an object of this module.

10 videos will have you maximizing your project management and your fulfilment duties.

How to put the right systems in place is taught also.

Module 6 Scale To Six And 7 Figures

A total of 7 videos will explain how you scale up your business from the current level to achieve 6 and 7 figures.

The steps to take are fascinating and exciting.

As the CEO you are running this agency effectively and sustainably.

Module 7 Zoom Call Recordings

The Remote Millionaires have recorded all of their past zoom calls on obtaining clients and the processes they took to do that.

30 recordings most of them are several hours in length will give you a blueprint of what to say.

Well, that covers what you are paying for but how much is this expert coaching going to cost?

Remote Millionaires Cost?

All I can say is that it does cost thousands of Dollars.

Realistically you can only find out just how much by getting on a call and answering the questions that you will be asked to see if you are a good fit.

The call will be carried out by a person whose title will be “A Closer” it’s that person’s aim to get a lot of information from you as well as provide it to you.

By the end of it, you could be parting with anything up to 10,000 Dollars!

Most agencies start at 6k absolute minimum. 

And that is not where the paying out ends!

Remote Millionaires Review-pros and cons

There are staff and advertising costs to also consider

What Do I like About Remote Millionaires?

1. Nick and Tom run a very reputable agency themselves along with their team. They talk the talk and walk the walk. Showing you how every step of the way.

2. The website and tactics they use produce $350k a year.

3. A legitimate business model with all of the tools and hand-holding needed to make everything work as long as you work in return.

What I Don’t Like About Remote Millionaires?

1. The cost of Remote Millionaires is huge and that will put off most people and I’m sure it was designed that way on purpose.

2. I really do not agree that this is suitable for novices. Making zoom calls takes a lot of practice and there are a ton of no answers before a yes comes along.

3. You have to already have some online business skills to make this work. Going in on a wing and a prayer will not work and will end up costing you thousands of $$$$$’s

Is Remote Millionaires A Scam?

No, absolutely not. Building and running an agency is a totally legitimate way to make money online.

Learning the skills to make this work is a massive undertaking but when learned the world could definitely be your oyster.

Even if you follow everything that is taught to the letter there is no guarantee that you will make any money with this program and that goes for anything online.

Having a hard-working work ethic is needed for whichever business you choose to undertake. That is a cold hard fact! 

Chasing shiny objects with the promise of instant riches is also a bad move so where does that leave you?

An Alternative Way Forward

Honestly, if you can afford Remote Millionaires and you have the right aptitude then you could make this work. Over 10k to join is a massive risk.

The rewards at 350k a year are certainly worth it for some!

However, if you don’t wish to invest that kind of money but you do want to learn many of the skills that are covered in Remote Millionaires.

Then I would guide you to my number 1 recommendation that doesn’t even cost a tenth of the price.

As a beginner, you will find a lot less stress and frustration as well as build an online business by yourself with no need to hire others.

Digital Marketing Agencies are there to keep their clients happy and to make them money which makes for considerable pressure.

I much prefer being my own boss and not having to answer to anybody else!

The only real similarities are that both businesses can be run from your computer from anywhere with an internet connection and the amounts of money that can be earned.

If you have a question leave it in the comments.

Lisa. Founder and CEO of

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