Is OnPassive A Scam? Can It Be A Legitimate Business?

Hello and a very warm welcome back to our blog. Today’s review is going to be on OnPassive, Is it a scam or a legitimate business?

Onpassive was first offered to me around 2 years ago when it first started to appear online in a big way.

 Does that mean it is legit as it’s still being offered today?

Doing what you are doing now and reading reviews like this makes you a very intelligent person. We need to find out if these types of offers are real or scams.

Going to company websites that are professionally built can make these programs look so real and convincing.

I can understand to a certain extent why people get conned into joining. It happened to me many years ago and then I learned an expensive lesson.

It all has to do with people’s greed factor, that is how most people get caught out. They don’t want to put in any work.

Now I do tons of research to prevent this from happening to other innocents like you!

This post may contain affiliate links. This means If you click a link and make a purchase I could receive a small commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

P.s. I only recommend products that I actually use.

Disclaimer: I am in no way associated or affiliated with OnPassive. The information contained in this review came from public sources that anybody can look at.


What we will cover in this review:

1. The Onpassive Company

2. The founder member(s)

3. The Compensation Plan

4. The products that are available.

5. How you earn money

Fingers crossed that this does not turn out to be a scam!

Let’s dive in and find out more:

Product Name: Onpassive

Founder Member(s): Ash Mufareh

Program Type: Multilevel marketing (MLM)

Registered: 2018 (privately)

Price To Join: $97 + $25 to enter the first level of the matrix

Who Will It Work For?: Remains to be seen, answer at the end of the review.

What Is OnPassive?

OnPassive describes itself as an IT company that uses AI to automate the business.

How this looks on the inside:


Once you have become a member you can utilize these tools for free. To run a totally automated done for you system.

 Sounds great but is it really?

In my opinion, it is a straightforward MLM. This type of business model simply means that you are required to recruit others to join it.

The other avenue involved is an advertising niche the traffic for this comes from inside the program.

Because the program has been in pre-launch for the last nearly 3 years the information could potentially change at some point.

From looking at the website alone and the information not being supplied you would never guess that this is in fact an MLM opportunity.

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More Information On The Company

OnPassive is hosted on another website that is called GOFounders.

The Gofounders and Onpassive web domains were both registered back in 2018 and both were done privately.

Other research had to be carried out to find out more information.

The name Ash Mufareh came up as the founder of Onpassive.

Ash Mufareh’s Facebook page reveals that he is also the CEO of a company called GFI fusion this company deals in MLM’S in the domain name and hosting niches.

Other companies he was involved with are called Paydiamond and Telexfree which consisted of being an internet phone provider.

An interesting point to note is Telexfree was closed down back in 2014 and was sued by the SEC.

Paydiamond was shut down at the later date of 2018 and that’s when Onpassive started to appear on the scene.

Not a great track record so Far!


How Much Does It Cost To Get Started?

To join OnPassive is a fee of $97, but that’s not where it ends.

The fee provides you access to 2 things. The ability to market to other members as well as the use of the automation tools for the done for you system.

What I find a little confusing is why are you going to market OnPassive to people who are already in it?

That works if you have a separate online business that you are promoting but if not it doesn’t make any sense.

What Products Are There In OnPassive?

None that I could find after doing thorough research.

The promotional videos indicate that once you become an affiliate member you can access the ad credits. 
and that then just leaves OnPassive itself to promote.

There is also an offer for some online training but it’s not clear what the training is about.

The FTC will now call this business model a pyramid scheme because it has no tangible products and that means trouble ahead.

How The Compensation Plan Works

The OnPassive compensation plan works like an MLM matrix cycler that promises recurring commissions.

There are different Tiers to the matrix costing different amounts of money to enter into.

OnPassive says you get a recurring subscription so that the commissions that you earn from any of the matrix levels will be eligible to earn the commissions residually.

This is a very different way of running a matrix.

 I could see this working if you had a company that was completely in compliance with the MLM laws.


 The MLM Compensation Plan And How It Works

I’m going to explain how the OnPassive MLM Cycler works for you in this particular section of the review.

Your subscription fee has to be paid which is $97. On top of that, you have to pay a monthly fee for the matrix at your chosen level of entry.

The first thing you need to do is to purchase positions in the 4 active 3X10 levels of the MLM matrixes that are available.

You can start sponsoring and filling out your matrix levels by direct and indirect sponsoring methods as well as from some sponsoring from your upline.

The top row will only contain 3 positions and the next level will have doubled which would be 6 and then that doubles again to create 12 spaces and so on until you fill up all 10 levels.

Each level of the matrix will be filled from left to right and each person that joins will have to start a matrix of their own that will contribute to your earning of commissions as well.

As each part in your matrix is filled you will earn commissions from each of those filled places.

Here is the way each of the 4 matrix levels is broken down that will also include the commissions that you can earn and the prices to enter each level from $25 up to $500:

The $25 Matrix Level

The cost to join this level of the matrix is $25.

  • Level 1 pays $2 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Level 2 pays $3 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Level 3 pays $2 on level 3 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Levels 1 through 8 pay $1 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Level 9 pays $2 on level 9 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Level 10 pays $1 on level 10 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.

The $125 Matrix Level

The cost to join this level of the matrix is $125.

  • Level 1 pays $10 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Level 2 pays $15 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Level 3 pays $7 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Levels 4 and 5 pay $5 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Level 6 pays $3 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Level 7 pays $2 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Levels 8 and 9 pay $3 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Level 10 pays $2 for each active affiliate member that takes one up of these places.

The $250 Matrix Level

The cost to join this level of the matrix is $250.

  • Level 1 pays $10 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Level 2 pays $25 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Level 3 pays $10 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Levels 4 and 6 pay $8 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Levels 7 and 8 pay $7 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Levels 9 and 10 pay $8 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.

The $500 Matrix Level

The cost to join this level of the matrix is $500.

  • Level 1 pays $20 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Level 2 pays $30 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Levels 3 through 5 pay $15 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Levels 6 and 7 pay $10 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Levels 8 and 9 pay $15 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.
  • Level 10 pays $10 for each active affiliate member that takes up one of these places.

I have to admit this is a little confusing to me, Is it just me or do you think so as well?

One thing I know for sure if you don’t fill some of the matrices places you won’t get paid out any commissions for that level and that could mean you end up out of pocket.

Pro’s Of OnPassive

To be very frank I could not find a single Pro and I tried really hard to just find 1.

Con’s Of OnPassive

  • Almost 3 years and still in the pre-launch stage
  • The founder has a terribly bad record with other companies he has been involved with
  • Because there are no tangible products, it is considered to be a pyramid scheme. (illegal)
  • Not a sustainable system
  • Requires recruiting to earn any money
  • Very Expensive to be involved in and totally nothing of value to be returned that I could find.

Would I Say OnPassive Is A Scam?

The FTC considers this type of program to be a pyramid scheme which is an illegal program. With that in mind yes it does sound like a scam in my opinion!

The founder has a previous record of being in other programs of this nature that have been shut down by the authorities.

That fact alone doesn’t instill any confidence to join the opportunity.

Telexfree was considered to be the largest fraud of all time back in 2014 when it was shutdown.

A pyramid scheme solely relies upon recruitment to be sustainable if you are not experienced with recruiting then you don’t stand a chance of making any money back.

Once the recruiting grinds to a halt that is the end of the scheme.

When joining anything online I always do thorough research to make sure that it is a legitimate offer.

Funnily enough the reason for this review today was because a friend of mine on Facebook messaged me and asked me to watch a video on this program!

Until that point, I hadn’t realized it was still around.


My reply will be this review when it’s published.

My Final Thoughts On OnPassive

This program is supposed to have amazing technology that no one knows if it actually works!

It is at the end of the day just a glorified Pyramid scheme that has a totally confusing matrix structure.

In my opinion, it works in just the same way as other schemes that have already been closed down.

When programs are portrayed to you in a confusing way that is done totally on purpose to con you out of your money before you realize your mistake.

Are you aware this sort of offer could get you into serious trouble?

There are many tried and tested legitimate ways of earning money online that don’t involve recruiting anybody.


is on passive a scam

How I Work Full-Time Online Everyday

12 months ago I joined a legitimate offer to teach me how to do Affiliate Marketing and today I’m still with the program and earning money!

10 months after starting out I quit my horrible day job where I was a telemarketer and now I do a job that I love. I can literally work from anywhere with an internet connection, even on holiday.

I can start and stop anytime I like and I even get paid when I’m sleeping.

No commuting to work and sitting in traffic, I can sit in the sun on my terrace and type on my laptop it is bliss.

The Program I joined is called Wealthy Affiliate and it has been around for over 16 years, they must be doing something right!

This is not an MLM and it’s also not a pyramid scheme. It is, however, Free to join.

If you are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme then this opportunity is not for You. This takes real work to get your own business off the ground.

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Have any questions then leave them in the comments box below? I’m happy to answer them for you 🙂

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