How To Leave Money On The Table When Blogging?

Hello my fellow new bloggers, Today we are going to go through How To Leave Money On The Table? and what you can be doing instead. A lot of new bloggers make these kinds of costly mistakes, hey, I’m included when I first got going I to made a couple of these boo-boos!.

Are you aware of how many blogs are started every day? absolutely thousands, people start all enthusiastically and keep going for a few months, don’t make any money, and quit between the 3-6 months mark. I’m going to share with you some tips to make sure you don’t end up in that category.

Starting a blog is easy, writing for it is a little bit more challenging, but the most difficult part is to keep going at it full-time. If you start out by making mistakes your blog traffic will never get going. You need to get it right from the start so you don’t end up as I did and starting again after 8 months of hard graft.

So sit back with a nice cuppa and let’s see how I can help you:

This article may contain affiliate links which means I could make a small commission if you purchase anything using one of the links. The price you pay will not be affected. It helps to keep me in coffee when I’m researching and writing these posts for you. 

Start By Asking For Help

One huge step I didn’t take was asking for help, I am in a program where I’m surrounded by an amazing community of fellow bloggers, some have been around from the start (15) years, some have been there for 5/10 years. New people are joining in their droves every day of the week.

There is a live chat feature where fellow members answer any question you pose to them. There are also some classrooms where you can ask a question in the community. Then there is the search feature where you can find 15 years’ worth of videos covering tons of topics and last but not least there is site support, which answers within a few minutes.

I didn’t ask for enough help and went off on my own. Big Mistake. No matter how you are getting started there are experienced bloggers everywhere you look. They asked when they got started for help and got awesome tips and tricks and so should you.


Buying Your Own Domain

Before purchasing your own domain there are a few checks you should complete, Go onto your Social Media accounts of Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to check the name is not already taken. This is a big step because social media is going to be a part of your brand.

You can build up backlinks from the shares of your blog posts from Facebook etc. But in a way more important than that it is great for SEO purposes, Google likes it if you have Social media accounts and it also helps to build up trust with potential clients.

Make Sure To Monetize Your Blog

I see so many hobby bloggers who do it just for fun, then the day comes that they decide they actually want to earn money from it. The problem with that is the audience they have built up are not going to be too impressed and the majority of them will stop coming.

When thinking about which niche you are going to enter into, Think carefully about how you are going to make money from it.

It’s never too soon to get started. You can start by writing a few quality articles then apply to some Affiliate networks, where you can write reviews and make money when somebody purchases the product. You can find them on Google by typing in the niche subject + Affiliate.

Another way is to apply to Ad networks and get them running as soon as you can because your traffic will be low in the beginning you won’t earn much but ought is better than nought. As the traffic grows so will the revenue.

If your blog starts out monetized your follows will be used to that from the beginning and they will know what to expect.


Create Quality Content With Affiliate Links

When creating quality content you will get found by the search engines, Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others. This will bring you organic traffic. Don’t leave it hanging by not putting affiliate links in as well.

Don’t know what an affiliate link is? I’m pleased you asked. It is a link from a merchant with a special code in it that tells the merchant who made the sale. A great place to get links and sign up is Shareasale. Don’t worry it is free to sign up and they have millions of different products to offer.

The amount you get paid can range from 5% to 75% depending on the product you choose to promote. If your traffic likes what you have written then they will buy the product and you can reap the rewards from writing just one post for years to come. Neat!!


Are You Collecting E-Mail Addresses?

If you are not collecting email addresses then you are losing money.

There are so many ways to make money from your email list, share your new blog posts with the links in and you can get even more sales and shares of your quality content.

If you haven’t started an email list yet, Do It As Soon As You Have Finished Reading This. There are lots of autoresponders out there. I personally use Aweber it is free for the first 500 subscribers and it offers brilliant training on how to get it all set up. They also have a live chat feature where they will talk you through the process if you get stuck. Back to the ask for help again 🙂


Check Your Stats

I was blogging for months before I bothered to go and check them and that was a mistake. You need to check Google Analytics and your social media stats to see what content your traffic is clicking on, so you can write more of what they are looking for. By checking the stats you will make sure your blog doesn’t fail.

By leaving it and just keep writing almost randomly you are missing out big time. The traffic will grow a lot faster if you check it on a regular basis. I generally do mine every Saturday. If Google Analytics leaves you unsure, there are tutorials that you can watch to learn more.

Once This process was established I kept track using a word document and the traffic started to explode after that. Where did I learn all of this? All from one place Wealthy Affiliate My #1 Recommendation. You can even buy your own domain and build your own website in 30 seconds. I’m being deadly serious!!

Questions can be left below, Don’t be afraid to ask. Did you find value? If you did share it using the social buttons to help others.

I wish You much success with your blog!


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